Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2012 Let me tell the truth

Ye Tian took out his phone to look at the display, then immediately slid to unlock the phone's screen lock, and put the phone to his ear.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xi's voice came over, with a very anxious tone and a bit of crying.

"Brother, something happened, Dongzi was beaten, come here quickly"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stood up, the smile on his face disappeared, and he became as cold as ice in an instant, with a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

"Chenxi, don't be afraid, brother will come right away, don't hang up your phone, keep in touch with me"

"Okay, brother, we are at the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, not far from the lounge, there are already a lot of people around here, turn left and walk forward for a while and you can see it"

Chen Xi responded that her mood had stabilized a lot.

"Okay, I see, I'll be right there"

Ye Tian responded, then turned around and said to his grandparents

"Grandpa and grandma, your two elders are sitting here, I'm going out to deal with some things, I'll be back soon"

"Okay, Xiao Tian, ​​just go ahead, don't worry about us"

Grandpa nodded in response, with a serious expression and a bit of anger in his eyes.

Although the conversation between Ye Tian and Chen Xi was short and the information revealed was very limited, Grandpa still understood the meaning.

He knew that Linlin and the others who had just left this lounge must have encountered trouble or even been bullied, so Chen Xi called.

At the same time, Grandpa knew very well in his heart that Ye Tian could handle this matter. It would be better for the old couple to stay in this VIP lounge, and going out would also add to the chaos.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then quickly told Betty and Matthew a few words in English, telling them to stay in this lounge and wait for him to come back.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to look at Mattis and Peter.

"Matisse, Peter, you stay in this VIP lounge and protect my family. If something happens to my family, I will ask you!"

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was extremely cold, even a bit murderous.


Steven, just leave it to us, there won’t be any problems.”

Mattis and Peter stood up and responded in unison, with a firm and confident tone.

Before their words were finished, Ye Tian had strode towards the door of the lounge.

Xie Jun and Liu Fang, whose faces turned pale, immediately stepped up to follow, their expressions were extremely flustered, and they cursed crazily in their hearts.

"It's over, something big has happened! I don't know which idiot has no brains, but dares to provoke the family of this devil king, isn't he looking for death!"

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian opened the door of the lounge, walked out of the VIP lounge, and said in a deep voice to the two Chinese security personnel guarding the door:

"Li Can, come with me and do something together; Zhao Changshan, you continue to guard the door of this lounge. No one is allowed to enter until I come back."

At the same time as the order was issued, Ye Tian had already stepped forward, walking forward quickly, his speed almost catching up with the trot.

"Understood, Ye Tian"

The two Chinese security personnel guarding the lounge door responded in unison and immediately took action.

Li Can followed Ye Tian's footsteps and walked forward together quickly. Zhao Changshan took a step sideways and stood directly in the middle of the entrance of the lounge, like a door god.

On the other side of the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, many people were gathering at the door of a large dressing room. There were so many people that the place was almost blocked.

Among these people, there are CCTV staff, Spring Festival Gala performers, and some big and small stars, and there are many faces that people all over the country are familiar with.

It seems that no matter celebrities or ordinary people, they all like to watch the excitement and have a heart for gossip.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the two groups of people at the door of the dressing room.

Needless to say, these two groups of people are the protagonists of this conflict, and they are also the focus of everyone's attention.

A group of people are obviously cast members of the Spring Festival Gala, and each of them has a hang tag, or an access pass, on their chest.

To be precise, this is a group of Goryeo sticks, and the names written on those hanging tags are enough to reveal their identities.

And these sticks are a group, a total of five people, the members are all about twenty years old, dressed in fancy clothes, everyone is dressed in a sissy outfit, and the appearance characteristics are very obvious.

Around these guys, there are some entourage, brokers and bodyguards, most of them are Korean sticks, and there are also a few Chinese, who should be translators and propagandists!

Without exception, the Goryeo stick group and their entourage looked at the few people standing opposite them with smiles on their faces and contempt and disdain in their eyes.

There were only three people standing opposite them, Linlin, Dongzi, and Chenxi.

