Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1987 Medieval Knight Legend

At around 9:30 in the morning, at the gate of the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

It was a sunny day, with no clouds in the sky, but it was very cold, and the north wind was howling, and the cold wind rolled up the snow foam, like knives, constantly scraping people's faces, making people feel icy cold.

Even though the weather was so bad, there was still a long queue at the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum, and many people who came to visit the museum gathered, all wrapped in down jackets and coats, shivering in the cold wind.

What is different from the past is that today, among the tourists gathered at the entrance of the museum, waiting to enter the museum, there are many historians and professionals in the field of antique art collection, as well as many art critics and college students.

Among these people, there are many old friends that Ye Tian is familiar with.

In addition, there are many reporters from major news media here, one by one carrying long guns and short cannons, waiting to enter the museum.

There is only one reason why these people came to the Metropolitan Museum early in the morning in such cold weather and lined up at the museum entrance.

Just this morning, Ye Tian's personal exhibition hall at the Metropolitan Museum, namely the "King and Knight" exhibition hall, will be officially unveiled to meet the public.

This is a unique private exhibition hall in the entire United States and even in the world. The antiques and cultural relics displayed in it are also very distinctive, and almost every piece is priceless.

From the moment Ye Tian announced the establishment of this private exhibition hall, the 'King and Knight' exhibition hall has attracted countless attentions, and everyone is waiting for the completion of this exhibition hall and the unveiling of the curtain.

The day has finally arrived, and it is today.

These people gathered at the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum today want to enter the museum and the "King and Knight" exhibition hall for the first time, so as to have a sneak peek.

Perhaps it was because the weather was too cold, or someone suggested that the Metropolitan Museum, which used to open at ten o'clock in the morning, moved its opening time half an hour earlier today.

Just after nine-thirty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened its doors, allowing visitors who had been waiting outside, shivering in the cold, to enter the museum.

As the gate of the museum opened, the flow of people gathered at the gate also began to surge, and there was a burst of cheers at the scene.

At the same time, a heavy convoy traveling from the north along Fifth Avenue stopped at the edge of the plaza in front of the Met.

Seeing this convoy, there was a lot of discussion in the square in front of the museum.

"Wow! The extremely lucky guy Steven is here, and he is still high-profile as always. That is to say, the unveiling ceremony of the king and knight exhibition hall will begin soon."

"Although I don't like Steven, and his ruthless and vengeful behavior, I have to admit that this kid is indeed the most outstanding professional treasure hunter in the world today, and he has discovered countless treasures!

And this guy has great ideas, the 'Kings and Knights' exhibition hall unveiled today is really special, a private exhibition hall with a similar theme and so many top-level antiques is also the only one in the world."

Amidst the people's discussion, Ye Tian and Betty, who were wearing cashmere coats, got off the Cadillac Escalade President No. 1 bulletproof SUV, and walked towards the entrance of the museum under the guard of Matisse and the others.

see them,

The many media reporters gathered near the entrance of the museum rushed towards Ye Tian and the others like a tide, scrambling one by one.

However, they were quickly stopped by the New York police who maintained order at the scene, so they could only stand outside the cordon and ask Ye Tian loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. In the Kings and Knights Exhibition Hall, besides the knight equipment of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and the leaders of the Knights Templar, will there be other exhibits?"

"Steven, good morning. I'm a reporter from CBS TV. It is said that you brought back some antiques from London this time. Will they appear in the 'Kings and Knights' exhibition hall? Can you tell everyone?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned his head to look at the media reporters who were blocked outside the cordon, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I am very glad to meet you here and thank you very much for your attention. It is a great honor for me to attend the unveiling ceremony of the 'Knights and Kings' exhibition hall in such a cold weather.

Regarding the antiques and cultural relics displayed in the "King and Knights" exhibition hall, let me keep it a secret for the time being, and please be patient. After this private exhibition hall is officially unveiled, everyone will go in and visit to know the answer.

