Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2011 Handsome Man

"Hey! Why did Ye Tian come here? He brought his family with him, and he came in through a special passage. He is not a member of the Spring Festival Gala cast."

"Do you still need to ask? He must be a special guest. Those who are eligible to enter this special channel are not only the cast and crew of the Spring Festival Gala, but also those heavyweight guests."

There was a lot of discussion in the special passage, and everyone looked at Ye Tian with curiosity.

Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of these buzzing discussions. He was still the same as before, nodding to everyone with a smile on his face, and walking forward with his grandmother's arm in his arms.

While talking, the group of them came to the side of the butter boy and his entourage, and walked past these guys.

As they staggered past, Ye Tian smiled as usual and nodded to the little creamy boy, and gently grabbed Chen Xi's arm, this little girl was a little ready to move again.

It was the same with the creamy boy, who nodded slightly at Ye Tian with a smile on his face, his eyes were full of curiosity, but he didn't say much.

Then he took a few steps forward, and Evelyn, who was walking side by side with Betty, suddenly asked in a low voice in surprise:

"Betty, is this a man or a woman? In terms of body shape, it looks like a man, but the makeup is too delicate, and it looks more feminine than a woman. I really don't understand it."


Both Betty and Linlin laughed, each of them was overjoyed.

Ye Tian also smiled softly, then turned around and said in a low voice:

"Evelyn, that's a man, and a popular idol star, but as you said, this idol star looks more feminine than a woman, and looks like a woman at first glance.

Not all male stars in China are like this. This demonic trend came from the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles. Many young male stars in China are vying to follow suit, and each of them makes men neither men nor women.

Don't tell me, there is still a market for this kind of handsome guy, especially among teenage girls, who have countless fanatical fans. Our Chen Xi is one of them, I really don't know what to think! "

With that said, Ye Tian tapped Chen Xi's head lightly.

Chen Xi rolled her eyes angrily, and continued to pout her lips, but she didn't argue, even though she could fully understand Ye Tian's English.

"I see, why did they make themselves like this? I really don't understand"

Evelyn nodded in response, but was still a little dazed, and looked back at the beautiful butcher student again.

While speaking, the group of them had already walked more than ten meters, and then turned into another corridor, disappearing from the sight of the rest of the people.

"Sure enough, Ye Tian took his family to the VIP lounge. Those who are qualified to enter those VIP lounges are all heavyweights."

"Isn't it! Even those famous superstars are not eligible to enter that VIP area"

There was another discussion in the special channel, and every voice was full of envy, even jealousy.

Just when people were discussing, under the leadership of Director Wang, Ye Tian took his grandparents and other family members into a VIP lounge.

The area of ​​this VIP lounge is about 40 to 50 square meters. The decoration is elegant and the area is large enough. There are some sofas, furniture, and some electrical appliances in the room, and the condition is very good.

After leading everyone into the lounge,

Director Wang and two CCTV staff left and went out to get busy.

Ye Tian asked his grandparents to sit down, chatted, and waited for the CCTV staff to come to inform him, and then went to the No. 1 studio hall.

But this is the backstage of the CCTV No. 1 studio hall and the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala. There are many popular domestic male and female stars gathered here. The stars are shining and the bustle is extraordinary. Linlin and Chenxi can sit there!

These three little guys seemed to have thorns growing on their buttocks, and they couldn't sit still within two minutes of sitting down.

"Brother, sit here with your grandparents and sister-in-law. Let's go outside and have a look. This is the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala. Since we're here, of course we're going to open our eyes."

Linlin said excitedly, as if she couldn't wait.

Not only him, Chen Xi and Dong Zi also looked impatient, looking at Ye Tian eagerly, and occasionally looking at the door of the lounge.

Ye Tian looked at the three little guys, then nodded with a smile and said:

"It's not impossible for you to go outside, but we must agree to three rules. You can only go out if you agree to my conditions, otherwise you can just sit here for me."

"What are the three chapters of the contract? Tell me quickly, brother, we must abide by it"

Chen Xi nodded and said, swearing.

"Well, listen to me, you three little guys. The first thing is that you are not allowed to find any celebrity autographs to take pictures. Or what I said just now, your brother, I can't afford to lose that person.

The second thing is, this is the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala. You can’t take pictures around with your mobile phone and post them on Moments. That might spoil or disturb others. Just watch the excitement!

