Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2008 Public Threat

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to smile and said:

"Let me tell you why I donated these 5,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures to the National Library of China instead of the National Library of the United States, the Metropolitan Museum, or other cultural institutions.

The most important reason is the fact that I just said that I am a Chinese, and the Dunhuang Canon records the civilization and history of China, and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation.

Only in this land of China, those Dunhuang scriptures from hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago, can bloom the most brilliant light and exert their greatest value.”

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, extremely enthusiastic and deafening.

All the Chinese people on the scene applauded, sending their own applause to Ye Tian, ​​and the rest of the foreign reporters, whether willingly or unwillingly, also applauded one after another.

After the applause subsided, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again.

"As we all know, since this batch of Dunhuang scriptures entered the British Museum, they have been shelved for a long time and piled up on the bookshelves in Steining's secret room, with almost no chance of being exhibited publicly.

It is almost impossible for experts and scholars who study Dunhuang studies in China and even around the world to see and study this batch of Dunhuang scriptures, which is obviously not conducive to the progress of civilization and the spread of culture.

After obtaining these Dunhuang scriptures, I have also considered which cultural institution to donate them to. After some careful consideration, I chose the National Library of China.

If I donate them to the National Library of the United States or the Metropolitan Museum, the fate of the Dunhuang collection is likely to be shelved like the British Museum.

This batch of Dunhuang scriptures, which have been through thousands of years of suffering, is already very fragile. They must not be allowed to slowly rot and disappear in a dark vault. That is a crime against civilization.

That also goes against my original intention of donating this batch of Dunhuang scriptures, because the Dunhuang scriptures record Chinese civilization and Chinese history, and as long as they are Chinese, they will definitely cherish them.

The study of Dunhuang studies in China has reached a large scale, and the National Library of China also pays enough attention to the Dunhuang scriptures, and has top-level protection measures. No matter from which point of view, this is the best choice.

It is precisely for these reasons that I chose the National Library of China as the recipient of the donation, rather than the National Library of the United States, the Metropolitan Museum, or any other cultural institutions.”

Hearing this, Director Rao of the National Library of China and the Minister of Culture, who were sitting next to him, were secretly amazed and gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

One counts as one, and so do all the other Chinese people at the scene. Everyone is full of admiration and even applauds loudly.

These words are so beautiful, almost impeccable, Ye Tian really has a sharp mouth, he is so good at speaking.

As for the foreign media reporters present, they had to admit that Ye Tian's words were indeed very reasonable.

Those priceless Dunhuang scriptures, if donated to other cultural institutions outside of China, will be shelved 100%, and at most a few pieces will be exhibited, no different from when they were in the British Museum!

Pausing for a while, after taking a sip of water, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Everyone should know that not long ago, my private exhibition hall at the Metropolitan Museum, the "King and Knight" exhibition hall, just cut the ribbon.

Open to all visitors to experience the golden age of the Crusades in the Middle Ages.

Why would I set up that exhibition hall in the Metropolitan Museum instead of in a famous museum in Europe, or transport those antiques to China and set up that exhibition hall in the Forbidden City or the National Museum?

The reason is very simple. This is a decision based on culture and reality. The exhibition hall is not located in Europe because Europe is closely related to the history of the Crusades. I must consider historical and religious factors.

As for China, it has nothing to do with the history of the Crusades. Those antiques from medieval Europe can hardly resonate with the Chinese, and naturally they will not bring me more benefits.

The United States is not the case. The United States is a part of Western civilization. Immigrants mainly come from the European continent, but it is in a new continent. The history of the Crusades has little to do with the United States.

However, because American culture originated from Europe, people are very familiar with the history of the Crusades, and that exhibition hall can resonate strongly with Americans no matter from the cultural or emotional point of view.

It is precisely because of this that I set up the "Kings and Knights" exhibition hall in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. After the opening of the exhibition hall, the influx of tourists also confirmed my judgment that the exhibition hall will bring me huge benefits.

In the same way, the Dunhuang Canon carries Chinese civilization and history, and only in this land of China will they shine the most brilliantly, and will not be buried and exert their greatest value.”

