【 】,!

Ye Tian put on a pair of white gloves, gently opened the brown portable safe on the conference table in front of him, and carefully took out the yellowed picture scroll in it.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the picture scroll on the dry conference table covered with a white cloth, and slowly unfolded the picture scroll with the assistance of Betty, who was also wearing white gloves.

During this process, his movements were extremely gentle, and he didn't even dare to vent his breath. He treated the scroll in his hand as cautiously as he would treat his own eyeballs.

With his actions, "The White Picture at Night", a famous painting with a long history of more than a thousand years, lost overseas for more than a hundred years, and has been cherished by countless Chinese people, finally appeared in front of everyone.

Although this place is still in the United States and is still in the Metropolitan Museum, the owner of this priceless and famous painting is no longer the Metropolitan Museum, nor is it some other foreign devil.

After being displaced for more than a hundred years, it returned to the hands of the Chinese people today and became Ye Tian's possession.

The yellowed scroll unfolded slowly, and the first thing that appeared in front of everyone was not the famous painting "Zhao Yebai Tu", but a calligraphic calligraphy, that is, postscript, eloquent and very skillful.

After this postscript, there are several postscripts in succession.

The font size and calligraphy of these postscripts are different, but all of them are from the hands of famous masters. Each postscript is a masterpiece of Chinese calligraphy art, and each postscript is well-known.

In addition, at the end of several postscripts, and even every blank space, are covered with large and small red seals, which are very dense and have different styles.

Every name on those seals has a huge weight in Chinese history, Chinese culture and art history.

After a few postscripts, the famous painting "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" finally revealed its true face.

When this famous painting through the ages was fully displayed, Ye Tian stopped the movement of his hands immediately, and did not continue to unfold the subsequent scrolls, but admired them fascinatedly.

The scale of this famous painting through the ages is very small, no more than 33.5 centimeters long and 30.8 centimeters high. The picture is yellowed, looks extremely old, and is also very fragile.

But fortunately, although this painting has gone through ups and downs for more than a thousand years, it has been preserved quite well, with few damages, and the yellowing of the picture is only due to natural aging.

This ancient painting is done with ink and line drawing. On the slightly right side of the picture, Han Gan, a famous painter of the Tang Dynasty, depicts the image of a steed.

The horse in the painting is tied to a stake. It seems unwilling to be restrained, its eyes are wide open, and it is neighing with its head up, trying to break free from the bridle.

Its flowing mane, erect ears, and raised front hooves vividly express the rebelliousness of this steed, and also enhance the tension and drama of the picture!

Unlike the flowing mane on the neck, the tail of this steed is missing, which looks a little abrupt and weird.

In addition to the main image on the screen, this famous painting through the ages is also covered with inscriptions and postscripts of different lengths and stamps, and almost every blank space has been used.

The authors of those inscriptions and postscripts and the owners of the seals were all well-known emperors, generals, and literati in ancient Chinese history, revealing the orderly inheritance of this famous painting through the ages.

Looking at this famous painting through the ages, a national treasure-level art treasure,

Ye Tian was immersed in it unconsciously, his eyes were full of obsession.

However, David and Jason who were standing next to him couldn't understand this famous painting through the ages, let alone the flamboyant postscript on the painting.

"Steven, let me tell you about this famous painting through the ages, so that we don't get confused. Where is its preciousness?"

David said suddenly, his eyes full of curiosity.

As soon as his words fell, Jason said again:

"That's right, Steven, let me explain this painting to everyone. We can still appreciate Western paintings and artworks, but we really can't appreciate Chinese paintings that win with artistic conception.

Since you attach so much importance to this painting "The White Picture at Night", there is no need to ask, this painting must be priceless, but I still want to ask, how much would you value this famous painting through the ages? "

Not only the two of them, but many people at the scene wanted to know how precious this painting is and how much it is worth. Everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone was full of expectations.

After waking up, Ye Tian turned his head to look at David and Jason, then glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Since everyone is so interested, let me introduce you to this famous painting through the ages. First of all, I would like to talk about the most concerned issue of everyone, which is the valuation of this famous painting through the ages.

Here, I can tell you with certainty that this is a priceless treasure, and it is impossible to give an accurate valuation, just like the "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" traded before!

Of course, this is for Chinese people, for those who understand Chinese history and art, in the eyes of others, they may not appreciate this art, and do not agree with its value.”

"Wow! Priceless, that's an exaggeration!"

"Another priceless treasure, no wonder Steven asked for this famous painting through the ages, as if he was determined to get it!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words.