The one standing at the front was Dongzi. This kid's right hand was cut and left a lot of blood, but luckily it stopped.

He was staring at the Goryeo sticks on the opposite side with his eyes spitting fire, and he was still holding a flowerpot he found from nowhere in his hand, and he was ready to rush forward if there was any disagreement.

As for Linlin and Chen Xi, he blocked them firmly behind them.

The eyes of the two girls were full of tears. Linlin held on to Dongzi's arm tightly to prevent him from rushing forward, while Chenxi was holding a mobile phone and kept talking to others.

It was Ye Tian who was talking to her.

"Why do you beat people? Are you still unreasonable?"

Linlin yelled at the Goryeo sticks on the opposite side, she was so angry that she burst into tears.

Looking at those sticks again, as if they couldn't understand Chinese, they shrugged their shoulders pretending to be regretful, then looked at each other, and then laughed softly, and the smile on everyone's face became stronger.

Following Linlin's shout, everyone at the scene looked at those Goryeo sticks. Everyone looked at those guys as if they were looking at idiots, full of pity, and even a bit of gloating.

Especially those big and small stars, all of them were so happy that their noses were soaked. If it weren't for the public, they would have cheered and celebrated long ago.

The reason for this situation is that most people here know well that Linlin and Dongzi are Ye Tian's family members, and everyone just saw them walk into the VIP lounge together!

Only those Goryeo sticks who showed up late and were still kept in the dark.

What's even better is that no one at the scene stepped forward to remind them that they had provoked someone who absolutely shouldn't be provoked, and they saw blood!

According to the legend, with Ye Tian's ruthlessness, this group of Korean sticks will never be able to eat and walk around.

Fortunately, here is the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, and everyone is watching. If it is changed to other places, whether these Korean sticks can return to Korea alive is a matter of two opinions!

"Linlin, who hit you? Point it out and show me, brother will help you to reason."

Ye Tian's voice came in from the periphery of the crowd and reached the ears of everyone present.

Hearing the sound, everyone at the scene immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, and everyone had different expressions.

When Linlin and Dongzi turned their heads to look behind them, a look of joy flashed across their faces, and then they looked like weeping again, as if they had been wronged a lot, obviously there was no shortage of acting elements.

The gloating emotions in the hearts of many onlookers at the scene can hardly be concealed, and they are about to come out!

Ye Tian, ​​the incarnate devil king is here, it's a good time to watch, just let this incarnate devil take care of this group of Goryeo sticks, and teach them how to behave!

As for the other party in the conflict, the group of Goryeo sticks and their entourage felt a little surprised and curious, and each of them still had a smile on their faces.

However, when they saw Ye Tian walking towards the door of the dressing room with a frosty face through the crowd, the smiles on the faces of each of them froze in an instant, and the contempt and disdain in their eyes disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there was endless fear, making each of them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and they were about to freeze completely.

While speaking, Ye Tian had passed through the crowd and was about to walk to Linlin and Dongzi.

And the status of these little guys was also seen by him, and he could see everything at a glance.

Especially the blood on Dongzi's hand directly ignited the anger in his heart, making the murderous intent in his eyes even stronger!

At this moment, a CCTV worker in his forties who looked like a leader suddenly stepped forward and said to Ye Tian with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye Tian, ​​this is a misunderstanding, please let me explain,..."

Before this guy finished speaking, Ye Tian quickly sized him up, then said with a sneer

"Who are you? Stay here, don't feel uncomfortable!"

After finishing speaking, he directly stretched out his hand to push this guy away, and came to his younger brothers and sisters.

The CCTV worker staggered back to the side, but he didn't fall to the ground, his old face instantly turned red, as if stained with blood!


There was a gasp of air at the scene, and everyone was completely stunned by Ye Tian's actions.

Although the other party's official position is not high, he is still a leader of CCTV. He has a head and a face, and this is still in the backstage of CCTV No. 1 studio, which is too embarrassing!

Chi Guoguo's slap in the face is really loud and painful!

And in the eyes of those Goryeo sticks, the color of fear became more intense, even full of despair!


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