Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2010 The Capital of Fire Trees and Silver Flowers

It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and the twilight was getting darker.

In front of Lao Ye's mansion, the family members who were going to CCTV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala were about to get in the car and leave.

The parents and other family members all came out to see him off, and repeatedly told Ye Tian to take good care of his grandparents.

Dongzi, who was standing inside the gate, leaned against the vermilion gate, looking at Ye Tian and the others helplessly, eyes full of resentment.

After saying hello to his parents, Ye Tian looked at this kid, then smiled and said:

"Don't be cautious, Dongzi, come here, come with us to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, I won a seat for you kid, if I don't bring you today, I think you kid will blame me for a year"

Hearing this, Dongzi was stunned immediately, his eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard, thinking he was hearing hallucinations!

The rest of the family were also stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

Just as smiles appeared on everyone's faces, Dongzi standing in the doorway felt like being electrocuted. He jumped three feet high, jumped up, and cheered ecstatically.

"I can also go to the Spring Festival Gala? It's great, brother, it seems that we are indeed a family. Before, I was wondering whether my brother picked it up from the garbage dump, but now it seems not!"

Before the words were finished, the kid had already rushed out of the doorway, at an extremely fast speed, and came to Ye Tian's side in the blink of an eye.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and all the family members laughed.

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian took his grandparents and Betty and boarded a gc commercial vehicle, and Matthew, Evelyn, Linlin and Dongzi boarded three Mercedes-Benz SUVs respectively.

In addition to these cars, there are three SUVs full of security personnel, who are also preparing to go to CCTV together to protect Ye Tian and all his family members.

Soon, the convoy started with a bang, left the house, and drove slowly towards Dongsi Avenue at the west entrance of the alley.

At this time, the streets of Beijing were deserted. There were hardly any pedestrians and vehicles passing by. The roads were extremely smooth.

In addition to some high-end hotels and restaurants still operating, shops, office buildings, and other commercial facilities on both sides of the street,

They are now closed and the doors are locked.

People are all going home for the New Year, ready to enjoy a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner, be with their families, and spend a New Year’s Eve full of laughter, warmth and happiness!

However, the landscape lights, neon lights, street lights on the buildings on both sides of the street, as well as the colorful lights hanging on the trees, bridges, and various buildings, have all been turned on.

All these lights gather together to decorate the great city of Beijing, making the city colorful and splendid!

The convoy that Ye Tian and the others were riding in soon drove up to the fiery East Fourth Avenue, sped past the street, and drove straight to Chang'an Avenue not far ahead.

It didn't take long for their convoy to pass the West Second Ring Road, getting closer and closer to the CCTV compound at No. 11 Fuxing Road.

As in previous years, this year's Spring Festival Gala is still held in the No. 1 Studio Hall located in the old site of CCTV, not in the new site of CCTV located in the Middle East Third Ring Road, that is, the building that looks like underpants!

The convoy continued to drive for a certain distance, and the former CCTV building standing on the side of Fuxing Road broke into everyone's field of vision.

Looking at the slightly old CCTV building in the distance, the grandfather who was sitting in the same car with Ye Tiantong immediately joked:

"This CCTV building still looks comfortable. Although it is a bit old, it is well-behaved and reassuring. It doesn't look like the big underpants poked on the edge of the East Third Ring Road. It makes me worry when I look at it!

Xiaotian, your private museum must not be built like that, it is too ugly, there is no beauty at all, and I don’t know what those stupid designers think! "

"Hahaha, don't worry, Grandpa, my private museum can't be a strange building, and that kind of sensational design can't pass in my place.

When my private museum is completed, it will be a cultural and museum building with Chinese characteristics, which must conform to the aesthetics of our Chinese people, and it will become another landmark building in Beijing.”

Ye Tian said with a soft smile, his words were full of confidence.

While talking, the motorcade was getting closer and closer to the CCTV building, and the speed gradually slowed down.

Compared with other sections of the road that I passed before, the closer I got to the CCTV building, the more vehicles there were on the road, and the more pedestrians on the sidewalks on both sides of the street, and it became more lively.

In addition, there are many police cars parked on both sides of the street, and there are many police and armed police patrolling the streets. It can be said that there is one post at three steps and one sentry at five steps, and the security is very tight.

When the time came to around 5:40 in the evening, Ye Tian and his convoy finally arrived in front of the CCTV building, and then, under the guidance of the staff, drove into the designated parking lot in the CCTV compound.

When the convoy stopped, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car and prepared to go to CCTV No. 1 studio.

