Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2007: A Question That Contains Harm

In the main hall of the Taimiao, the press conference had already begun, and the voice of the host of the donation ceremony was heard from the rostrum again, reaching the ears of everyone present.

"My friends from the media, now is the time to ask questions, and you are welcome to ask questions."

Before the words were finished, many media reporters in the audience raised their arms one after another, scrambling to be the first.

The host of the donation ceremony glanced at the scene, and then pointed to a domestic reporter. The reporter had the words 'cctv' printed on his coat, obviously enjoying the benefits of the landlord.

Immediately afterwards, the reporter from CCTV stood up, reached out to take the microphone handed over by the staff, and immediately began to ask questions.

"Hello, Mr. Ye Tian, ​​I am a reporter from CCTV, and it is very admirable that you can donate 5,000 volumes of the priceless Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures for research.

As a Chinese, on behalf of myself, I would like to thank you for your generosity. I believe that many Chinese people are like me and are grateful for your generous donation! "

After speaking, the CCTV reporter bowed slightly to Ye Tian.

Not only him, but all the other Chinese people at the scene nodded slightly and applauded again. Obviously, everyone felt the same way!

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting on the rostrum, nodded to the CCTV reporter with a smile on his face, but didn't say much.

After the applause subsided, the CCTV reporter got to the point.

"Mr. Ye Tian, ​​according to incomplete statistics, you have traded more than 20,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures in Paris, France and London, England. In today's world, you are the largest collector of Dunhuang scriptures.

That is to say, in addition to the 5,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures donated to the National Library today, you still have at least 15,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures in your hands. I would like to ask, how do you plan to deal with those Dunhuang scriptures?

Will you keep donating? Or will those precious ancient books and documents be exhibited publicly? Especially those Dunhuang scriptures that were exchanged from the French National Library and plundered by the Frenchman Pelliot more than a hundred years ago.

Because of his proficiency in Chinese and Chinese historical knowledge, the Dunhuang scriptures plundered by Pelliot are the most valuable and the most essence. Pelliot once boasted that he took all the most valuable of the Dunhuang scriptures examination paper'.

For example, almost all the pictures and scriptures about Chinese Taoist classics were swept away by Pelliot. For example, "The Analects" annotated by Huang Kan, which included the main points of "The Analects" taught by everyone between the Han Dynasty and the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

There are many such scriptures and picture scrolls, each of which is extremely precious. Here, I would like to ask, what do you plan to do with the batch of Dunhuang scriptures that were once stolen by Pelliot? "

After finishing the question, the CCTV reporter did not sit down, but stood in front of his seat, staring at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

The same goes for everyone else, everyone's eyes are on Ye Tian, ​​even Director Rao of the National Library sitting next to him is the same, their eyes are full of anticipation.

Ye Tian looked at the CCTV reporter, then smiled and said loudly:

"This reporter friend raised a lot of questions, and I will answer them one by one. First of all, I must be sure. You are right. Half an hour ago, I was indeed the person who owned the most Dunhuang scriptures in the world.

However, with the signing of the donation agreement just now, I have already taken the second place. Now the National Library of China has the largest collection of Dunhuang scriptures.

They have a total of more than 21,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures.

As for the Dunhuang Canon in my hands, there are only more than 18,000 volumes left! In fact, this donation of 5,000 volumes of the Dunhuang Canon is just the beginning, and I will continue to donate part of the Dunhuang Canon in the future.

As for the recipients of the donation, it can be the National Library, the Dunhuang Research Institute, or the National Museum and the Forbidden City. I hope that these Dunhuang scriptures can promote the study of Dunhuang studies and shine the most brilliant light."

"clap clap"

There was another round of warm applause at the scene, resounding through the entire Taimiao hall.

Everyone was applauding, sending their own applause to Ye Tian.

Especially the few sitting next to them, as well as those high-level officials from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, top antique art appraisal experts, and many cultural and cultural personnel, all applauded desperately, and their palms were almost smashed.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

After the applause subsided, he continued:

"I'm sure you all know that I plan to build a private museum of my own in Beijing, and in this private museum, there will be a department of ancient books and rare books.

