Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2013 This is Personal Heroism

"You are here, brother, if you don't come again, we will be bullied to death by those Korean sticks, you must help us vent our anger"

Before Ye Tian could stand still, Chen Xi rushed forward, hugged Ye Tian's arm coquettishly, and pointed to the group of Korean sticks standing opposite.

Ye Tian patted Chenxi's head lightly, looked at the situation of Linlin and Dongzi, and said with a sneer:

"Don't worry, girl, no matter what stick, my brother can break it for him, let him know the consequences of bullying our family, and tell me what's going on"


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, from the guys around who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

While chuckling, everyone at the scene felt the cold air coming from their backs, and they were secretly terrified.

It seems that the legend is not wrong at all, this guy Ye Tian is definitely a ruthless and vengeful devil king, those Goryeo sticks are going to be in trouble.

Looking at those Goryeo sticks standing at the door of the dressing room, their expressions became even more ugly, as if their own fathers had died, their eyes full of apprehension and fear.

Because of Ye Tian's words, Linlin and Dongzi also laughed, and their tense nerves relaxed.

They clearly knew that there was nothing their elder brother couldn't solve, and it would be a piece of cake to clean up the Korean sticks in front of them, not a problem at all.

"Brother, just now we were watching a few actors' dialogues here, a Korean stick suddenly came over to strike up a conversation with sister Linlin, sister Linlin ignored him, and that guy continued to pester him with a stern face.

Seeing this situation, Dongzi went up to block Sister Linlin and let the stick go away, but who knows, another Korean stick next to him pushed Dongzi away and fell to the ground.

Dongzi's hand was cut and bled a lot, and then we argued with these sticks, these bastards not only did not apologize, but pushed 625, saying that Dongzi was careless and had nothing to do with them."

Chen Xi gritted her teeth and explained what happened.

Hearing this, the anger in Ye Tian's eyes suddenly became stronger. He coldly glanced at the Goryeo sticks on the opposite side, and then said to Dongzi:

"Dongzi, put down the flowerpot and let me see if the injury is serious. Don't worry, every drop of blood you bleed and all the grievances you suffer, brother will help you get it back.

until you are satisfied.

You boy is doing very well. You know how to protect your sister and sister. You are a man. Since I am here, let me handle this matter. No one wants to bully our family, not even the king of heaven! "

Hearing this, Dongzi put the flower pot in his hand on the ground, then stretched out his injured hand, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile:

"It's okay, brother, it's just a little skin trauma and a little bleeding, but it's stopped now, and it doesn't hurt too much, it's not as mysterious as what Chen Xi said.

Of course I want to protect Sister Linlin and Chenxi, don't talk about these Korean sticks, even if the king of heaven comes, don't even try to bully our family, buddies will fight to the death.

These Koryo sticks are so damn hateful, not only are they unreasonable, but also cost as much as 2.58 million. If you don't come, I will definitely spend these bastards! "

As he said that, Dongzi raised a middle finger at the Korean sticks opposite him, his eyes full of disdain and contempt.

Ye Tian looked down at the injury on Dongzi's hand. It was indeed not serious. There was a cut on the side of the palm, and the muscles were slightly turned out, but no bones were injured, and the bleeding had stopped.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian was immediately relieved, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he said coldly:

"Dongzi, bear with me a little longer, boy, and when I finish handling the matter here and seek justice for you, I will find someone to treat your wound, and we will go to the hospital for stitches later.

Now, please point out to me, brother, who is the stick who entangled Linlin, and who pushed you to the ground, and let me get to know these two Korean sticks."

The next moment, Dongzi pointed to those Goryeo sticks.

"That greasy-faced stick with yellow hair on his head is the idiot who pestered sister Linlin. It is said that he is a manager or something. That fat pig in a suit is the idiot who pushed me down!"

Following the direction of Dongzi's finger, Ye Tian saw the two sticks at a glance and determined the target.

Immediately afterwards, he said to his brothers and sisters with a smile on his face:

"Linlin, Dongzi, Chenxi, the three of you stay here, I'll go and reason with those Korean sticks."

