Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2006 I am also Chinese

After the applause fell, the voice of the host of the donation ceremony came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"After returning to Beijing, Mr. Ye opened the collection of Dunhuang scriptures to domestic experts and scholars who study Dunhuang studies. As long as they apply and get permission, these experts and scholars can see the relevant collections.

For the study of Dunhuang studies in China, Mr. Ye's move is of great significance, and it will definitely greatly promote the related research of Dunhuang studies, so that we can better understand the civilization and history of our country.

Just two days ago, Mr. Ye Tian suggested that a batch of Dunhuang scriptures could be donated to the National Library to expand the collection of Dunhuang scriptures in the National Library and better promote the study of Dunhuang studies.

Upon receiving the news, led by the Ministry of Culture, together with the National Library of China and the Dunhuang Research Institute, they immediately contacted Mr. Ye to discuss matters related to the donation of the Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures, so as to facilitate this cultural event.

After deliberation, Mr. Ye decided to donate 5,000 volumes of the Dunhuang Canon, and donate them all to the National Library of China to enrich the collection of the Dunhuang Canon in the National Library and open it to all relevant researchers.

These 5,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures were once stored in the Stein Chamber of the British Museum, and Chinese Dunhuang scholars have almost never seen them. They are of great research value, and each volume can be regarded as a priceless treasure.

However, they have returned to China today, and have become the collection of the National Library of China through the hands of Mr. Ye Tian. At this moment, they are placed in this grand hall for ancestor worship! "

With that said, the host of the donation ceremony raised his hand and gestured towards the boxes placed next to the rostrum, his tone was quite excited and even a little impassioned.

Unsurprisingly, the scene once again burst into deafening applause.

Even the foreign reporters of the international media stationed in Beijing, perhaps very reluctant, even a little sour, had to applaud Ye Tian's generosity at this time.

While applauding enthusiastically, everyone at the scene turned to look at the boxes next to the rostrum.

Except for some foreign reporters, the eyes of all the other Chinese media reporters were extremely hot, and everyone was very excited.

As for those experts and scholars, experts in antique art appraisal, and many cultural and cultural personnel who were also present at the scene, their eyes were shining brightly with excitement, and it was difficult for themselves.

"Wow! To donate five thousand volumes of the Dunhuang Canon, which is considered a priceless treasure, is so generous and shocking! Is this still the legendary greedy Ye Tian? My buddies almost don't know each other!"

"Five thousand volumes of the Dunhuang Canon! If it were anyone else, I would probably be reluctant to part with it. It seems that we have to get to know Ye Tian again. He is really amazing and endless!"

Before the applause fell, there was already a sound of discussion at the scene, which became extremely noisy.

At the same time, almost all the media reporters in the audience got busy, and immediately sent out the news, as well as the pictures and video materials of the scene.

In the blink of an eye, this heavy news appeared on the homepages of major portal websites in China, firmly occupying the headlines on the front pages, and directly stealing the limelight from the reports on the Spring Festival Gala.

Not only portals, but other Chinese news media, social networks, and even people's WeChat circle of friends, etc., were also completely detonated by this heavy news.

Almost all the Chinese people who saw this news were stunned and completely shocked by Ye Tian's generosity.

Immediately afterwards,

Applause rang out all over the country, covering almost every corner of the land of China, and everyone's applause was extremely warm.

Moreover, this storm soon spread abroad, causing quite a stir in the field of antique art collections and in Europe and America.

Especially in London, England, and the British Museum, when those British guys heard the news, they were not only shocked by it, but also felt extremely bitter.

Returning to the main hall of the Taimiao in the Forbidden City, the donation ceremony is still going on.

After the applause and discussion subsided, the host of the donation ceremony immediately picked up the topic just now and began to introduce the general situation of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures.

Of course, the person who knows this batch of Dunhuang scriptures best is Ye Tian himself.

After a few introductions, the host of the donation ceremony raised his hand to Ye Tian and asked him to introduce the situation of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures.

Ye Tian naturally did his part, and immediately started his own performance.

"As you all know, the Dunhuang collection of scriptures once collected in the British Museum was purchased by the British Stein from Dunhuang more than 100 years ago. To be precise, it should be defrauded. It cost only 14 horseshoe silver.

The person who sold this batch of Dunhuang scriptures was Wang Yuanlu, the discoverer of the Dunhuang scripture cave, a Taoist Wang. In the history of Chinese culture, this ignorant Taoist Wang can be regarded as a famous national sinner.

After Stein transported the Dunhuang scriptures back to the UK, he donated them to the British Museum, where they have been kept in the Stein Chamber in the China Pavilion of the British Museum for more than 100 years.

