Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1995 Complete the transaction

At around 2:30 in the afternoon, Ye Tian and his convoy just arrived at the Metropolitan Museum.

At this time, the Metropolitan Museum and the surrounding area are still heavily guarded and the atmosphere is tense. New York police officers with live ammunition, fully armed and on high alert can be seen everywhere.

As soon as Ye Tian and his convoy arrived, they stopped on the side of Fifth Avenue in front of the museum. The New York police immediately blocked the north-south road of Fifth Avenue and the opposite street, and put up a cordon.

At the same time, Mattis got out of the car with many heavily armed security personnel, arranged a line of defense around the convoy, and watched the surrounding situation vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, Thomas, the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, came out with several museum executives and a large number of security personnel, accompanied by Jason and Cole.

When they approached, Ye Tian and David got off the car and landed on the square in front of the Metropolitan Museum.

"Good afternoon, Steven, you're here. The shootout near our museum this morning and the series of shootouts in Central Park and lower Manhattan are all related to you, right?"

Before he could stand firm, Thomas asked in a low voice impatiently, his eyes full of worry.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"Good afternoon, Thomas, you guessed right, the series of shootouts that took place in Manhattan this morning are indeed related to us, the reason why I didn't tell you when I called this morning was because I was afraid that you would be worried.

When we explored the treasures of the Knights Templar in Europe before, those guys had been following the joint exploration team, waiting for an opportunity, but unfortunately they never found a suitable opportunity to rob.

When we returned to New York, who would have imagined that those guys were still ruthless, chasing thousands of miles to New York, trying to loot the gold and silver treasures and top-level antiques from the treasure of the Knights Templar.

When we left the company in the morning, we found the traces of those guys, and immediately notified the New York police to let the police come out to deal with those guys, so there was a series of shootouts later.

The performance of the New York police is not bad, they have basically caught those guys in one go, even if there are fish that slip through the net, there will be no trouble, and it will not affect the art transaction between us."

Hearing his words, Thomas couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said in a low voice:

"To make a deal with you guy, not only will you be slaughtered, but you will also have to worry about being involved in great danger all the time, the risk is too great.

Who are those idiots from Europe? They actually want to rob you, a cunning guy. I don't know what they are thinking. "

"Don't worry, Thomas, those idiots are all coming for me, and I'm confident enough to kill those guys neatly without putting you in danger.

As for who those guys are, you don’t need to know, this is better, lest you know the identities of those guys, and cause unnecessary troubles instead.”

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head and said, his words were full of confidence.

"Okay then, I won't ask so many questions, so as not to trouble myself; let's get down to business, these armored escort vehicles must be filled with antiques and religious items from the Knights Templar, right?

The Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books that our museum trades,

Betty and the others have all been counted, and there is nothing missing. Now you can confirm it yourself, and then you can seal the box!

According to your request, the priceless Chinese calligraphy and paintings such as "The Picture of the Night" and "The Picture of Bamboo and Birds" have been withdrawn from the exhibition hall, and you can personally conduct the appraisal to confirm their authenticity."

"That's right, Thomas, these armored escort vehicles are loaded with those antique relics and religious items from the treasures of the Knights Templar that were used for this transaction, each of which is of great value and special significance.

You can start moving now, our company’s employees will cooperate and move these treasures into the Metropolitan Museum together, and after you have finished counting and signed for confirmation, these treasures will belong to you.”

"Great, Steven, let's get started. To be honest, I can't wait to put those top-notch antiques and religious objects from the Middle Ages in the museum immediately."

"Me too, Thomas, I wish I could get those top Chinese antique artworks in my pocket immediately and complete this art transaction. Since everyone is so urgent, what are you waiting for? Please!"

After speaking, Ye Tian made a gesture of please, and gestured towards the armored escort vehicles parked by the roadside.

Next, many security personnel from the Met, together with Matisse and the others, escorted the convoy to the internal parking lot of the Metropolitan Museum.

Ye Tian and Thomas naturally followed them, directing and supervising the staff of both sides to move the antique relics and religious items from the treasure of the Knights Templar together.

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

Antiques and religious objects from the Templar treasures were unloaded from five armored escort vehicles and moved into the Metropolitan Museum's vaults, where they are temporarily stored.

It won't be long before those valuable medieval antiques and religious objects will appear in the exhibition halls of the Metropolitan Museum and Abbey, officially meeting the public.

After completing these tasks, under the leadership of Thomas, Ye Tian and his group came to a large conference room located in the museum office area.

As soon as he walked into the meeting room, Ye Tian saw Betty and Jason, and dozens of portable safes in the meeting room, big and small.

There were so many of these boxes that the entire conference table was filled, and quite a few were even placed on the floor.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come in, Betty and Jason immediately went up to meet them.

Coming closer, Betty immediately began to report the situation to Ye Tian.

"My dear, the Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books used by the Metropolitan Museum for trade are all here, and they are stored in these portable safes, exactly as stated in the transaction contract.

However, the authenticity of these Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books still needs to be verified by yourself. After the verification is correct, these portable safes can be locked and transported away.

In the brown safe placed at the front of the conference table, there is the painting "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" by Han Gan, a famous painter of the Tang Dynasty. According to your instructions, we are very careful, and the painting is intact."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but hugged Betty and whispered something in her ear.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Thomas again, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Thomas is our old friend. The Metropolitan Museum has not traded with our company once or twice. I believe they will not use some fakes to pretend to be fakes and deceive us.

Due to time constraints, it is not realistic for me to appraise so many top Chinese antique works of art and ancient rare books one by one. In that case, it is estimated that I will not be able to complete the appraisal by noon tomorrow.

Except for the portable safe containing "The White Picture of the Night", all other portable safes can be locked, and after I finish appraising the "White Picture of the Night", we will leave the Metropolitan Museum."

These words were very beautiful, and those guys at the Metropolitan Museum were very comfortable listening to them, nodding frequently.

Of course, they all felt pain in the flesh, and a trace of regret flashed in the eyes of a few of them, if they knew it, they would have done something!

In fact, the first time he entered this meeting room, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through every portable safe in the meeting room and the treasures inside the boxes.

He knew the quantity, authenticity, and preservation status of those top Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books in an instant, and he knew it better than anyone else.

He knew full well that the Metropolitan Museum was not manipulating the deal, trying to deceive itself with fakes or fakes.

That's why he behaved so generously and uprightly, directly omitting the link of one-by-one identification, which also saved a lot of trouble.

Following his words, Jason and the others immediately took action, stepped forward one after another, and locked the portable safes one by one.

Later, when Ye Tian stepped forward to enter the fingerprint and password in person, these portable safes could be transported away.

Watching Jason's actions, Thomas and several other high-level members of the Metropolitan Museum had painful expressions on their faces, and their facial muscles were twitching slightly.

However, this heavyweight art transaction that caused a huge sensation has long been confirmed and has become an established fact. Even if you regret it, nothing will change.

Ye Tian saw the performance of these old friends from the Metropolitan Museum and understood their feelings very well.

However, it’s all about understanding. If Ye Tian wants to tear up the transaction contract and keep these top Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books in the Metropolitan Museum, Ye Tian will never agree.

The place where these priceless treasures should exist most is China and not some other ghost place!

Only in China, in their own private exhibition halls and museums in Beijing, can they bloom the most brilliant light!

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