Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1999 huge ambition

It was already around three o'clock in the morning, and the Lishi Hutong shrouded in night was completely quiet, without any sound, let alone human presence.

Heavy snow fell for several hours one after another, completely covering the entire hutong. Standing at the entrance of the hutong and looking around, the field of vision is pure white, covered with silver.

Suddenly, several black SUVs drove in from the west entrance of the alley, that is, the entrance on the side of Dongsi Street, instantly breaking the tranquility of this alley.

After entering the alley, the speed of these SUVs immediately slowed down and moved forward slowly, as if to avoid disturbing the neighbors in the alley as much as possible.

Within a few minutes, the convoy arrived at the gate of No. 129 Courtyard of Lishi Hutong and stopped immediately.

As soon as the convoy came to a complete stop, several sturdy security personnel immediately opened the doors, got out of the cars first, and quickly checked the situation in the alley.

At the same time, the gates of the two courtyards on the left and right sides of No. 129 courtyard and a courtyard on the opposite side were also opened, and several people came out from inside.

Without exception, the people who came out of these three courtyard houses were all in their twenties or thirties. Everyone was tall and strong, and they were not easy to look at!

These guys who appeared suddenly looked at the convoy first, and nodded slightly, then turned their heads to look at the two ends of the alley, and became alert.

Immediately afterwards, the rear door of an SUV in the middle of the convoy was opened from the inside, and the two people sitting in the car got out of the car one after another and stood on the snow.

The last two who appeared were Ye Tian and his sister-in-law, and the No. 129 courtyard of Lishi Hutong in front of them was the gate of the old Ye family's mansion. They came home.

As for the accompanying security personnel, no need to ask, it is naturally Matisse and the others.

After leaving the Capital Airport, Ye Tian and the others drove straight to the Forbidden City with those valuable top Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books.

When the convoy arrived at the Forbidden City, a large number of cultural and cultural personnel immediately and carefully moved all the treasures into the vault and stored them.

After finishing these tasks, it was already half past two in the morning.

Next, Ye Tian explained some things about Jason and David, and then said goodbye to those guys, and drove back to Lishi Hutong!

After landing on the ground and standing firmly, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation in the alley, then nodded slightly, with a flash of satisfaction in his eyes.

The sister-in-law standing beside him also glanced at the situation in the alley, and whispered curiously:

"Xiaotian, tell me honestly, apart from the three courtyards at the entrance, how many other courtyards have you bought in this alley? If I'm not mistaken, there are at least three other courtyards, right?

Ever since our family moved into this big house, we have found that the surrounding conditions are not right. Why are all the young men living in the three courtyards on the left and right of our house and on the opposite side?

Although these guys are dressed as ordinary people, each of them has a fierce aura. They look like soldiers who have just retired from the army, and they are particularly elite.

What's more, in the past year, whenever our family appears, we can always see these guys. Even when your grandfather plays chess with his neighbors, there are young men watching the game.

In addition to the guys living in these three courtyard houses, in the past year, there have been many new residents living in Lishi Hutong scattered in different courtyards.

All big boys”

At the same time that my aunt said these words, Mathis had already taken out Ye Tian's suitcase and handed it to him.

Ye Tian didn't answer my sister-in-law's question immediately, but said to Mathis who came closer:

"Matisse, you and the guys will live in these three courtyards scattered tonight, and there are well-equipped guest rooms in these courtyards, enough for everyone to stay, and the conditions are not bad.

Next, you all have a good night's rest, and by the way, you can overcome the jet lag, and when everyone recovers, we will start the follow-up work, this time there is plenty of time."

After speaking, Ye Tian pointed to the three courtyards on the left and right sides and the opposite door, and nodded to the security personnel standing in front of the three courtyards to say hello.

"Okay, Steven, I just want to experience what it's like to live in a traditional Chinese house, it must be a great feeling"

Matisse nodded in response, his eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions, and then bid farewell to Mathis and the others, picked up his suitcase, and walked into the gate of the mansion in front of him with my sister-in-law.

After entering the courtyard and locking the door back, Ye Tian began to answer my sister-in-law's question.

"Sister-in-law, the courtyards on the left and right sides of our house and the courtyard opposite are all bought by me, and the guys who live in them are all my security personnel.

They have only one task, and that is to protect the safety of our family. The salary I offer them is the highest in the security industry. Each of them is innocent and trustworthy.

In addition to these three courtyard houses, I also bought five courtyard houses in Lishi Hutong, which were hung under the names of different companies and individuals, and the people who lived in them were all my security personnel."

Hearing this, the aunt immediately exclaimed in a low voice.

