Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1994 Catch a Turtle in an Urn

Just as the convoy came to a stop, seven or eight New York police cars roared over, directly blocking the intersection more than 100 meters behind the convoy.

Immediately afterwards, a group of New York special police officers wearing Kevlar body armor and armed with assault rifles and shotguns quickly jumped out of those police cars.

At the same time, the New York policemen who followed Ye Tian and the others had also received an action order.

They opened the car door and got out of the car, drew their pistols or raised their assault rifles, then lowered their waists, and with the cover of the vehicles behind, they quickly approached the vehicles of unknown origin behind them.

Seeing this scene, as long as you are not a fool, you can understand what is going on.

"Damn it, we were discovered by that bastard Steven, and that bastard notified the New York police to let the police deal with us, it's so cunning!"

"What should we do? Boss, why don't we fight those idiot policemen and get out from here?"

In the rear of the vehicles of unknown origin, there was a sound of curses, and everyone was extremely angry and panicked.

At this time, the street was completely chaotic.

Suffering from the threat of terrorist attacks, the New Yorkers who had already been terrified, saw the actions of those New York policemen, and looked at Ye Tian's convoy, but they still didn't know what was going on.

They reacted very quickly, and immediately began to rush into the shops, restaurants, cafes, or shopping malls and office buildings on the street, as well as any place where they could hide, for safety.

In the blink of an eye, this street was full of people fleeing and running wildly, screaming in terror one after another, resounding through the entire street.

While the people were fleeing desperately, each one of them was itching their teeth with hatred, cursing crazily and non-stop.

"Fake! Steven, the damn bastard, is going to fight with others again. If I had known this, I shouldn't have come to see this excitement at all. It's so unlucky!"

"I knew that no matter where the bastard Steven goes, there will be constant disturbances, and fierce conflicts may break out at any time. He is really a plague god."

This is ordinary people on the streets, and tourists from all over the world.

They all regretted that they didn't stay away from here as soon as they saw Ye Tian's motorcade. As a result, they put themselves in danger, and now they can only pray for God's blessing.

Different from them, the many media reporters who followed Ye Tian felt terrified, but also excited.

As expected of a well-known headline maker! Sure enough, love the bastard Steven, and made another headline for everyone!

Without exception, these media reporters all lay down in or beside their cars, while evading, they did not forget to raise their cameras and video cameras to film the situation on the street.

Especially those vehicles of unknown origin behind them were the focus of their attention.

"Listen, people in the car in front, you are surrounded, there is nowhere to escape, get out of the car with your hands up, put your hands on the roof of the car, and accept the inspection, don't make any extra moves, or you will bear the consequences!"

The stern warning of the New York police finally sounded,

It resounded through the whole street.

At the same time as the stern warning came out, Ye Tian's convoy started up again and quickly passed the intersection ahead.

Immediately afterwards, another seven or eight police cars roared in, braked urgently, staggered to a stop on the street, and completely sealed off the intersection in front of them.

After driving through the intersection, Ye Tian and his team did not stop any longer, and sped straight ahead.

In the blink of an eye, the convoy had arrived in front of the Sotheby's auction house building.

Immediately afterwards, this huge convoy split into two, and Ye Tian and the others took five armored escort vehicles and drove directly into the underground garage of Sotheby's Auction House.

The other dozen or so vehicles full of armed security personnel remained on the street, guarding the area at the entrance of the Sotheby's auction house building and the entrance to the underground garage.

And in Central Park a few kilometers away, and in the area around the Metropolitan Museum, a large number of New York policemen also gathered from all directions, and began to follow the map to arrest those guys of unknown origin.

Those New York policemen who rushed out of the police cars were all fully armed, and everyone had photos of the suspects in their mobile phones, and they could arrest people based on the photos.

The person who provided the photos to the New York police was naturally Ye Tian.

To be precise, it should be the eyeliner he sprinkled in Central Park and around the Metropolitan Museum in advance.

All the photos they took were real-time photos, and they had all been confirmed by Kenny and the others, so it was impossible to make mistakes.

Like the previous street in lower Manhattan, the area around Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum quickly became chaotic.

As far as the eye can see, in the park and on the streets, there are people running and screaming everywhere, and heavily armed New York policemen are chasing suspects frantically.


The gunshot finally rang out, coming from a forest in Central Park.

With the sound of the gunshot, this wonderful and extraordinary chase scene reached its climax.

Immediately afterwards, gunshots rang out one after another on Fifth Avenue in front of the Metropolitan Museum, and on the street in lower Manhattan.

Amid the successive gunshots, the whole of Manhattan was in chaos, and everyone was terrified.

But the instigator of all this, Ye Tian, ​​brought David and the others into the building of Sotheby's auction house, and was on his way to the underground vault.

At this moment, Matisse's voice came from the earphone again.

"Steven, those 'our cause' Italian mafia scumbags on the street had a fight with the New York police, two of them were knocked down by the special police, and they were shot directly into a sieve, and the police also suffered casualties.

The exchange of fire between the two sides was very short. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through, the remaining mafia scum immediately disarmed and surrendered. It was quite wise, otherwise they would all die in New York.

There was also a shootout in Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum. The shootout near the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum has ended. The New York police have caught a lot of idiots, those friends from Europe.

But the fighting in Central Park is still going on, and there are still gunshots coming from the park. The New York police are chasing those fleeing guys all over the park. The specific situation is temporarily unknown.

People from the Priory of the Sacrificial Mount, the Armenian Church, and several other religious organizations are very sensible. They saw that a large number of New York policemen had surrounded themselves, and immediately surrendered.”

After listening to the report, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"This is their own way of killing themselves. They can't blame anyone. Let the guys continue to stay alert and be ready to fight at any time to prevent accidents from happening. What if someone slips through the net!

You continue to keep in touch with the New York police to learn about the latest arrests, and carefully check with the information we have to see who has escaped the police."

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

As soon as his words fell, the manager of Sotheby's auction house who accompanied Ye Tian and the others to the underground vault said with emotion:

"Steven, you guys are really scary, you are so impeccable, those idiots outside who are being hunted down by the New York police are absolutely blind, they actually messed with you"

While saying these words, fear flashed in the depths of Sotheby's manager's eyes.

While speaking, the group of them had arrived at the entrance of the underground vault, and after going through several strict security check procedures, they walked into this heavily guarded underground vault together.

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

Ye Tian and the others finally drove out of the underground garage of Sotheby's Auction House with five armored escort vehicles and came to the street outside.

At this time, the gunshots on the street outside had disappeared, but the atmosphere was still very tense, and New York police and special police officers with live ammunition and high alert could be seen everywhere.

The people on this street, the vehicles passing by, and the people in the buildings on both sides of the street are still in shock and cautious.

Especially when people saw that Paramount Predator reappearing and crashing into the street, everyone felt a sudden panic and fear, fearing that the battle would break out again and involve themselves in it.

Fortunately, the gunshots did not ring out again.

Steven's bastard's convoy didn't stay on the street either. After coming out of the underground garage of Sotheby's Auction House, they immediately left the street and sped towards Wall Street.

It wasn't until the huge convoy walked away and disappeared from sight that the people on this street let out a sigh of relief. The heart hanging high in their throats was finally put back into their stomachs.

They were relieved, but the worried people were replaced by a group of people.

In just ten minutes, Ye Tian and his team arrived at Wall Street and slowly drove into this famous street.

With the arrival of the convoy, the atmosphere on the streets of Wall Street suddenly became tense, and a choking smell of gunpowder quickly permeated the entire street.

All the New York police officers on duty on the street were staring closely at the convoy and the situation on the street as if they were facing an enemy, with expressions of high tension!

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