The dressing room was very cluttered, but empty.

On the two rows of dressing tables standing against the wall, there are a lot of cosmetics and related supplies, and the air is filled with the smell of various cosmetics mixed together.

There are seven or eight sofas in the room, with a pile of clothes thrown on them, and the rows of movable hangers next to them are also covered with colorful performance costumes, all of which are exotic costumes.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there are many wine bottles, most of which are soju that Koreans love to drink, some have been opened and half drunk, some have not been opened, and there are still many empty bottles.

In addition, there are many snacks and fruit plates on the coffee table, which are thrown everywhere, and the cups and plates are messed up.

After entering the dressing room, