Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1989 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

A quarter past ten in the morning, at the entrance of the 'King and Knight' exhibition hall.

At this time, many media reporters had already entered the Metropolitan Museum, gathered at the entrance of the "King and Knight" exhibition hall, each of them raised their guns and short cannons, and kept shooting at the entrance of this private exhibition hall.

Many historians, professionals in the field of antique art collection, as well as art critics and ordinary tourists who came to this private exhibition hall have also entered the museum and gathered around the entrance of the exhibition hall.

The number of people near the entrance of the exhibition hall has already blocked the area on the second floor of the museum.

Although he couldn't enter the exhibition hall because of a screen erected inside the door, he couldn't see the situation inside the exhibition hall, but just the door of this independent exhibition hall shocked everyone at the scene.

Especially the huge, radiant crusader knight's sword standing in the middle of the two ticket gates made everyone at the scene feel a bit chilly and secretly terrified.

People gathered at the entrance of the exhibition hall, while admiring the unique entrance of the exhibition hall, talked excitedly, and the scene was very lively.

"I'll go! Who designed this exhibition hall door? It's so thoughtful and extremely eye-catching. This is definitely the most brilliant exhibition hall door in the entire Metropolitan Museum. No one can ignore it!"

"That's right! Any visitor to the Metropolitan Museum, as long as he walks up the main staircase, it is impossible to ignore the door of the exhibition hall. Obviously, that greedy guy Steven is going to make a lot of money again."

In the midst of people's discussions, Ye Tian and the others, Thomas, the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, walked around the screen inside the door, and walked out of the exhibition hall talking and laughing.

Seeing them appear, all the tourists gathered at the door suddenly realized that the unveiling ceremony of the 'King and Knight' exhibition hall was about to begin.

While speaking, Ye Tian and Thomas and his group had already arrived at the entrance of the exhibition hall, and stood with their backs to the entrance of the exhibition hall. Two or three meters away in front of them were a large number of reporters from major news media.

At the same time, several staff members of the Metropolitan Museum also moved the two single-person podiums that had been prepared to the entrance of the exhibition hall, arranged them one on the left and one on the right, and quickly arranged the microphones.

In the blink of an eye, everything was ready.

Thomas, the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, raised his hand to look at the time, then made a gesture of invitation to Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile:

"Steven, it's almost time, please, it's time to unveil and cut the ribbon for this 'King and Knight' exhibition hall, and give everyone a huge surprise!"

"Okay, Thomas, I believe that the opening of the 'Kings and Knights' gallery will make the Met even better and better, and one of the best independent galleries in New York and the world "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded in response, then walked to the single podium on the left.

On the right side, Thomas also walked behind the podium and stood still.

When Ye Tian was in position, Thomas immediately raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Following his movements, the originally noisy entrance of the exhibition hall quickly quieted down. All media reporters and tourists were all watching Ye Tian and Thomas, looking forward to the official opening of the exhibition hall behind them.

"ladies and gentlemen,

Friends from the media, good morning, welcome to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I am Thomas, the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I am very happy to meet you here, today is a special day,..."

As soon as the noise on the scene fell, Thomas' voice came out and reached everyone's ears.

After some opening remarks, he began to introduce the origin of this "King and Knight" exhibition hall, and introduced the cooperative relationship between the Metropolitan Museum and the Bravery Exploration Company.

In addition, he also gave a brief introduction about the operation method and profit distribution method of this independent exhibition hall.

After introducing these, he raised his hand to Ye Tian and said with a smile:

"Let's ask Mr. Steven to introduce this exhibition hall, the original intention of setting up this independent exhibition hall, as well as the antiques and cultural relics displayed in the exhibition hall, as well as the exciting and exciting treasure hunting process related to it."

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly at him, then quickly scanned the audience, and then said loudly with a smile:

"As you all know, a few months ago, our Daring One Exploration Company signed a joint exploration agreement with the Vatican to jointly explore a famous treasure that has been circulating in Europe for more than 700 years, the treasure of the Knights Templar.