In this batch of Dunhuang scriptures, most of them are Chinese classics, and there are also many manuscripts and classics in other languages, such as Uyghur, Tubo, Sanskrit and other languages, which are the best historical materials for studying the history of these ethnic groups..."

Next, Ye Tian began to introduce this batch of Dunhuang scriptures in detail.

While he was making an introduction, the large-screen TV erected on one side of the rostrum was also simultaneously playing relevant pictures and video materials, showing those priceless Dunhuang scriptures.

However, the number of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures is too large, and it is obviously impossible to introduce them all.

Ye Tian could only select a dozen or so representative picture scrolls and scripture scrolls, and introduce them, while other scriptures could only be mentioned in one sentence.

Even so, by the time he finished introducing the dozen volumes of the Dunhuang Canon, more than ten minutes had passed.

Next, it was time for the director of the National Library of China and the director of the Dunhuang Academy to perform.

Both of them thanked Ye Tian for his generosity, and affirmed the great value of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures, and their great influence on the study of Dunhuang studies, and even on the research of ancient Chinese history and culture.

The finale was played by the Minister of Culture. He delivered a high-level speech, once again expressed his gratitude and praise to Ye Tian for his generous donation, and gave him a very high evaluation.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wanted.

Through this public and high-profile donation, he managed to leave an excellent impression on everyone, and it will definitely be of great help to the next matter of building a private museum!

If there are no accidents and no one is responsible for it, his construction of a private museum will be smooth sailing, and it is almost impossible to encounter any obstacles.

Soon, this heavyweight donation ceremony came to the most important link.

After the Minister of Culture finished his speech, the host of the donation ceremony stepped forward again and made a concluding speech.

Immediately afterwards, he announced loudly with excitement.

"Dear friends from the media, now I would like to invite the representative of the New York Fearless Discovery Company, Mr. Ye Tian, ​​and the director of the National Library, Rao, to sign the donation agreement and hand over this batch of incomparably precious Dunhuang scriptures."

Before the words were finished, all the media reporters at the scene stood up, raised their cameras and video cameras, and pointed the lens at the two people sitting in the center of the rostrum to record this important historical moment.

Ye Tian and Director Rao, who were sitting in the center of the rostrum, looked at each other, nodded with a smile, then picked up the pens on the table and signed their names on the donation agreement.

"Ka Ka Ka"

The sound of the camera shutter rang in an instant, endlessly, and the flashes came and went one after another, illuminating this magnificent hall as if it were daytime.

The donation agreement placed in front of Ye Tian and curator Rao was in Chinese and English. Although the text was different, the content was completely consistent. It was a contract negotiated and drawn up by the two parties, and it was signed by the lawyers of both parties.

After signing the two agreements in front of them, Ye Tian and curator Rao took the agreement handed over by the other party, and signed their respective names on the other two donation agreements.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them stood up at the same time, under the eager attention of everyone present, in front of all cameras and video cameras, they shook hands and exchanged donation agreements.

While shaking hands, Director Rao said excitedly:

"Ye Tian, ​​on behalf of all the staff of the National Library, I would like to thank you again. This is the largest and most valuable donation the National Library has received since its establishment. It is of great significance!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly, then lowered his voice and said:

"Don't be too polite, curator Rao, don't forget, I am also Chinese, this is what I should do, I am deeply honored to be able to bring these precious Dunhuang scriptures back to China!"

When saying these words, Ye Tian lowered his voice so low that only he and curator Rao could hear him.

He didn't want these words to fall into the ears of the media reporters in the audience, especially those from the United States. In that case, it might cause some unnecessary troubles!

The moment Ye Tian shook hands with Director Rao, the five thousand volumes of Dunhuang scriptures placed next to the rostrum and sealed in those boxes no longer belonged to Ye Tian, ​​and all became the treasures of the National Library.

Of course, Ye Tian and his Fearless Exploration Company also have the power of supervision. If necessary, they can also go to the National Library at any time to read these incomparably precious ancient books!

The sound of camera shutters at the scene became more intensive, and the flashes were connected together, making people dizzy.

On the rostrum, Ye Tian and David shook hands with the Minister of Culture and the Director of the Dunhuang Academy respectively, and exchanged a few words of courtesy.

Especially the Minister of Culture, while shaking hands with Ye Tian, ​​he also took a deep look at him, eyes full of admiration, but he didn't say much.

When they finished shaking hands with each other, returned to their respective seats, and then turned to face the many media reporters in the audience, the Great Hall of the Taimiao was once again ebullient.

"clap clap"

Enthusiastic applause sounded again, like a gust of wind and rain, and swept the entire Great Hall of the Taimiao in an instant.

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