Hearing Ye Tian's reasonable analysis, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded, including the American reporter with ulterior motives, and he had nothing to say.

But this is not the end, Ye Tianqing's clear voice still kept coming from the rostrum, reaching the ears of everyone present.

"It is undeniable that I am indeed very persistent in my pursuit of money and wealth. I am a professional treasure hunter and businessman. It is natural and understandable to pursue the maximum benefit.

But why would I donate this batch of Dunhuang scriptures free of charge? Instead of selling them at a high price, of course there is a reason. Compared with other antique works of art, the Dunhuang Canon can be said to be very special.

When we say that the Dunhuang Canon is a priceless treasure, we mean the Chinese civilization and history it carries, which cannot be measured by money at all, nor can it be quantified to give a relatively accurate valuation.

If this batch of Dunhuang scriptures is broken up, pushed to the antique art market in batches, and sold in various ways, it will definitely disrupt their integrity and even cause irreparable huge losses.

Because not every collector has the corresponding collection conditions, such as a library or study room with constant temperature and humidity, some of the Dunhuang scriptures may be damaged, or even disappear into the sea.

Moreover, due to the large number of Dunhuang scriptures and the extremely damaged ancient books, once this special antique cultural relic floods into the market, it will definitely disrupt the market, and the price will not be too high.

As far as I am concerned, the possible gains from the sale of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures do not move my heart, and I am even less willing to see these batches of Dunhuang scriptures scattered everywhere, causing some unnecessary losses.

More importantly, even if I donate 5,000 volumes of the Dunhuang Canon, I still have more than 18,000 volumes of the Dunhuang Canon in my hand. Since I don’t intend to sell these priceless treasures, I can only collect them myself.

No matter from any point of view, my donation of this batch of Dunhuang scriptures to the National Library is a good thing with all benefits and no harm, and my personal interests will not be lost.

On this matter, I hope that everyone will stand taller, look at and think about problems from the perspective and height of human civilization and history, and don't just focus on money and interests, and care too much about gains and losses!

Mr. Dennis, this is my answer, I wonder if you are satisfied? I hope you can truthfully report what I just said, and I will keep the video of this press conference intact."

As he said that, Ye Tian nodded slightly to the Beijing reporter of the "Washington Post" with ulterior motives, with a bright smile on his face all the time.

Looking at his smiling face, Dennis couldn't help shivering, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his whole body was cold and terrified.

Until this moment, he seemed to realize who he was facing!

The guy sitting on the rostrum with a bright smile on his face is definitely not an ordinary top collector, but a guy who is known to be ruthless and vengeful, and there is nothing he dare not do at all.

In such a public place, I was so stupid to put eye drops on that bastard Steven in public!

Thinking of this, Dennis couldn't help regretting and wanted to slap himself twice, but unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world!

The other people at the scene all heard the threat hidden in Ye Tian's last words, and they were all shocked by it, and secretly terrified.

Sure enough, just like in the legend, Ye Tian (Steven) really has no taboos. He dared to threaten the media reporters in public, and he didn't take the so-called uncrowned king seriously.

It is entirely conceivable that if any of these media reporters at the scene dared to distort the report and deliberately put shit on his head, he would definitely face cruel retaliation and absolutely did not run away!

The press conference continued, and the host raised his finger to a reporter again, asking him to start asking questions.

This is a reporter from a domestic news media, and the object of his question is Director Rao of the National Library.

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to half past eleven noon.

The press conference ended smoothly. Several people sitting on the rostrum stood up one after another, nodded slightly to the media reporters present, then walked off the rostrum, and walked towards the side door of the main hall that they had just entered.

Soon, a group of them walked out of the Taimiao hall and walked to the lounge next to the hall.

On the way, the Minister of Culture came to Ye Tian, ​​smiled and whispered to him:

"Xiaoye, after you enter the lounge later, tell me about your private museum in detail. I'm very interested. From my personal point of view, I also support this matter very much!"

Hearing this, the smile on Ye Tian's face suddenly became brighter.

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