Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1992 Friends from Europe

After several rounds of talks and haggling over and over again over two days, Intrepid Exploration and the Metropolitan Museum finally reached an agreement.

Ye Tian got all the Dunhuang scriptures in the Metropolitan Museum as he wished, as well as the priceless treasure, the outstanding representative work of the famous Tang Dynasty painter Han Gan, "Zhao Ye Bai Tu", and some other top Chinese antique works of art.

Of course, not everything went as he wished.

Some of the top Chinese antique works of art that he had brought into his vision and were about to collect in his pocket ended up missing him and staying in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

For example, top antique works of art such as the priceless bronze ban with Kui patterns in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the "Jin Wen Gong Restoring the Country" by the famous painter Li Tang in the Southern Song Dynasty have all been replaced by other antique works of art.

Even so, his harvest was quite rich, which can be called a bumper harvest. The Metropolitan Museum, like the British Museum and the Louvre before it, was slaughtered by him.

What he paid for were medieval antiques and religious items from the Templar treasure.

In fact, due to the special significance and strong religious overtones of those things, he never planned to keep them in his own hands, and it was impossible to display those things in his private exhibition hall and museum.

In other words, those special antique cultural relics and religious items will be traded by him sooner or later, and the sooner the trading time, the better, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and there are many people staring at those things.

It is undoubtedly the best choice to trade them out in exchange for those top Chinese antique artworks that have been lost overseas for a long time, so that their value can be maximized.

The other side of the deal, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, naturally got what it wanted.

They exchanged for a large number of top-notch antiques and religious objects from the Middle Ages and from the Holy Land of Jerusalem, which are the coveted treasures of the Metropolitan Museum.

After this transaction, the Metropolitan Museum has successfully made up for the shortcomings in the collection and research of European medieval antiques, and its comprehensive strength has improved a lot and has become more diversified.

Especially the branch of the Metropolitan Museum, the Abbey, which is located in Ford Trion Park, can be called a shotgun exchange.

In the future, the medieval concert performances they will hold every day will definitely attract more attention, and the medieval antique artworks displayed in the exhibition hall will also attract more tourists to visit.

After reaching an agreement, the legal teams of both parties quickly drew up the transaction contract.

In the afternoon of the same day, Intrepid Exploration Company and the Metropolitan Museum of Art held a joint press conference in a large conference room of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

At this joint press conference, Ye Tian and Thomas officially announced this heavyweight artwork transaction on behalf of both parties to the transaction.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them signed their respective names on the art transaction contract, forming a legally binding document.

Unsurprisingly, the final decision of this heavyweight art transaction has caused a huge sensation in the field of antique art collections all over the world.

This is especially true in New York. The whole city is sensational, and everyone is shocked.

Not to mention China, the first time I received the news,

The field of domestic antique art collection is full of jubilation, more lively than the New Year.

In New York, within ten minutes after Ye Tian signed his name on the art transaction contract, he received a confirmation call from Mr. Shan, followed by Ma Ye, the curator of the National Museum, and others.

Without exception, these big names in the field of domestic antique art collections seem to be a little bit unable to believe their ears, wondering if they heard it wrong, this is just fake news!

For them, this period of time was like a dream, and the happiness came too violently, one after another, making people unable to guard against it!

On the phone, Ye Tian told the old men with certainty that this heavyweight art transaction was indeed true, and that he had indeed traded many top Chinese antique art from the Metropolitan Museum.

Moreover, the execution of the art transaction contract has already begun, and the exchange of antique art between the two parties has begun!

Hearing his words, those old men were stunned for a moment, and then cheered, all of them were ecstatic with excitement, like children!

Of course, in the United States and in New York, there are still many noises.

Many people think that the Metropolitan Museum suffered a great loss and was ransacked by Ye Tian crazily, just like those cultural institutions in Britain and France that he looted not long ago.

