Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2001 There Are Four Flowers Here

It snowed heavily all night, and it didn't stop until around 9:30 in the morning, but the sky in Beijing was still hazy.

Because they slept very late last night, Ye Tian and Betty also woke up very late. When they got up, the heavy snow outside had stopped for a while.

After waking up and washing up, the two of them left the north room together, preparing to go to the inner courtyard to greet their grandparents before going to have breakfast.

Next, Ye Tian will leave the house to deal with various affairs.

Some of the top antique works of art and ancient rare books that just arrived in Beijing last night need to be sent to their own personal exhibition halls for display, and some need to be transferred to other vaults for separate storage.

Ye Tian and Betty had just walked out of the north room, and were about to go to the inner courtyard along the corridor, when there was a burst of hearty laughter from the garden in front.

The laughter was all too familiar, coming from Evelyn and her mother respectively.

Hearing the laughter, Ye Tian and Betty stopped immediately and looked towards the moon gate leading to the garden.

At this time, the snow in the yard had been swept away and piled up under a few trees, but the snow in the garden was not cleared, obviously left on purpose.

Looking into the garden through the moon gate, there are many messy footprints on the path in the garden, leading to the depths of the garden.

No need to ask, those footprints were obviously left by my mother and Evelyn.

Looking at the situation at the Moon Gate, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Honey, let's go to the garden and see, my mother and Evelyn are in the garden"

"Okay, dear, I would also like to see the beauty of the garden after the snow"

Betty nodded in response, and then she couldn't wait to step out and walked over to the garden.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and followed closely behind.

As soon as they entered the garden, they saw Evelyn standing in front of the snow-covered rockery and taking selfies with her mobile phone, as well as my sister-in-law and mother. They were all smiling and having a great time.

Not far away, Logan was squatting by the koi pond, admiring the colorful and free-swimming koi, and studying several Taihu stones erected in the koi pond.

The koi pond is heated to protect the valuable and rare koi in the pond, and to prevent the water in the pond from freezing.

At this time, the water vapor in the koi pond is transpiring, and koi jump up from the water from time to time, showing their graceful posture above the water.

In addition, the Taihu stones of various shapes in the pool, the ground, flowers and trees, the white snow on the pavilions and pavilions, and a few plum blossoms blooming proudly in the cold wind.

All of these together make up an extremely beautiful picture, which is fascinating.

Seeing this scene, Betty couldn't help but stop, and said intoxicatedly:

"It's so beautiful here, it looks like the most beautiful landscape painting, so beautiful that it's a bit unreal"

Ye Tian took a step forward, gently embraced Betty in his arms, and said softly:

"My dear, this exquisite private garden, this picturesque landscape, is all yours now, and you can enjoy it to your heart's content. In fact, what you see now is only the winter snow scene of this garden.

When spring comes, all kinds of flowers will be in full bloom here, colorful, and all kinds of beautiful flowers will release the astonishing fragrance,

It will surround the entire courtyard, and in summer and autumn, it will be another beautiful scene.

There are flowers that never fade in four seasons, here are the grasses of eight-section periwinkle, here are koi that swim freely, there are birds that sing cheerfully, but more importantly, here is the warmest family, this is our home! "

Listening to Ye Tian's words, Betty was completely drunk.

She snuggled into Ye Tian's arms, admiring the picturesque scenery in the garden, unable to speak for a long time.

Ye Tian was the same, embracing Betty in his arms, admiring everything in front of him intoxicatedly, completely forgetting the time and everything else outside of him.

After a long time, the two of them woke up one after another, and then they walked towards their mother and Evelyn.

When they came close, before the two of them could say good morning, Evelyn said excitedly:

"Good morning, Steven, the implementation of this courtyard is great, it is like a luxurious palace, especially this exquisite garden, it is definitely one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen, I love the scenery here so much Already!"

"Good morning, Evelyn, thank you for your compliments. This is my home with Betty, and of course you and Matthew's home. If you really like this place, you might as well stay here. We welcome you very much."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and sent out an invitation.

"Wow! Living here often, living in such a beautiful and picturesque environment, it must be an extremely wonderful thing, fascinating!"

Evelyn said in amazement, with an exaggerated expression.

Next, Ye Tian and Betty greeted their mother and sister-in-law again, and greeted them a lot.

While they were talking, there was suddenly a sound of laughter and slapstick from the Moon Gate on the west side of the garden.

Before the voice fell, Linlin and Chen Xi had already bouncing into the garden and ran straight to this side.

Seeing these two girls, Ye Tian immediately smiled softly, then turned around and asked:

"Mom, where are my dad and Matthew? It would be a pity if we don't come to appreciate such a beautiful scenery after snowfall."

Hearing this, my mother immediately smiled and said:

"Early before you and Betty got up, your grandfather, your father, and your old man Ganzi have already been to the garden. Your grandfather came to walk the birds, and your father came to enjoy the scenery.

They don't take pictures, and after walking around here, they went to the inner courtyard to appreciate the antique artworks collected by your grandfather, they are obviously more interested in those things."

"So that's it, you guys continue to enjoy the scenery here, be careful not to get cold, Betty and I will go to the inner courtyard, say good morning to grandparents, and have breakfast by the way."

"Okay, you guys go, stay for breakfast in the dining room in the west wing of the inner courtyard, there are Chinese breakfast and Western breakfast, you can choose whatever you want"

"That's it, Mom, let's go first"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty out of this beautiful garden and walked towards the inner courtyard.

As my mother said.

When he entered the main room of the inner courtyard, Ye Tian saw at a glance that grandfather, father, and Matthew were gathering around a huge huanghuali table, admiring something, and they were quite focused.

No need to ask, the things placed on that book case must be the top calligraphy and painting works of art collected by grandpa.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled softly, and then walked over with Betty.

When they came close, the two of them first said good morning to their grandfather, and then greeted the other elders one by one.

The painting and calligraphy artwork placed on the desk naturally appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes.

It was a painting by Xu Wei, a famous painter and a great talent in the Ming Dynasty. The painting is exactly a snow scene of fishing alone in the cold river, which is very suitable for today's scene.

Ye Tian couldn't be more familiar with this painting.

This is a painting he picked up at the antique flea market in Saint-Ouen in Paris, and then asked my sister-in-law to bring it back to Beijing and give it to my grandfather, which has become the old man's private collection.

When returning to Beijing before, Ye Tian explained this top-level artwork to his grandfather and the others, so there is no need to talk about it now, it is undoubtedly best for them to appreciate and study it by themselves.

After saying hello to grandpa and dad, Ye Tian and Betty went to the adjacent room to say hello to grandma.

After seven or eight minutes, the two of them walked out of the north room and walked to the west wing, ready to have some breakfast.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Ye Tian saw that the nannies and cooks were busy cleaning up the restaurant and preparing for lunch.

"Morning, Aunt Zhao, Uncle Liu, we got up late, come and have something to eat"

Ye Tian greeted the nanny and the chef, and Betty also smiled and nodded to the two, which was regarded as a greeting.

Afterwards, the two of them came to the dining table, ready to have breakfast.

However, when Aunt Zhao brought the breakfast, Betty frowned slightly.

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