"Okay, brother, don't spare those idiots lightly"

Dongzi gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were full of excitement, wishing he could go there with Ye Tian and beat up those Goryeo sticks.

On the contrary, Linlin and Chenxi were still somewhat worried, after all, there was a huge disparity in the number of people.

"Brother, you have to be more careful, or call the security personnel outside to clean up these Korean sticks"

"Don't worry, it's just a piece of cake to clean up these Goryeo sticks, there is no difficulty, you can just stay here with peace of mind"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, he didn't take the dozen or so Goryeo sticks seriously at all.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Li Can who followed him:

"Li Can, you stay here to protect my younger brothers and sisters. If they have any problems, I'm the only one to ask them."

"No problem, Ye Tian, ​​leave it to me here."

Li Can nodded in response, his tone was firm and full of confidence.

Next, Ye Tian strode towards those Goryeo sticks, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes!

Seeing this scene, the scene immediately exploded.

"I'm going! Something big is going to happen. This guy Ye Tian is clearly going to single out this group of Korean sticks, isn't he a bit exaggerated? If he can really let go of this group of Korean sticks, he will be too awesome!"

"Single-handed! This is the real individual heroism, Ye Tian is as wild as ever, this good show must be very exciting!"

Amidst the constant discussion, the eyes of those who were watching the scene were all excited, and they almost shouted and cheered.

Those Gaoli sticks standing at the door of the dressing room had ashen-colored faces, and their eyes were full of fear and anger.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian had arrived in front of the group of Goryeo sticks.

At this moment, an interpreter suddenly stepped forward, trying to smooth things over with a smiling face.

"Get out! Stay here, if you really plan to stand up for these Korean sticks, I don't mind beating you together."

Ye Tian said coldly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he pulled the male translator in his thirties aside.

Immediately afterwards, he said to those Korean sticks in English:

"This is the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala. In order to avoid disturbing the normal order, some matters are not suitable to be dealt with in public. Let's talk in the dressing room. I'm the only one. I wonder if you have the courage to follow in?

Here, I might as well tell you, if you dare not enter this dressing room today, you will never want to be in this industry again in the future, and you will never want to be on any stage again, think clearly! "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pushed away the two Goryeo sticks in front of him, then walked through the rest of the Goryeo sticks, and went straight to the large dressing room behind these sticks.

Those Korean sticks were stunned for a moment, and their faces became even uglier, ashen-colored, and the fear in their eyes became stronger.

The cast and crew who could understand English, as well as the CCTV staff, were all taken aback by Ye Tian's words, and they were all gasping for air, feeling cold all over their bodies!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had walked into the large dressing room, but those Koryo sticks were still outside, looking at each other, wondering if he should follow in.

However, reality does not allow them to choose at all.

If you don't enter this dressing room, then the stardom of people like yourself will probably end here, and you will disappear from everyone, and you may even lose your life, and you will never be able to return to Korea.

Everyone at the scene was sure of this.

What kind of things can't be done and what things can't be done by the devil king who just entered the dressing room? Are there still fewer people who died at the hands of that bastard? Almost too many to count!

After hesitating for a moment, someone finally moved!

The Korean bodyguard who overthrew Dongzi walked to the door of the dressing room first, with fear and despair on his face, it was like going to the execution ground!

Seeing this guy move, the remaining Goryeo sticks looked at each other, then nodded slightly, and walked towards the door of the dressing room together. Some were frustrated, some were sad and angry, and some were full of resentment.

In particular, the five members of that idol group were even more swearing, as if they were cheering themselves up, so as to dispel the sissy aura radiating from all over their bodies and fill themselves with courage!

They seemed to be full of dissatisfaction, thinking that Ye Tian was just one person, and it was impossible to deal with the dozen or twenty people on their side.

While speaking, all these Koryo sticks had entered the large dressing room, and the door of the dressing room was closed immediately.

The next moment, there was a loud ping-pong-pong sound and some curses in Korean from the dressing room.

Immediately afterwards, there were another series of shrill screams and even heart-wrenching crying sounds from the dressing room, which made everyone outside feel terrified!

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