What I can tell you here is that all the antiques displayed in this exhibition hall are related to King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar. Each exhibit is valuable and rare in the world!

When you enter the Kings and Knights Exhibition Hall and see those antiques from the Middle Ages, you will be able to experience what real chivalry is and hear heart-stirring legends of medieval knights.

Let’s stop here, we are advanced to the museum, there is still some preparation work to be done before the opening of the King and Knight exhibition hall, see you in the exhibition hall, I hope you have a good day and enjoy the next period of time”

After speaking, Ye Tian took Betty and continued to walk towards the entrance of the museum, ignoring the media reporters who were still asking questions loudly.

Through a special passage opened by the museum's security personnel, Ye Tian and the others soon arrived at the gate of the Metropolitan Museum.

The group of them had just arrived here when Thomas, the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, came out of the museum with several high-level officials.

After meeting each other and exchanging a few polite greetings, everyone walked into the Metropolitan Museum together and disappeared from the sight of everyone outside the museum.

After entering the museum, everyone did not stay in the hall on the first floor of the museum, but went up the main stairs and went straight to the king and knight exhibition hall on the second floor.

Both Ye Tian and David are very familiar with the Metropolitan Museum, and they have been here for countless times, so naturally they don't have the heart to appreciate the scenery here.

Soon, the group of them arrived at the door of the king and knight exhibition hall.

This exhibition hall is not far from the main staircase, and it can be seen at a glance from the main staircase. It is adjacent to the entrance of the second floor of the Greek and Roman Sculpture Hall, and the location is excellent.

Different from other open exhibition halls, the entrance of this independent exhibition hall has two separate ticket gates, which is very special.

Obviously, any visitor who wants to enter this independent exhibition hall needs to buy a separate ticket or a joint ticket to enter this exhibition hall and see those antiques from the medieval period.

The income from this exhibition hall will be attributed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Intrepid Exploration Company respectively according to the signed agreement.

Moreover, most of the proceeds are owned by the Brave Man and will flow into Ye Tian's pocket, and the Metropolitan Museum can only get a small part.

In fact, what the Metropolitan Museum values ​​more is the massive popularity and huge influence brought by this independent exhibition hall. To a certain extent, it represents a steady stream of huge benefits.

Setting up the exhibition hall of "Kings and Knights" in the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a win-win thing, both for the museum and for the Fearless Exploration Company.

In addition to the excellent location, the design of this independent exhibition hall is also very distinctive and eye-catching.

The gate of the exhibition hall is a huge Maltese cross, the symbol of the Knights Templar. Visitors who come to visit here must pass under the cross to enter the exhibition hall.

Needless to ask, this Maltese cross naturally represents the Knights Templar, which is clear at a glance.

Right above this Maltese cross is inlaid with a huge emblem of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which represents the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

At the entrance of the exhibition hall, between the left and right ticket gates, stands a huge medieval crusader knight sword.

On the body of this crusader knight's sword, the words "King and Knight" are chiseled in Latin, which is the name of this independent exhibition hall.

Of course, the huge knight's sword erected at the entrance of the exhibition hall is not a real medieval weapon, but a modern handicraft, but it is extremely exquisitely made, and faintly reveals a fierce murderous aura.

The design of the gate of this exhibition hall was completely created by Ye Tian, ​​and the inspiration came from the treasure of the Knights Templar found in the abandoned castle in Larnaca, Cyprus.

Naturally, Ye Tian was very satisfied with the door of the exhibition hall in front of him, and other people who came with him were also full of praise.

Standing at the entrance of the exhibition hall and admiring it for a while, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's go and have a look inside the exhibition hall. If there is no problem, we can unveil this independent exhibition hall, and then let people come in and experience the legend of medieval knights!"

After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation, and then led Betty to take the lead to walk into this unique personal exhibition hall.

Others followed suit and followed suit, and everyone was very excited and full of anticipation!

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