Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1997 Returning to Beijing

The affairs in New York have basically been dealt with. It is time to go back to China to reunite with my family and spend a warm and happy Spring Festival.

At noon, JFK International Airport in New York.

On a runway dedicated to private jets, Ye Tian sent Betty, her husband Ganzi's family, Matthew, Evelyn, and Logan, who had completed the security check, to his Bombardier Global Express 8000.

The reason why Matthew and his family went to Beijing was, of course, to attend Ye Tian and Betty's Chinese wedding. By the way, they also recognized Ye Tian and Betty's home in Beijing, and then took a tour.

After everyone boarded the private jet and settled down in their seats, Ye Tian immediately said with a smile:

"Matthew, Evelyn, you set off first and fly directly to Beijing. This private jet is faster. After arriving in Beijing, my parents will go to the Capital Airport to meet you.

In a few hours, I will take those top Chinese antique artworks and set off on an Air China chartered flight, and it is estimated that I will arrive nearly ten hours later than you. See you in Beijing.”

"Okay, Steven, see you in Beijing"

Matthew smiled and nodded, but didn't say much.

As soon as his words fell, Evelyn immediately continued:

"Steven, it would be great if you flew to Beijing with us on this private jet. Wouldn't it be fine if David and Jason escorted those Chinese antiques?"

"Evelyn, I'm afraid this won't work. David and Jason are of course no problem escorting those top Chinese antique artworks, but when passing through the customs at Kennedy Airport, I still need to come forward for some things.

I want to leave the United States with so many priceless top antique artworks, and I must accept the inspection of the fbi art crime team. David and the others are not professionals, so I'm afraid they can't handle those guys.

At this time, I don't want any unexpected situation to delay my trip and be forced to stay in New York. In that case, many things in the future will be delayed, even including my Chinese wedding with Betty."

Ye Tian said with a smile, explaining the reason.

"So that's the case, then follow your arrangement, I hope everything goes well"

Evelyn nodded in response, and both Matthew and Logan also nodded.

Next, Ye Tian gave Betty a few more words, and gave her a hug before leaving the private jet, and then left the runway dedicated to private jets, and stood beside the runway.

Soon, the engine of the Bombardier Global Express 8000 began to roar, and it was slowly gliding forward along the runway, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

After gliding forward for a few hundred meters, this smooth and elegant private jet soared into the sky, rushed into the sky like a sharp arrow, and flew straight to the north.

After watching the private jet take off and fly out of sight, Ye Tian looked away, and then said to Matisse beside him:

"Let's go, go to the airport terminal, those old friends from the fbi Art Crime Squad should be here"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the airport shuttle bus parked aside, and Matisse and the others immediately followed.

Ten minutes later, they entered a VIP room in the terminal of Kennedy Airport and joined David and Jason who were waiting here.

In addition, those old friends of the fbi art crime team, several experts in antique art appraisal, and several senior officials of the customs at Kennedy Airport,

Also arrived here.

After everyone met, they naturally exchanged polite greetings and greeted each other, and then they got to the point.

"Steven, take us to see those antique artworks that you are going to transport to Beijing, this is our job, I believe you can understand, and please cooperate.

There are too many top-level antique artworks in your hands, and many of them belong to the top-level artworks that are restricted from leaving the country, so we must check it out, this is a routine procedure”

Joey said with a serious expression, looking businesslike.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Although I don't think it's necessary at all, and it's a waste of time, I will still cooperate with you and understand very well. As you said just now, Joey, this is good for you and me.

Most of what I want to transport to Beijing this time are Chinese antique artworks and rare books traded from the Metropolitan Museum, and some are Chinese antique artworks I received before.

All these Chinese antique works of art and ancient rare books have no problem with their sources, they are completely legal, and they all have transaction contracts, which can stand the inspection of any law enforcement agency, including you.

Yes, there are indeed many top-level antique works of great value, but they are not restricted to leave the country. Just in case, I still applied to the cultural relics department for a departure permit.

Gentlemen, please come with me, those Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books that are going to be shipped to Beijing have all been shipped to Kennedy Airport, and they are currently placed in a conference room, welcome to check.”

After saying that, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation, and then led everyone to the door of the VIP room.

On the way, Joey whispered with emotion:

"Steven, you guys are so thorough and impeccable. It seems that we will never catch you!"

"That would be great, we can continue to be friends, and we don't have to go to the opposite side of each other, or even become enemies. I believe you and I don't want to see such a result."

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, his tone was very relaxed.

But hearing these words in Joey's ears, it made him tremble all over, his back felt cold, and he was secretly terrified.

Walking on the opposite side of this guy, Steven, and becoming his enemy, the consequences are unimaginable. It is definitely a nightmare that will never wake up!

Those unlucky guys who were killed by Steven and his men before are all bloody lessons from the past, and must be taken as a warning!

It didn't take long for Ye Tian and his group to enter the office area of ​​the airport terminal and arrived at the door of a large conference room with heavy security.

The guards of this large conference room are Ye Tian's armed security personnel, as well as many airport security guards and police officers.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming, Walker and Peter, who stood like door gods on both sides of the meeting room door, immediately opened the meeting room door and let Ye Tian and the others enter.

As soon as you walk into this meeting room, you will be presented with dozens of hundreds of portable safes, large and small, placed on the conference table and the floor.

Of course, there are also several armed security personnel led by Cole, as well as seven or eight employees of the Fearless Exploration Company.

Seeing the situation in this large conference room, those guys in the fbi art crime team and those experts in antique art appraisal were secretly shocked!

Steven, a greedy guy, probably ransacked all the fine-quality Chinese antiques collected by the Metropolitan Museum, right? This number is too much!

Just when Joey and the others were shocked and stunned, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came from the side.

"Gentlemen, these portable safes contain Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books that I am going to ship to Beijing. You can start checking, and please be careful."

"Understood, Steven, we are also semi-professionals, we know the relevant knowledge, and we will never damage these valuable Chinese antique artworks"

Joey, who woke up, nodded in response, eyes full of envy.

Next, these guys began to work and began to inspect the Chinese antique artworks in each portable safe. Ye Tian accompanied these guys and introduced them.

It was David and his team of lawyers who were in charge of on-site supervision, which invisibly put a lot of pressure on those guys, making Joey and the others afraid to play any tricks.

The examination took a long time, but it turned out to be without any doubts.

All these Chinese antique artworks that are going to be shipped to Beijing, no matter how valuable or rare, the origin of each antique artwork is very clear, well documented, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The inspection lasted for more than three hours before it ended.

The fbi art crime team found no problems, so they could only leave angrily, and the customs at Kennedy Airport could only let this batch of valuable antique art pass through customs.

Soon, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

The Air China chartered plane that Ye Tian and the others took was loaded with valuable top Chinese antiques and rare books. It took off from the runway of Kennedy Airport and flew straight to Beijing!

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