Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1990 Shocking Exhibition Hall

In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes have passed.

After introducing the "King and Knight" exhibition hall and answering a few questions from the media reporters on site, the unveiling ceremony of the exhibition hall finally came to an end and reached its climax.

Since it is the unveiling ribbon-cutting ceremony, it is unavoidable.

A beautiful employee of the Fearless Exploration Company and a beautiful employee of the British Museum, both dressed in costumes, pulled a red ribbon at the entrance of the "King and Knight" exhibition hall.

Another beautiful employee of the Metropolitan Museum stood beside the entrance of the exhibition hall holding two delicate scissors on a tray.

Although this ribbon-cutting ceremony was highly anticipated and attracted countless attention, Ye Tian did not invite any political figures to cut the ribbon, such as the mayor of New York or senators.

For him, it is not difficult to invite those political figures to come to cut the ribbon, and he can even invite the president of the United States.

As long as the money is in place, almost all American politicians will be very happy to come to the Metropolitan Museum to cut the ribbon, not to mention being able to make a big splash in the major media, how can they refuse.

But in this way, it is inevitable to get involved with those political figures, and even be classified as a certain camp by the news media, and be called a supporter or sponsor of a certain party.

And this is what Ye Tian tried his best to avoid.

The United States is a two-party politics with clear distinctions.

Standing on the side of one party and supporting one party will inevitably be hostile and may become the target of attack by the other party.

Due to the sensitivity of his own identity and the particularity of the industry he is engaged in, Ye Tian does not want to be divided into camps by some people with ulterior motives and become a target of attack.

As for those big and small Hollywood stars, meteor singers, and sports stars, etc., in his opinion, they are not qualified to come to cut the ribbon for this exhibition hall.

As for experts and scholars in the field of antique art collection, who can be stronger than yourself? A higher status than Thomas, the director of the Metropolitan Museum? Naturally, it is also excluded!

It was for these reasons that Ye Tiantian did not invite others to cut the ribbon for the unveiling, but cut the ribbon himself.

While the ribbon-cutting assistants were in place, Ye Tian's performance also came to the end.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, next, Mr. Thomas and I will cut the ribbon to unveil the 'King and Knight' exhibition hall, and everyone can enter and visit.

I believe that when you enter this independent exhibition hall, you will be shocked and linger, enjoy every moment in the exhibition hall, this exhibition hall will definitely leave a deep impression on you.”

"clap clap"

There was a warm applause at the scene, and everyone was applauding.

Amidst the applause, Ye Tian raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, and said loudly with a smile:

"Come on, Thomas, let's unveil this 'Kings and Knights' gallery, everyone looks eager to wait"

"Okay, Steven"

Thomas nodded in response, his face full of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them turned around and walked to the red ribbon at the entrance of the exhibition hall,

Standing in front of the two ticket gates, each picked up a pair of scissors from the tray carried by the hostess, and started cutting the ribbon.

"clap clap"

There was constant applause at the scene, and everyone was applauding for this moment.

Accompanied by warm applause and flashing lights, the red ribbon was cut by Ye Tian and Thomas at the same time, and it was broken into three pieces, which slowly fell down and landed on the floor.

After finishing the ribbon-cutting, Ye Tian and Thomas put the exquisite scissors in their respective hands back on the tray, looked at each other, and nodded slightly with a smile.

Then, the two of them took another step forward, stretched out their thumbs, and pressed the opening button of the gate of the ticket gate.

The next moment, the gates of the two ticket gates were opened, and tourists began to enter them.

At the same time, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Everyone, today is the first day of the opening of the 'Kings and Knights' exhibition hall. Everyone is free of charge. Please enter the exhibition hall in an orderly manner. Don't crowd and jostle to avoid accidents.

In order to let everyone have a better visiting experience and for safety reasons, we will limit the number of visitors entering the exhibition hall. Please understand and cooperate and enter the exhibition hall in batches.