According to the joint exploration agreement we signed, the Vatican will determine the location where the treasure may be buried, and be responsible for coordinating the relationship between all parties and making preparations for the exploration operation. Our company will lead the exploration operation.

If we are lucky enough to discover the treasure of the Knights Templar, according to the agreement, all the long-lost Christian relics in the treasure will belong to the Vatican, and all secular property found will belong to our company."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly.

What Ye Tian said is well known and no one can deny it.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"The first stop of the joint exploration operation was the religious holy city of Jerusalem, but unfortunately, we did not find the legendary treasures of the Knights Templar in Jerusalem, only a few treasures were found in the local antique market.

Next, we went to the island of Cyprus not far away. In the late twelfth century, after the Knights Templar retreated from Jerusalem, they withdrew to Cyprus and stayed on that island for a long time.

This time we were lucky. Deep underground in a long-abandoned Gothic castle in the coastal city of Larnaca, Cyprus, we discovered an underground palace that hides part of the treasures of the Knights Templar.

In that gothic crypt, hidden deep underground, we found two Christian relics, the golden crown of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, and fragments of the legendary true cross that had been burned.

In addition to these two precious Christian relics, we have also found a large number of gold and silver treasures and valuable antique relics. According to the agreement, all these worldly properties belong to our company, which is beyond doubt.

Among these worldly possessions are many very special antiques, such as crusader swords and other equipment of successive leaders of the Knights Templar, as well as the knightly equipment of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem.

How to deal with these priceless antiques? Auction them all to major museums and top collectors all over the world? It would be a pity that it would inevitably destroy its systemicity.

With this in mind, I had a sudden idea and planned to set up an independent exhibition hall to put together these top antiques from the Middle Ages and represent the golden age of chivalry, and show them to tourists from all over the world.

Through the knight equipment of the successive leaders of the Knights Templar and King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, people can get a glimpse of the soul-stirring golden age of chivalry and understand that period of history. This is my purpose,..."

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the top-level antiques and cultural relics displayed in the exhibition hall behind him. He spoke in a high-sounding and high-level manner, just like a cultural ambassador.

While he was making an introduction, the large-screen TV erected on the side of the entrance of the exhibition hall was also simultaneously playing corresponding videos and pictures, which were very detailed.

With the broadcast of those videos and pictures, there was a small commotion at the scene immediately, and the discussions resumed.

"Wow! What a huge fortune this is. Steven is extremely lucky. God favors this guy so much that all good things fall on his head."

"This is just some of the antique relics in the treasures of the Knights Templar. There are also a lot of gold and silver treasures. God knows how much those gold and silver treasures from the Middle Ages are worth. It must be an astronomical figure that is enough to make people crazy!"

At the same time as there was a lot of discussion, everyone at the scene was envious, and some guys' eyes were red with jealousy, wishing to replace Ye Tian.

The performance of these guys was all seen by Ye Tian.

But he acted as if he hadn't seen him, still smiling and continuing his performance.

"As we all know, the Knights Templar can be regarded as the most famous representative of the golden age of knights in the Middle Ages. In this treasure, the knight equipment of the leaders of the Knights Templar is hidden.

In addition, this treasure also hides a full set of knight equipment of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, as well as other top-level antiques closely related to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

After the establishment of the Knights Templar, it quickly became an important military force to protect the Holy Land of Jerusalem, and it can even be said to be pivotal. They participated in almost all battles to defend the Holy Land.

The kings of the Kingdom of Jerusalem are the rulers of Jerusalem, leading all the Crusaders in and around Jerusalem, and the Knights Templar naturally belong to the leadership of the King of Jerusalem.

In view of this, I named this independent exhibition hall 'King and Knight', which is a more appropriate name, and the many antiques displayed in the exhibition hall can also perfectly reflect this point."

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