Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2009 I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala

New Year's Eve, a beautiful day for Chinese family reunion.

After waking up in the morning and having breakfast, the family members start to get busy, put up lights, clean the yard, and prepare to spend the last and most important day of the year in the best condition.

Since the courtyard house we live in is much larger, everyone is much busier than in previous years, but everyone in the family enjoys it, and the whole mansion is immersed in a joyous atmosphere.

Because it was the New Year's Eve, almost all tourist attractions in Beijing were closed, so the Lao Zhang Ganzi's family didn't go out to visit. They all stayed at home, busy with everyone, and had fun.

Especially Matthew and Evelyn, the harmonious and harmonious atmosphere in the gate of this mansion and the warm and touching affection among all family members made them envious and envious.

In fact, they have also become members of this big family, and quickly integrated into it, enjoying this deep family affection to the fullest.

In a blink of an eye, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

In the living room of the inner courtyard, Grandpa just finished writing a pair of Spring Festival couplets, put the brush on the pen holder, and nodded with satisfaction.

On this pair of couplets written in black and white on red paper, there is a couplet written in official script that reads "days increase in years, people increase their lifespan, spring is full of heaven and earth, and happiness is full of doors".

The father and the second uncle who stood beside the desk, looked at the flamboyant and skillful Spring Festival couplets, nodded frequently, and sent a few words of praise.

Even Matthew, who doesn't understand Chinese, gave a few words of praise after Ye Tian's translation and explanation.

Although he doesn't understand Chinese, he knows what beauty is!

When the ink on the Spring Festival couplets dried a bit, Ye Tian was going to pick up the couplets and go out, and stick them on the moon gate leading to the garden in the inner courtyard.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and then he confessed to his grandfather and father, and went to the next room to answer the phone.

About five or six minutes later, he returned to the living room, came to the desk, smiled and said:

"Grandpa, Dad, Second Uncle, there is something that requires you to make a decision. Just now, the Minister of Culture called and specially invited our family to attend the Spring Festival Gala at 8:00 p.m.

The Minister of Culture told me on the phone,

A table was reserved for our family, with a total of eight seats. Our family can sit together, and that table is very close to the stage with a good view.

Whether to go to the Spring Festival Gala is up to you to make a decision. If you go, we have to make preparations. Some things that have been arranged before must be made in advance. If you don’t go, I will call you back! "

Before the words fell, the second uncle said excitedly:

"It's a great thing to go to the CCTV studio hall to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and sit next to the stage, of course I want to go"

The little uncle patted Ye Tian's shoulder lightly, smiled and said:

"You're so proud of yourself, Xiaotian, the Minister of Culture actually called and invited you to the Spring Festival Gala."

"This is called "repaying peaches and rewarding plums. Yesterday I donated 5,000 volumes of priceless Dunhuang scriptures to the National Library. This is "rewarding peaches." Today, the Minister of Culture invited me to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. This is called "rewarding Li!"

And this is just the beginning, things like this will definitely happen in the future, after yesterday’s donation ceremony and press conference, the Minister of Culture talked to me about building a private museum, and he is very supportive.”

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with a somewhat smug expression on his face.

Unlike the second uncle and little uncle, grandfather and father did not rush to express their opinions, but fell silent.

Matthew, who was standing aside, was a little dazed, not understanding what happened.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian hurriedly explained, and a look of surprise flashed across Matthew's face.

Although he is an American and lives in Boston thousands of miles away, he has heard about the Spring Festival Gala, the world's largest and highest-rated gala, and is very yearning for it.

As early as in Boston, every Spring Festival, they could see the grand occasion of the annual Spring Festival Gala in various news reports.

Out of curiosity, they also watched the Spring Festival Gala several times on the Internet, and went to Chinatown to participate in the Spring Festival celebrations, and they also liked the joyful excitement very much.