At that time, all the Dunhuang Canon in my hands will be collected in this department, including the Dunhuang Canon that was looted by Pelliot more than a hundred years ago and brought back to China by me.

Except for some representative pictures and scriptures that will be exhibited, most of the Dunhuang scriptures will be stored in a state-of-the-art, safest vault with constant temperature and humidity.

All the Dunhuang scriptures in my collection will be open to all experts and scholars who study Dunhuang studies and Chinese cultural history. As long as they apply and get approval, they can see those Dunhuang scriptures.

Due to the age, those Dunhuang scriptures are very fragile. In order to better protect them and to pass on the culture and history they record, I plan to digitize them.

After digital processing, relevant experts and scholars do not need to read those ancient books carefully. In the digital reading center of the museum, they can see all the contents recorded in the Dunhuang Canon.

In this way, those already fragile Dunhuang scriptures can be better protected, preserved in this world for a longer period of time, and continue to bloom bright and dazzling light of civilization for a long time."

After the words were finished, Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to the CCTV reporter, and the reporter bowed slightly to him, and then sat down with satisfaction.

"clap clap"

The applause sounded again, and it seemed to be more enthusiastic than before.

Before the applause fell, many media reporters in the audience raised their arms again, vying for the next opportunity to ask questions.

This time, the host of the donation ceremony pointed to a foreigner reporter and gave the foreigner the opportunity to ask questions.

Of course, this was at the behest of Ye Tian, ​​and he had made arrangements long before the donation ceremony started.

The foreign reporter stood up, and the staff randomly handed over the microphone.

Immediately afterwards, the foreign reporter began to ask questions in English.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm Dennis, the Beijing correspondent of The Washington Post, and I would like to ask, why is the National Library of China the recipient of your donation of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures?

Your Daring Do Exploration Company is located in Manhattan, New York. Your wife, Betty, is an American. You are also a naturalized American. Why don't you choose the National Library of America or the Metropolitan Museum of America as a donation?

Another point is that you are a businessman. According to related rumors, you are very persistent in your pursuit of money and wealth. No one can take advantage of you. Why did you choose to donate free of charge this time?

Just now you have repeatedly mentioned that this huge batch of Dunhuang scriptures is priceless, and each piece is of great value, but you donated them free of charge. Can you tell us the reason for this? "

After finishing speaking, the foreigner reporter from "Washington Post" sat down, but Ye Tian, ​​who kept his eyes fixed on him, waited for his answer.

Obviously, this is a bastard with evil intentions and malicious intentions.

Hearing this question, a sharp light flashed in the depths of Ye Tian's eyes, but it was so fleeting that no one noticed it.

David, who was sitting next to him, took a deep look at the white reporter and secretly recorded the bastard's face.

After the simultaneous interpretation on the spot, all the Chinese in the Taimiao hall understood the American reporter's question, and also heard the maliciousness inside and outside the words!

The Minister of Culture, Director Rao of the National Library, and others who were also on the rostrum couldn't help but change their faces slightly, and a bit of worry flashed in their eyes.

Without exception, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian to see how he would answer these malicious questions.

Ye Tian looked at the American reporter, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, Mr. Dennis, welcome to this donation ceremony and press conference, and welcome to work in Beijing, very pleased to see you here.

That's right, my Daring Do Exploration Company is located in Manhattan, New York, and my wife Betty is an American through and through. Because I stayed and worked in New York, I also became an American citizen.

However, I was born in Beijing and grew up in Beijing. It was not until high school that I went to the United States because I went to school. I am a Chinese, and this will never change! "

Hearing this, the eyes of all the Chinese people at the scene couldn't help flashing a light of admiration, but the worries in everyone's eyes also deepened.

Is it really appropriate to do so in such a public place, in front of such an American reporter who clearly has malicious intentions? Should it be more tactful?

The American reporter sitting under the stage, the moment he heard Ye Tian's words, a look of excitement flashed across his face.

No need to ask, this guy's belly started to leak bad water again!

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