The third thing is, don’t chase and fight, interfere with other people’s work, follow the instructions of the staff, but never leave the backstage, remember to contact me as soon as possible.”

"No problem, brother, we know the seriousness, and we will definitely not cause trouble for you, we just went to see the excitement"

The three little guys nodded in unison, answering very simply, with bright smiles on everyone's faces.

"Remember these three chapters of the covenant, you can go out, play outside for a while and come back"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and pointed to the door of the lounge.

"Come on! Let's go now"

Before the words were finished, the three little guys, Linlin and Dongzi, walked towards the door quickly, and walked out of the VIP lounge in a blink of an eye.

Since this is the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, the security is very tight, and no one else can come in, so Ye Tian didn't send security personnel to follow these three little guys, there is no need for that.

In fact, there were only four security personnel following Ye Tian into the backstage of No. 1 Studio Hall.

They were Mattis and Peter, and two Chinese security personnel, and neither of them had a gun.

In order to avoid attracting too much attention, there are two Chinese security guards guarding the door of this VIP lounge.

Matisse and Peter are in the lounge. They are white after all, and this is the backstage of the CCTV No. 1 studio. If the two of them stay outside, they will definitely attract a lot of attention.

After Linlin and Dongzi left, Ye Tian, ​​Betty, and grandparents continued to laugh and chat, waiting for the start of the Spring Festival Gala.

During this period, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and called his father, telling his family members who stayed in No. 129 courtyard of Lishi Hutong that he and his grandparents had successfully arrived at the backstage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Matthew and Evelyn were not idle either. They watched the highlights of previous Spring Festival Gala through the large-screen TV in the lounge, and learned about the origin and history of the Spring Festival Gala.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

While everyone was talking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, two CCTV staff members who had left here just now opened the door and walked in, bringing with them two Spring Festival Gala performers with hang tags on their chests.

After entering the door, one of the CCTV staff explained the reason.

"Mr. Ye, these two are the editors and directors of the program 'I Have a Family Heirloom' and are also staff members of CCTV. They are here to introduce you to the relevant details of the program 'I Have a Family Heirloom'"

At the same time as the introduction, Ye Tian got up and walked closer, said with a smile:

"Happy Chinese New Year, I'm Ye Tian, ​​nice to meet you, please both of you"

With that said, Ye Tian shook hands with the two CCTV staff.

Looking at these two again, their expressions were quite excited, and their eyes were shining brightly.

"Happy New Year, Mr. Ye Tian, ​​I'm Xie Jun, the editor and director of the 'I Have a Family Heirloom' program, you are the idol of our entire program group, it's great that you can participate in our program!"

"Happy Chinese New Year, Mr. Ye Tian, ​​I'm Liu Fang, and I'm also the director of 'I Have a Family Heirloom'. It's my great honor to introduce our program to you."

When shaking hands with Ye Tian to say hello, the two guys were so excited that their hands were even trembling slightly.

They are the editors and directors of a treasure hunting program on CCTV, and they have a little bit of antique art collection. Maybe they think that they are insiders!

At this time, they suddenly saw the world's top expert on antique art appraisal, professional treasure hunter, and top collector, and he was the most popular one. Wouldn't they be excited?

After getting to know each other and exchanging a few polite greetings, Ye Tian led the two of them to sit down on a group of sofas next to them, and began to listen to their introduction about the details of the program "I have a family heirloom".

This program is actually very simple, and it can be explained clearly in a few words.

On the site of the Spring Festival Gala, during the program, the on-site host will randomly select some families attending the Spring Festival Gala, let them show their family heirlooms, and tell the stories behind the heirlooms.

Its main purpose is to use the heirlooms produced by each family as the carrier to tell the inheritance stories of each family and show China's excellent etiquette culture.

Here, the family heirloom is not necessarily a priceless top antique artwork, it can be a wooden comb, a blue lamp, a skill, or even a spirit.

As long as this family heirloom continues to convey warmth in the passage of time, it tells a series of warm and touching stories, conveys the endless humanistic spirit, and witnesses the cultural power of overcoming mountains.

That's the real heirloom, and that's what the show is trying to convey.

In less than ten minutes, the two editors and directors of the "I Have a Family Heirloom" program had finished their introductions, and they gave some instructions for cooperation, and they were about to get up and leave.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the lounge.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian's cell phone rang, and it was the little girl Chen Xi who called.

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