After thinking for a while, Dad said:

"Your second uncle is right, Xiaotian, this is a good thing, you can go to participate, after all, it is Chinese New Year now, it is also very good to go to the Spring Festival Gala to feel the atmosphere and celebrate the New Year with people from all over the country.

Besides, since the Minister of Culture took the initiative to call and invite, and the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program team also made corresponding arrangements, we still have to take this offer, and we cannot refuse it easily.”

"That's true, Xiaotian, we have to accept this favor, go to this year's Spring Festival Gala, and celebrate the New Year with the people of the whole country, we can be regarded as your help."

Grandpa went on to say, with the final word, the matter was really confirmed.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Okay, grandpa, then let's accept the invitation and go to this year's Spring Festival Gala, but there are only eight seats at that table, that is to say, there are only eight people in our family, and it's up to you to decide who will go"

Without the slightest hesitation, Grandpa immediately gave the answer.

"The Minister of Culture invited our family to this year's Spring Festival Gala because of your face, so you and Betty must attend, it is indispensable.

We are guests from afar, we can't neglect Betty's parents, and we can't forget them when we have such an opportunity, just let them experience the taste of Chinese New Year.

Going to watch the Spring Festival Gala live, there should be no better way to experience it than this, so there are still four seats left, let’s discuss who will go.”

"There is no need to discuss any more, Dad. The remaining four seats belong to you, my mother, and the two girls Linlin and Chenxi. We can just stay at home and watch TV."

Dad said with a smile, and reserved all the remaining four seats.

The second uncle and the younger uncle also nodded in agreement, and there was no disagreement.

"Okay, this arrangement is very good, each of you has taken care of your family"

Grandpa nodded and said, the matter was settled.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian continued to say:

"One more thing, the Minister of Culture told me just now that because our table is close to the stage, we may need to participate in a show called 'I Have a Family Heirloom'.

The show is not complicated. When we arrive at the Spring Festival Gala, the choreographer will tell us the details, but we want to bring a family heirloom to the scene. What should we bring? "

Hearing this, Dad and Second Uncle couldn't help but look at each other.

"What should I bring to the Spring Festival Gala? There are so many good things at home, including priceless top-level antique works of art, but that thing can be regarded as a family heirloom!"

Thinking of this, Dad and the others couldn't help but have a hard time making a decision.

As for Grandpa, he has fallen into deep thought again.

After a while, Grandpa gave the answer.

"Just take the pair of brass shop heads on the gate of the old house. The pair of tiger head shop heads were originally installed on the gate of the old house. In the late 1990s, I was afraid of being stolen, so I took them off and put them away. to the cupboard.

Although the pair of shop heads are only from the early years of the Republic of China, they are not worth a lot of money, and they are not even considered as antique cultural relics, but they have accompanied the birth and growth of several generations of our family. They have special significance and can be regarded as family heirlooms! "

Hearing what Grandpa said, Dad and Second Uncle couldn't help laughing and nodded slightly.

"Okay, Grandpa, just take the pair of brass shop heads, they are indeed a very good pair of heirlooms, and when my private museum is completed, I plan to display them in the China Pavilion.

The matter of participating in the Spring Festival Gala is so decided, I will call to inform the relevant people, and there are other things that need to be rescheduled, such as the delivery time of the Beijing Hotel, etc. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and went to the next room to make a call.

The second uncle and the younger uncle also took out their mobile phones and called Linlin and Chenxi to inform the two girls that they were going to the Spring Festival Gala tonight, so that they could prepare early.

Immediately afterwards, two ecstatic cheers came from the side of the courtyard, which resounded through the gates of the entire mansion, and even the entire Lishi Hutong.

"It's great! I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala, long live my brother!"

"Ah! I got to meet my idol, and all those other stars, it's great!"

No need to ask, the cheers of course came from the two girls Linlin and Chenxi.

Before their cheers fell, there was another extremely frustrated wail from outside, coming from the little guy Dongzi.

"It's not for me, why is it always me who is unlucky? It's not fair! Is it still a family? I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala too!"


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