Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1991 Looting of the Metropolitan Museum

In the king and knight exhibition hall, there were crowds of people everywhere, and exclamations kept ringing out one after another, and the scene was extremely lively.

Many tourists in the exhibition hall are wandering in this unique exhibition hall, admiring the antique cultural relics displayed in the display cabinets or on the booth, and feeling the soul-stirring legends of medieval knights.

And in a medium-sized conference room in the office area of ​​the Metropolitan Museum of Art, negotiations on the art transaction between Daring One and the Metropolitan Museum of Art have also entered a climax.

In the bargaining and quarreling between you and me again and again, the air in this medium-sized conference room was already filled with a choking smell of gunpowder.

"I'm very sorry, gentlemen, I can't accept your conditions. To be honest, I don't have a few of the Chinese antique artworks that you put out for trade.

It is undeniable that those Chinese antique works of art are indeed valuable and have a certain historical research value, but they are not enough to exchange for the medieval antiques in my hands.

If you want to exchange those treasures in my hands to make up for the shortcomings of the Metropolitan Museum in the collection of European medieval antiques, you should show more sincerity."

Ye Tian shook his head slightly with a smile on his face, looked at the high-level executives of the Metropolitan Museum opposite and said, his eyes were full of disdain and there was no concealment.

Hearing his words and seeing his expression, the complexions of all the high-level members of the Metropolitan Museum changed, and their teeth itched with hatred.

Suppressing the anger in his heart a little bit, Thomas continued:

"Steven, everyone knows that you are extremely greedy, and you never let go of any opportunity to frantically loot your negotiating opponent. It seems that if we want to reach a deal today, we will definitely be slaughtered by you.

The transaction terms of our Metropolitan Museum have been put on the table. Obviously, you are not satisfied. In this case, tell me about your transaction terms. What do you want to get, we are all ears! "

Ye Tianchong nodded lightly to his old friend, smiled calmly and said:

"Okay, Thomas, let's talk about my terms of the deal, if you want the Metropolitan Museum to make this art deal, there are two Chinese antiques that must be included.

Your Metropolitan Museum has some paintings and scriptures from the Dunhuang scripture cave. Although the number is not very large, many scriptures can be regarded as fine works and are of great research value.

There is also the representative work of Han Gan, a famous painter in the Tang Dynasty, "Zhao Ye Bai Tu", which is one of the pinnacle works of ancient Chinese painting art, with extremely high artistic value, not to mention the market value.

All Dunhuang scriptures and "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" must be included in the transaction. Without them, there is no need to discuss this art transaction. For them, I am determined to win!

In fact, I would rather have the priceless treasure from Guangsheng Temple in Hongdong County, Shaanxi Province, the mural of "The Medicine Master's Sutra", but the mural is too fragile to withstand the toss, so I can only give up.

In addition, there are bronze bans with Kui patterns from the Western Zhou Dynasty, a bronze bell from the Qin Dynasty from the Warring States Period, a gold-plated dragon head from the Eastern Han Dynasty, four painted pagodas from the Northern Qi Dynasty, a gilt bronze Maitreya Buddha statue from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and two three-color Arhat statues from the Liao Dynasty.

There are also "Picture of Bamboo and Birds" by Zhao Ji of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, "Poetry in a Boat in the Wujiang River" by Mi Fu of the Northern Song Dynasty, "Picture of Jin Wengong Restoring the Country" by Li Tang of the Southern Song Dynasty, and "Picture of the Fields in the Autumn Forest" by Ni Zan of the Yuan Dynasty.


Before Ye Tian finished talking about his trading conditions, the high-level executives of the Metropolitan Museum on the opposite side were completely blown up, all of them stared angrily, wishing they could just jump over and beat Ye Tian up.

"This is absolutely impossible! Steven, you are such a greedy bastard, I figured it out, you guys are going to loot all the top Chinese antique art collections in our museum!

In the several art transactions between us before, you have exchanged many top-level Chinese antique art from our museum, and now you are going to eat more, it is too greedy!

Each of the Chinese antique works of art you listed is top-notch. If you agree to your transaction terms, half of the sky in the Asian art department of our museum will collapse.”

Thomas widened his eyes and said loudly, jumping up from his seat as if getting an electric shock.

When he said these words, his tone was extremely firm, his face was flushed, and his eyes were full of anger. He probably had the heart to eat Ye Tian raw.

On the contrary, Ye Tian still had a bright smile on his face, calm and unhurried.