This is already the inherent impression of people. As long as Ye Tian participates in the art transaction, people will instinctively think that the other party of the transaction must be ransacked and brutally slaughtered!

Ye Tian is too lazy to respond to these boring noises of foxes talking about sour grapes, who can bite me?

But the Metropolitan Museum can't be so free and easy. On the official website of the museum, they specially explained and compared the antique artworks that the two parties brought out for trade.

From the perspective of market value, this art transaction is undoubtedly very fair, no one suffers a loss, and naturally it cannot be said that anyone is taking advantage.

Because of the different positions held, people's views are not the same.

In New York, and in the eyes of most people in the United States, the Metropolitan Museum seems to be the one taking advantage.

Those antique relics and religious items from the Middle Ages and from the holy land of Jerusalem are obviously recognized by more people, and people recognize their value more.

Relocating is another matter!

In China, in the eyes of the Chinese, Ye Tian undoubtedly ransacked the Metropolitan Museum.

The top Chinese antique artworks he exchanged for, which had been lost overseas for a long time, were obviously more valuable, symbolizing the splendid Chinese civilization.

The Metropolitan Museum's explanation shows that most of the noise has been successfully silenced, and although there are some residues, they are no longer relevant.

After the joint press conference, the two parties began to perform the contract and execute the transaction.

When he left the Metropolitan Museum that afternoon, Ye Tian took away several top Chinese antique works of art, which were several bronze wares, each of which was a national treasure.

Immediately afterwards, he stored those priceless treasures in the underground vault of Sotheby's auction house, and brought them back to China when he returned home.

What the Metropolitan Museum got was a batch of special religious items.

Among them are gold crosses, chalices, gold candlesticks, gilt icons and more, each from the treasures of the Knights Templar, from the Holy Land of Jerusalem.

After receiving these special religious items, the Metropolitan Museum immediately organized top experts in the identification of antique works of art to identify these religious items one by one and use modern detection technology to determine the age!

Needless to say, there was not a single fake, and each of these religious objects had special significance and was of great value!

Next, the dean of the monastery, branch of the Metropolitan Museum, happily took these religious items back, replacing the previous ones that were just fake stuff!

When the new day comes, the large-scale art transaction between the fearless exploration company and the Metropolitan Museum really kicked off.

After breakfast in the morning, many media reporters who had just walked out of the gate of the apartment building, who had been waiting outside for a long time, rushed up like a tide, trying to interview Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was too lazy to respond to these media reporters, he and Betty got into the car straight away, and under the protection of Mathis and the others, they went straight to the company in Rockefeller Center.

Their convoy had just driven onto Fifth Avenue, and before they had driven far, Mattis' voice came through the invisible headset.

"Steven, behind our convoy, in addition to the police vehicles and the vehicles of many news media, there are also some social vehicles of unknown origin, and there are many guys sitting in those vehicles.

According to Cole and Kenny's identification through the video, there are several familiar faces who have followed you in France and the UK, some from the Mafia, and some from certain religious organizations.

Not only are there more tails in the back, but Central Park is also very lively today. Although the weather is cold, there are many people exercising in Central Park, and many of them are near the Metropolitan Museum.”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Notify the guys, let everyone be alert and ready to fight at any time. These guys are obviously coming with bad intentions. When they were in Europe, due to the heavy security, they didn't find a chance to rob.

What people didn't expect was that these guys actually came to New York. They really have a bit of perseverance. Unfortunately, they used the wrong place. They had better not act rashly, or they will go to hell! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform the guys to be vigilant and prepare accordingly. Do you need to notify the New York police? Let the New York police treat these friends from Europe!"

"Of course we have to notify the police and let the New York police do their best. Otherwise, the huge donations I gave to the police will be in vain. But it's not the time yet. When the time is right, I will tell you."

While speaking, Ye Tian and his heavy convoy roared past the gate of the Metropolitan Museum and headed straight for Midtown Manhattan.

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