Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1993 Police Thugs

Near nine o'clock, Ye Tian's convoy arrived at the Rockefeller Center Square without any trouble.

Those friends from Europe who were following behind the convoy, and some other guys with ulterior motives, did not launch an attack, but immediately started to rob.

If they do it now, they won't be able to grab anything, they will only expose their whereabouts.

Those guys are waiting, waiting for Ye Tian and the others to go to the vaults all over New York City to bring out the top-level antiques for trading.

At that time, it is the best time to really do it.

Or wait for Ye Tian and the others to rush to the Metropolitan Museum with a large number of antiques and prepare to trade them. Maybe they can kill two birds with one stone and grab many top-level Chinese antiques.

With the arrival of the convoy, the protesting crowd gathered in the Rockefeller Center Plaza suddenly seemed to be beaten with chicken blood. They all shouted at the top of their voices, chanted various protest slogans, or carried out personal attacks!

At the same time, these guys are also desperately waving the placards, banners, and various flags in their hands, working very hard to attract more attention.

All of a sudden, the entire Rockefeller Center Plaza was filled with excitement and became extremely lively.

However, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to these guys who were full and had nothing to do. The motorcade didn't stop at all, and went directly to the side street and drove into the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building.

Ten minutes later, a group of them entered the company and started a new day's work.

There is only one focus of today's work, and that is the art transaction with the Metropolitan Museum, and all work will revolve around this matter.

Just after half past nine, David and his legal team arrived at the company.

Immediately afterwards, Jason knocked on the door and walked into the office.

"Steven, the escort convoy has arrived. There are a total of five armored escort vehicles and a dozen escort vehicles on the side of the roadside of the Rockefeller Center Plaza.

In charge of protecting the armored escort convoy, in addition to our own buddies, there are also a large number of security personnel from Raytheon Security Company, everyone is fully armed.

Those guys from Raytheon, everyone has worked with us before, and most of them have participated in a series of previous treasure exploration operations, so they are trustworthy.

In addition, we have notified the New York police and asked them to provide assistance and protection. The New York police have also agreed and sent a large number of police officers to cooperate with us.

Our company's employees are also ready, with all kinds of equipment and clothing, ready to go, and can leave the company at any time to go to the Metropolitan Museum."

Jason informed about the preparations, and everything went very smoothly.

After listening to the report, Ye Tian first raised his hand to check the time, then smiled and said:

"Okay, let's go. According to the original plan, Jason, you and Betty will take some company employees directly to the Metropolitan Museum. We will go to the various vaults to extract those medieval antiques and religious items."

"No problem, Steven, see you at the Met"

Jason nodded in response, then turned around and left the office to get busy.

A few minutes later,

Jason and Betty left the company with 20 or 30 company employees, and went straight to the Metropolitan Museum under the protection of seven or eight security personnel including Cole.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian left the company with more than 20 company employees and David's lawyer team, planning to go to several vaults to pick up the goods.

Soon, the group of them came to the underground garage of the building, got in the car and set off.

When Ye Tian and his convoy drove out of the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center Building, the escort and escort convoy waiting outside immediately followed, forming a huge convoy together.

In addition, Ye Tian's two medium-sized helicopters roared from the sky, appeared above the convoy, and followed the convoy.

The escort vehicles sent by the New York police also quickly followed up and dispersed before and after the convoy to protect the huge convoy.

Of course, vehicles from major news media, as well as social vehicles of unknown origin, still follow behind the convoy like a shadow.

When the convoy drove onto Fifth Avenue again, Ye Tian immediately said through the invisible earphone:

"Matisse, inform the guys, let's go to the underground vault of the Sotheby's auction house, first get the medieval antiques and religious objects stored there, and then go to other vaults.

Now it's time to notify the NYPD to deal with the guys behind the convoy and around the Met and send all the photos and videos of those guys to the police.

If the police can't deal with those guys, or if someone slips through the net, let's take action again, and dare to attack Lao Tzu's idea, we are really looking for a dead end, either die or go to jail!

Remember to remind the New York police that since those guys dared to chase me all the way from Europe to New York and plan to rob me, they must be strong, so don’t underestimate those guys.”

"Okay, Steven, I will notify the New York police right away, and I will also identify those guys. Once the New York police find out that 'our business' has entered New York, they must be crazy!

No need to think about it, after receiving the news, the New York police will definitely launch a full-scale siege, and I am afraid that none of those guys will be able to escape, and there will be a series of wonderful shows in the future."

Mattis responded, somewhat gloating.

Next, Mattis picked up the walkie-talkie to notify each vehicle in the convoy, telling everyone the first destination of the convoy, and then called the New York police to dig holes for those friends from Europe.

In the car of the Paramount Predator, Ye Tian was also on the phone, contacting Sotheby's Auction House to get the other party ready.

During this period, the convoy was still driving fast on the streets of Manhattan, roaring through the streets, and headed straight for Sotheby's auction house.

Every street the convoy passed caused commotions, big or small. Everyone on the street paid attention to the huge convoy and talked about it.

"It's Steven's bastard's convoy. There must be a lot of priceless antiques in those armored escort vehicles. It would be great if you could give me one!"

"Steven just signed the shocking art transaction contract with the Metropolitan Museum yesterday, no need to ask, he must have brought someone to pick up the goods, and then traded with the Metropolitan Museum"

Just when people were talking and envious, in the office building where the New York Police Department is located, the angry roar of the New York Police Chief resounded.

"Fuck U! Steven, you are really a god of plague. You actually brought those mafia scumbags from 'Our Cause' to New York. You still think there are not enough scumbags in New York! You still think New York Not messy enough?"

After swearing wildly at the top of his throat, the New York police chief immediately said in a stern tone:

"Continue to inform and round up the 'our cause' mafia scumbags with all our strength, and none of them will be spared. They must not be allowed to stay in the United States, stay in New York, let alone take root in New York.

As soon as the operation begins, warn the Mafia in New York and New Jersey, Philadelphia, and all surrounding cities, and all other gangs, to stay away from those Italian Mafia scum.

If anyone dares to take in the mafia scum of 'our cause', then don't blame me for being cruel! This is New York, not damn Sicily, don't let those scumbags in.

We must get rid of those mafia scumbags, if that bastard Steven is allowed to take action, New York will definitely be turned into a battlefield by those bastards. "

"Understood, boss, we will arrange a roundup operation now"

Amidst the roaring response, the New York police have quickly launched operations.

While speaking, the convoy has already driven to the street where Sotheby's auction house is located, passed the next intersection, and then drove a certain distance before arriving at the destination.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, the New York police have launched a siege operation. The police asked us to cooperate, but try not to engage in firefights with the other party or participate in the exchange of fire. Everything is left to the police."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Okay, let's cooperate with the New York police. How to cooperate is up to you to direct and coordinate. As long as those guys behind don't take the initiative to attack us, we don't need to fight with them."

"Understood, Steven, leave these things to me"

Mattis responded, and immediately took action.

As soon as the voice fell, the green light at the intersection ahead was already on, and the convoy started up again immediately, and began to pass through the intersection ahead.

When the convoy was about to completely pass the intersection, and the other vehicles following had passed the intersection more than 100 meters behind, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Guys, stop! All vehicles stop and hold down other vehicles that are following. All security personnel are ready to fight at any time!"


In the midst of a loud response, this huge convoy stopped immediately and blocked the entire street!

The following police cars, the vehicles of many news media, and those vehicles of unknown origin also had to stop, and they all stopped on a section of the street between the two intersections.

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