That's all there is to say. Welcome everyone to visit the "Kings and Knights" exhibition hall, enjoy the following visit process, and experience a medieval knight legend. Please, everyone! "

After saying that, Ye Tian made a gesture of please, then stepped aside, and stood with Betty.

Thomas, who was standing in front of another ticket gate, imitated the example, also made a gesture of please, and stepped aside.

At the same time, the staff at the two ticket gates are ready, with bright smiles on their faces, ready to welcome visitors, and strictly control the number of tourists entering the exhibition hall.

The nearest few media reporters walked up first, and with the sound of "Welcome" from several staff members, they quickly passed through two ticket gates and entered this independent exhibition hall.

Behind them, other media reporters and a large number of tourists began to line up consciously, waiting to enter the exhibition hall for a visit. Everyone was full of enthusiasm and anticipation.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in everyone's ears, coming from the exhibition hall ahead.

"Oh my god! Could it be that my eyes are dazzled? How could there be such an exhibition hall? Could it be that I came to the Middle Ages? It's just incredible!"

"Wow! This scene is so spectacular, it can make your blood boil! I swear, this is definitely the most spectacular museum exhibition hall I have ever seen. How did that guy Steven come up with this?"

Hearing these almost crazy exclamations, Ye Tian and the others standing at the entrance of the exhibition hall couldn't help laughing softly, and a few guys even started to raise their arms and cheer.

And those guys who lined up at the two ticket gates and waited to enter the exhibition hall became more curious. They stretched their necks and stood on their toes, looking into the exhibition hall non-stop.

It's a pity that the screen on the inside of the entrance of the exhibition hall blocked their sight, making them unable to see the situation in the exhibition hall at all, so they could only continue to suffer.

As time went by, more and more visitors entered the 'Kings and Knights' exhibition hall.

The inside of this huge independent exhibition hall has already completely boiled, and the exclamation was endless, and it kept coming out of the exhibition hall.

Not only the "King and Knight" exhibition hall, but also the whole of New York, even the whole of the United States, and the whole world, because of the opening of this independent exhibition hall, it caused quite a stir and attracted more attention.

The media reporters who entered the exhibition hall immediately raised their guns and short cannons after being shocked, and began to take pictures of the situation in the exhibition hall and the top antique cultural relics displayed in the exhibition hall.

Immediately afterwards, they posted these videos and photos to their respective news media in order to attract people's attention and increase the click-through rate of their respective media websites.

Those visitors who followed closely were not far behind.

After some amazement, they all took out their mobile phones and started shooting, and spread the pictures they took through social media, and quickly spread all over the world.

When people from the outside world saw these videos and pictures, they couldn't help being shocked by them, their eyes were straightened, and they all shouted incredulously.

But it is an indisputable fact that it is happening in New York.

Many people who wake up have made a decision in the blink of an eye.

As long as you travel to New York by yourself, you must visit this "King and Knight" exhibition hall to experience the soul-stirring legend of medieval knights.

Among them, some impatient guys have even started to book plane tickets, and are ready to leave for New York immediately to have a good eye addiction.

It didn't take long for the number of visitors to enter the 'King and Knight' exhibition hall to reach the limit.

After confirming this point, the staff guarding the ticket gate immediately closed the gate and no longer let people into the exhibition hall.

Those tourists who are still queuing at the entrance of the exhibition hall can only stop and wait patiently for the gate of the ticket gate to open again before entering the exhibition hall.

Seeing that the situation at the entrance of the exhibition hall was relatively stable, Ye Tian and Thomas, who were standing chatting together, couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and their hearts dropped.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said in a low voice with a smile on his face:

"It's all right here, Thomas, let's go to the meeting room and talk about the art transaction. I wonder if you are going to take out those Chinese artworks in exchange for those top-level antiques in my hand? I'm curious!"

"Don't worry, Steven, the Chinese antique artwork we brought out will definitely impress you guy, who doesn't know, it's not the top Chinese antique artwork, it won't catch your eye at all!"

Thomas whispered with a wry smile, but his eyes were full of expectation.

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