He raised his hands and pressed down gently, then smiled and said:

"Don't be impatient, Thomas, you don't have to talk to death, ask for a price, and pay back the money! We can discuss the specific terms of the transaction. We are negotiating, right? I didn't force you to exchange with a gun.

Put aside the top Chinese antiques that I want, let's not discuss them for the time being, you may wish to listen, I will exchange those antiques with you, and then make a decision.

In the Templar treasure in Larnaca, we found many priceless sculptures, such as the statue of Hugo de Paying, the founder of the Knights Templar, and the statue of Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem.

In addition, there are statues of the founder of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, "Godfrey of Bouillon", statues of the Virgin Mary, statues of St. John, statues of the Pieta, etc., and every sculpture in the treasure is priceless.

Except for the few statues displayed in the "Kings and Knights" exhibition hall, I can take out the rest of the statues for trading. They all come from the holy city of Jerusalem, and you all know their special significance.

In addition, those gold altars, crucifixes, gold chalices, reliquaries, etc., and other religious objects found in the two Templar treasures, I can trade them.

These religious items all come from the holy land of Jerusalem, most likely from the cathedrals in Jerusalem, with extremely special significance, and behind each religious item lies a bloody history."

Unsurprisingly, the eyes of those high-level members of the Metropolitan Museum on the opposite side quickly lit up, and the light of greed flickered in everyone's eyes.

They certainly understood the special significance and enormous value of the antiquities and religious objects from the Templar treasures.

Those antique relics and religious items all come from the holy city of Jerusalem, and it was Jerusalem under the control of Christianity in the Middle Ages. The significance is really special.

Compared with other similar medieval antiques and religious items, they are so far behind that they cannot even be compared together!

It will definitely be a huge gain for the Metropolitan Museum if it can be exchanged for those antiques and religious items from the Holy Land of Jerusalem!

But can this art deal really work out?

You know, the one sitting opposite is Steven, an extremely greedy and ruthless bastard!

If this art deal is concluded, the Metropolitan Museum will definitely be ransacked by that bastard, and the loss will be huge!

Thinking of this, all the high-level executives of the Metropolitan Museum couldn't help but fell into a dilemma, and it was difficult to make a choice.

Ye Tian saw all of their performance.

He suddenly became more confident about taking care of these guys and taking down those target top Chinese antique artworks.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As far as I know, not many of the so-called medieval antiques and religious sacrificial objects collected and displayed in the branch of the Metropolitan Museum and the monastery are really from the Middle Ages.

If this art deal is concluded, the so-called medieval antiques and religious items displayed in the monastery can be completely removed and replaced by these antiques that really come from the holy land of Jerusalem.

At that time, the strength of the monastery will be greatly improved. When holding medieval concerts every day, you don't have to feel guilty. You can be confident and show those medieval antiques generously.

The Metropolitan Museum's own shortcomings can also be made up for. Once the deal is concluded, the Metropolitan Museum will be no less than any other famous museum in terms of collection and research of medieval antiques.

Of course, you are completely free to refuse this art deal, this is your right, in that case, I can only find another trade partner, such as the Freer Museum of Art in Washington, they have contacted me”

After finishing speaking, he looked at these high-level officials of the Metropolitan Museum with a smile on his face, waiting for them to make a decision.

The eyes of Thomas and others became brighter, like searchlights, but they did not make a decision immediately, but fell silent and began to weigh and think.

And the dean of the monastery sitting next to Thomas, his eyes were already reddened by Ye Tian's words, how could he sit still!

After a moment of silence, the guy stood up abruptly, stared at Ye Tian closely and said:

"Steven, these trading conditions you proposed, we need to discuss them in private before we can make a decision, you sit here for a while, we will be back soon"

After finishing speaking, before Ye Tian could give a response, this guy leaned over and whispered something in Thomas' ear, with an excited expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Thomas stood up, took the other museum executives out of this meeting room, and went to another meeting room next to them to discuss.

When these guys left the conference room, David immediately said with a low smile:

"It seems to be a joke! Steven, you guys are going to make a fortune again. The Metropolitan Museum cannot escape the fate of being ransacked by you, just like the British Museum before."


There was laughter in the conference room, Betty and Jason all laughed.

Ten minutes later, Thomas returned to this medium-sized conference room with all the high-level executives of the Metropolitan Museum. Everyone had different expressions, happy and worried.

Next, the negotiation continued, and there was another round of verbal confrontation, but the future was bright!

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