At this moment, several staff members with hang tags came over suddenly, the leader was an official from the Ministry of Culture, whom he had met in the Forbidden City yesterday, and the others were staff from CCTV.

Seeing them, Ye Tian stopped immediately and explained to his grandfather in a low voice.

When he came close, the official from the Ministry of Culture smiled and said:

"Good evening, Mr. Ye Tian, ​​welcome to CCTV. I'm here to welcome you. The minister hasn't come here yet. Let me take you in first. Please follow me."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Director Wang, let's go."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile on his face, and then took his grandparents, other family members, and followed Director Wang to the No. 1 studio hall.

On the way, he introduced Betty, grandparents, and Matthew and Evelyn to Director Wang. As for the three little guys, there was no need to introduce them.

The three of them, Linlin and Dongzi, were all very excited at this moment. The three of them looked around with six eyes, and they were bouncing around when they walked.

Not surprisingly, the appearance of Ye Tian and the others immediately attracted a lot of attention. Almost everyone around them looked at them curiously and started talking in low voices.

"Hey! Isn't that Ye Tian and his wife Betty? The rest of them must be his family members. How could they appear here? Didn't I hear that he was invited to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"What's so strange about this, don't forget, he just donated 5,000 volumes of priceless Dunhuang scriptures to the National Library for free yesterday, which is absolutely shocking!

The headlines on the front pages of all the news media yesterday were all about this incident. The reports about the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala were all overshadowed by this heavy news, and the limelight was the same for a while.

Today is New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve. Under such circumstances, he was specially invited to attend the Spring Festival Gala with his family. "

When people were curious and talking about it, some people who were closer kept saying hello to Ye Tian.

"Good evening, Mr. Ye, I didn't expect to see you here. The thing you did yesterday was so beautiful, and it was very grand, admirable!"

"Hello, Ye Tian, ​​I read the report about your donation of the Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures yesterday. It's so generous and open!"

Those who were a little further away gave Ye Tian thumbs up one after another, and everyone's eyes were full of admiration.

The appearance of this scene had been expected by Ye Tian, ​​and he was not too surprised.

From the moment he got off the car, he always had a bright smile on his face, and he kept saying hello or nodding to the people around him, and his performance was impeccable.

Grandparents, Betty, Matthew and Evelyn, and the three little guys Linlin and Dongzi felt very different at this time!

The scene in front of them made each of them proud and proud.

Especially the three little guys, Linlin, Chenxi, and Dongzi, held their heads high and flushed with excitement, wanting to announce loudly to the whole world that Ye Tian was his elder brother.

While talking, Ye Tian and his group arrived at the entrance of CCTV No. 1 studio hall.

But they did not follow the ordinary guests from the brigade to enter through the main passage. Instead, they came to the entrance of a special passage under the leadership of Director Wang and others.

When entering this special passage, Director Wang also explained the reason.

"Ye Tian, ​​after entering through this special passage, there are several VIP lounges, one of which is prepared for you, you and your family will rest there for a while, and then enter the studio hall when the time is almost up.

Ministers and the others will arrive here soon, and will go to the VIP room to find you. In addition, the editors and directors of the program "I Have a Family Heirloom" will also go to the VIP room to explain the details of that program to you."

"Okay, Director Wang, please take us there"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and said politely with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, the group of them walked into this special passage, ready to go to the VIP room.

But who would have imagined that the moment they walked into the podium building where the No. 1 studio hall was located, the little girl Chen Xi screamed and jumped three feet high.

"Brother, sister Linlin, look quickly, who is that in front, that is my idol, it's amazing!"

While screaming and cheering, this little girl was eager to try, and she was about to rush forward to ask for her autograph.

Following the direction of Chenxi's finger, Ye Tian and the others all saw the so-called idol in front of him. He was a popular young boy in China, and he was most liked by little girls, and Chenxi was one of them.

"Cut! Who did I think it was? It turned out to be this guy. She's a pure bitch, and she actually treats this guy as an idol. It's so disrespectful!"

Dongzi said contemptuously, his words and eyes were full of disdain.

Hearing this, Chen Xi immediately became impatient, ready to attack, and rushed to beat Dong Zi, but was held down by Ye Tian.

"Okay, you all be honest with me today, don't embarrass me, rush up to find celebrities to ask for autographs, I can't afford to embarrass your brother!"

Ye Tian whispered, warning the three little guys.

Hearing this, Chen Xi immediately calmed down, but still pouted, and made a fist gesture at Dong Zi, ready to go home and settle the score.

At the same time, the young boy in front of him and his entourage, as well as a group of Spring Festival Gala cast and crew surrounding the guy asking for autographs, all turned their heads to look this way. 12

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