Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2000 Our Palace

After chatting with my sister-in-law and uncle, Ye Tian left the front yard and entered the inner courtyard along the Chaoshou corridor.

The grandparents who lived in the inner courtyard had already gone to bed. Except for a few antique palace lanterns hanging in the front porch, the inner courtyard was still on, and the lights in the north room and the east and west wing rooms had already been extinguished.

It's just that due to the reflection of the snow all over the ground, the yard is quite bright.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian didn't bother his grandparents, but bypassed the inner courtyard and went directly to the courtyard at the back, which was the quadrangle courtyard where his parents lived.

As soon as he walked into the yard, Ye Tian looked up and saw that his father and mother were wearing pajamas and each wearing a coat, standing on the front porch of the north room, looking at the Moon Gate.

Obviously, they had already learned from their sister-in-law that Ye Tian was back, so they came out of the living room.

Seeing Ye Tian walking into the yard with a suitcase at this moment, the old couple immediately had bright smiles on their faces, and their expressions became much more relaxed.

While speaking, Ye Tian had passed through the courtyard and came to his parents.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back, you two don't need to wait for me, it's such a cold day, it's better to have a rest early"

Ye Tian smiled and said softly, walked up the steps of the north room, entered the front porch, and left the snowflakes flying all over the sky behind.

"Just come back, go inside and have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up, it's too cold outside"

Dad smiled and nodded, then turned around and walked into the room.

Mom gently patted the snowflakes on Ye Tian's shoulder, and said in a low voice:

"We're fine. We just squinted for a while. We're not actually sleepy, but your old man and mother-in-law, because of jet lag, were too sleepy early in the morning and went back to your yard to rest.

Betty and Logan, as well as Linlin and Dongzi, are all in your yard, after you come back and have a cup of hot tea, go back to the yard over there and have a good rest."

"Okay, let's go in"

With that said, Ye Tian walked into the north room with his mother.

After about ten minutes, he came out of the room, and then walked along the corridor to the courtyard house where he and Betty lived.

In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the gate of the courtyard where he lived.

Compared with the other courtyards, this one has the largest area and the most beautiful scenery.

Especially the garden connected to the courtyard, with rockery pools, trees, flowers and plants, pavilions, terraces and pavilions in the garden, which has a taste of Suzhou gardens.

Even though it is night now, darkness covers the land.

However, under the illumination of many antique palace lamps and ground lamps of different styles, coupled with the reflection of white snow covering the entire yard and garden, this courtyard looks very quiet.

In a bustling modern city like Beijing, and in the central area of ​​this great city, such an environment is really rare!

And the lights from the north room and the west wing of the courtyard, as well as bursts of laughter, added a lot of popularity to this courtyard, making it look vibrant and full of warmth.

After entering the yard, Ye Tian didn't immediately go to the north room where he and Betty lived, but came to the moon gate connecting the garden, and under the snowflakes flying all over the sky, he admired the beauty of the garden alone.

Although Beijing is located in the north, there are only a handful of heavy snow days these years.

It has been several years since there was such a heavy snowfall as tonight.

What's more, there is an exquisite private garden here, and it is late at night, amidst the heavy snow, there must be something beautiful, how can such a beautiful scenery be missed?

In winter in New York, days with heavy snowfall are very common. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of your apartment, you can embrace the beauty of the entire Central Park in the snow.

The scenery in Central Park is beautiful, but it is more in line with the aesthetics of Westerners and lacks a bit of charm. The private garden in front of you is more refined and more in line with the aesthetics of Easterners.

More importantly, this is the garden of your own home. The emotional and spiritual resonance cannot be given or replaced by any other place!

Ye Tian put the suitcase on the ground, then walked into the garden alone, strolled in the garden, admiring the beautiful scenery here, greedily breathing the cold and refreshing air.

While admiring the scenery in the night, he also found many messy footprints on the ground, which were almost completely covered by snow, but there were still some traces.

Obviously, before him, Betty and Linlin also came to this garden to enjoy the snow scenery under the snowflakes flying all over the sky, laughing and playing, and only went back after having enough fun.

Ye Tian walked around the entire garden before returning to the Moon Gate, picked up the suitcase on the ground again, and walked towards the north room where the lights were on.

In the blink of an eye, he had come to the front of the north room and walked up the steps.

At this time, bursts of laughter continued to come from the north room and reached his ears.

From these voices alone, he could tell who was in the room.

Logan, Dongzi, Linlin and Chenxi are all in their living room at the moment, some are joking and chatting, some are playing games, everyone is very excited.

Of course, Betty, the hostess who entered the courtyard, was also in the living room.

Ye Tian paused at the door of the north room, patted the snowflakes on his head and body lightly, then opened the door with a smile on his face, and walked into this warm living room.

As the door opened, those guys in the living room turned their heads and looked over.

Seeing that it was Ye Tian who came in, Betty and the others immediately stood up and walked towards the door.

The first to come to Ye Tian's side was the little girl Chen Xi.

As in the past, this little girl hugged Ye Tian's arm as soon as she came up, and acted coquettishly.

"Brother! You are back, we are almost falling asleep waiting"

Ye Tian looked at the little girl, then jokingly said:

"Don't be funny, I can really hear you outside the door. You have the loudest voice. You can hear it from the garden. You are about to fall asleep. I think you can play until dawn without sleepiness." "


Both Linlin and Dongzi laughed, but Betty and Logan didn't understand why, they still couldn't understand Chinese very well.

However, this did not hinder their feelings. They could clearly feel the warm affection between Ye Tian and Chen Xi, so they also laughed.

Next, Ye Tian stepped forward to hug Betty, and greeted Linlin and the others one by one.

Afterwards, he went to the next room to wash and change clothes, while Betty and the others sat back in their respective seats, chatting and waiting for Ye Tian to come out.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Ye Tian, ​​who changed into casual clothes, finally returned to the living room and sat beside Betty.

As soon as he sat down, Logan, who was sitting on a huanghuali armchair next to him, couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, your courtyard is really great, it is definitely one of the most beautiful courtyards I have ever seen, and it is very comfortable and livable, it is like a palace.

I have decided that when I graduate from graduate school, I will refer to your courtyard house and build my own Chinese-style mansion. Living in such a house is called life! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this kid, then smiled and said:

"You are a top student in the Department of Architecture at MIT. It is not difficult for you to build such a courtyard house. With the land price near Boston, you can even build a larger and more luxurious courtyard house.

But the classic Chinese traditional buildings like courtyard houses don’t have that flavor when they leave Beijing and Beijing’s hutongs. Of course, the courtyard houses that have been modernized are still very livable.”

Hearing this, Logan couldn't help but fell silent and fell into deep thought.

And Betty, who was snuggling next to Ye Tian, ​​continued to say at this moment:

"Honey, I like this courtyard house so much, I like everything here, it is a beautiful and exquisite palace, especially the garden in front, it is so beautiful that it makes people forget to leave.

Not only Logan and I, but also our parents, Matthew and Evelyn, also like this courtyard house very much. After coming here today, they walked around it no less than ten times without missing any corner! "

Ye Tian gently poured Betty into his arms, and softly whispered:

"As long as you like it, dear, this beautiful palace is just for you. This is our palace, our home!"

Before the words could finish, an annoyed voice suddenly came from the side.

"Please! Don't spread dog food, okay? There must be a limit to showing affection, and it should be divided into occasions. Don't forget, there are two minors here!"

The voice came from the girl Linlin, while Dongzi and Chenxi looked disgusted and covered their eyes cooperatively.

Hearing Linlin's words and seeing the expressions of these three little guys, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

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