"Hey! You kid is really willing to spend the money, and bought eight courtyard houses in one go. How much would that cost! At least hundreds of millions of yuan, right?

I said why some old neighbors in the alley can't be seen recently. It turns out that they have all moved away, and the houses that belonged to them have all fallen into your hands! "

"The purpose of my taking these courtyard houses is, on the one hand, for safety reasons, to protect the safety of everyone in our family, and on the other hand, this is also a very good investment strategy.

Now I have accumulated an astronomically huge amount of cash in my hands, and I must find a way to spend it, otherwise, when the tax filing deadline comes, I will definitely be ransacked by the IRS!

To be honest, I don't want to contribute too much to the IRS, and that's why I invest heavily in the United States, Europe and China to minimize the cash on hand.

If possible, I would like to buy the entire Lishi Hutong, and then carry out large-scale renovation and maintenance to make it the best and most tasteful Hutong in Beijing.”

"You kid has a lot of ambition! To actually want to buy the entire Lishi Hutong and completely renovate it, I'm afraid it will cost an astronomical amount of money!

But this is also good, if you invest all the cash in your hand and turn it into various fixed assets, you can indeed temporarily avoid the looting of the IRS.”

The little aunt whispered in amazement, somewhat startled by Ye Tian's plan.

While talking, Ye Tian and sister-in-law had already passed through the hanging flower gate and entered the front yard.

At this time, the ground in the front yard was completely covered with snow, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness. Under the illumination of several antique palace lanterns and floor lamps, it looked extraordinarily beautiful.

Although it was already early morning and the weather was cold, the north room in the front yard and the east and west rooms were all lit up, exuding a warm atmosphere.

Maybe the little uncle and the others haven't slept yet and are waiting for the sister-in-law to come back, or they may have fallen asleep under the light, but they just forgot to turn off the light.

After coming down the steps of the Chuihua Gate, Ye Tian didn't leave his sister-in-law immediately, and went to see his grandparents, parents, and mother in the inner courtyard, or went to the nearby courtyard to meet Betty and the others.

He and his sister-in-law continued to chat in a low voice while walking to the north room in the front yard, which was still the topic just now.

"The newly opened coffee shop at the west entrance of Lishi Hutong and the western restaurant at the east entrance of the Hutong were all opened by someone I sent, and they are all under different personal names, and it seems that they have nothing to do with me.

Their main function is to monitor strangers entering and leaving the alley and collect various information! You also know that my opponents and enemies are basically Westerners, and it is those guys that I guard against.

If those guys came to Beijing to inquire about our family, with normal logic, they would probably enter the cafes and western restaurants at both ends of the hutong to observe the situation and inquire about the news.

In this way, their every move will be under surveillance. Before they start their actions, my security personnel will take action and take all those guys down.

In addition, I also arranged for some security personnel, as ordinary people, to rent houses and live in several courtyard houses to secretly monitor the situation in the alleys, which is another layer of protection.

In addition to the Lishi Hutong, the two courtyards behind the gate of our big house, that is, the two courtyards with the door on the Qianchao Noodles Hutong, were also secretly taken down by me, but they were not rebuilt.

Currently living in the two courtyard houses in Qianchaomian Hutong, there are not only a few security personnel under me, but also some ordinary tenants. The reason for this arrangement is also to deceive people.

When the time is right, I plan to completely renovate those two courtyard houses and come to our big house. In that case, the area of ​​our big house will reach nearly 3,000 square meters."

Hearing this, my sister was shocked again, her eyes widened, she stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, her eyes were full of disbelief!

The gate of a 3,000-square-meter mansion! How big and luxurious it was!

This is within the second ring road of Beijing, and in the East Fourth, a place where every inch of land is very expensive. It is almost unbelievable to have a big house of nearly 3,000 square meters!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In the Dengcao Hutong in the south, I also bought a courtyard house and arranged for several security personnel to keep an eye on the movement in Dengcao Hutong, so as to be able to give an early warning and be foolproof.

My security personnel are not the only ones protecting our family. There is a courtyard in the east and west of Lishi Hutong, which has long been rented by the state security department, and many state security personnel live in it! "

"You kid is really capable of tossing around. You have done so many things quietly, and your hand is so big. It's scary to think about it!"

The little girl thumped Ye Tian's shoulder lightly, but her tone was full of excitement, and her eyes were full of admiration.

While speaking, Ye Tian and sister-in-law had arrived at the door of the north room.

Just as they stepped up the steps, the door of the north room suddenly opened, and the little uncle in pajamas came out of the room!

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