Thomas, who was also at the scene, and other people in the Metropolitan Museum, heard Ye Tian's words, and immediately felt even more heartbroken and regretful. It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret!

When the sound of the scene subsided, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"After talking about the valuation of this famous painting through the ages, let me introduce the famous ancient Chinese painter, Han Gan, who created this top-notch artwork, and the famous painting itself.

Han Gan, who lived in the prosperous Tang Dynasty more than 1,300 years ago, was a famous painter in the Tang Dynasty, especially famous for his horse paintings. This "Showing Night and White Picture" is one of his most outstanding representative works.

In addition to this painting, there are several paintings of Han Gan that have been handed down. The Metropolitan Museum has another painting of Han Gan, "The Picture of a Man Presenting a Horse", which is also a top-level work of art.

Although it is also a painting of horses, "Yuren Presenting a Horse" is slightly inferior to "Zhao Ye Bai Tu". Among all Han Gan's surviving paintings, this "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" can be called the most outstanding .

As a matter of fact, I also wanted to trade Han Gan's "The Picture of Yuren Presenting a Horse" and display it in my own private museum, but unfortunately, the Metropolitan Museum rejected me."

Having said that, Ye Tian turned to look at Thomas and the others.

The guys from the Metropolitan Museum all rolled their eyes, and Thomas even smiled wryly and said:

"Steven, you are so greedy, you want to get all the good things in your pocket, and you are not afraid to hold on. You must leave us some good things. Is it possible to close our Asian art department?"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed, but in different moods.

After joking a few words, Ye Tian returned to the topic and continued to introduce this famous painting through the ages.

"The "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" depicts the favorite horse of Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, 'Zhao Ye Bai', which is famous in Chinese history, and this is the image of the famous white horse.

It can be seen in the picture that Zhao Yebai is tied to a black wooden stake, his mane is flying, his nostrils are dilated, his eyes turn, his head is raised, hissing, and his four cries are flying, as if he wants to break free from the shackles.

Han Gan not only drew Zhao Yebai's fat and healthy appearance, but also focused on expressing his unruly majesty, with concise brushstrokes and slender and vigorous lines, giving people the feeling of jumping off the paper.

Under the painter's pen, the whole body of this rebellious and fierce horse exudes infinite strength and movement, but at the same time, when viewed from another side, the horse seems to be galloping in the vast sky.

When appreciating this painting, visitors can feel that this is by no means a secular horse, but a majestic horse, striving to be free from restraint and yearning for freedom, and the picture is full of dramatic effect.

With elastic and vigorous lines and slightly rendered painting techniques, "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" properly expresses the vigor and galloping momentum of a horse, and has become a masterpiece of ancient Chinese horse paintings.

As you can see, in addition to the main picture, there are many beautiful postscripts of different lengths on this famous painting through the ages, as well as large and small red seals, all over the painting.

This is a unique phenomenon in Chinese calligraphy and painting works of art. All these postscripts and seals come from ancient Chinese emperors, generals, literati and celebrities, showing the orderly history of this painting.

In ancient China, "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" was a treasure sought after by emperors, generals, literati, and top collectors. The postscripts and seals on the painting are the best proof.

It is also the handwriting of these emperors and literati of all dynasties that made this "Zhao Ye Bai Tu" jump out of the category of painting and become a national treasure-level cultural relic integrating painting, calligraphy, and engraving,..."

Next, Ye Tian continued to introduce the "White Picture at Night" to everyone present, giving these Yankees a vivid art lesson of Chinese calligraphy and painting.

It took more than ten minutes for him to finish his introduction, and he still had a lot to say.

Afterwards, he carefully rolled up the priceless treasure, put it back into the brown portable safe, locked the safe, and handed it to Betty for her to carry in her hand.

Immediately afterwards, he entered his fingerprint and password in turn, and locked the other dozens of portable safes, large and small, one by one, preparing to transport them away.

Soon, it was around 5:30 in the afternoon.

The opening time of the Metropolitan Museum has arrived for one day, and it is about to close. Many tourists who came to visit the Metropolitan Museum left various exhibition halls and then walked out of the museum.

Ye Tian and the others who left the Metropolitan Museum at the same time also returned with a full load.

Ye Tian and his convoy drove away from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, carrying a large number of priceless top Chinese antiques, along Fifth Avenue, and headed straight for Midtown Manhattan.

Just like when it came, the place where this huge convoy passed caused waves of commotion again, attracted countless envious and jealous eyes, and made the atmosphere on the streets of New York tense again.

But on the streets of New York at this time, no one dared to think about this team or those top Chinese antique works of art, unless they thought they had lived too long!

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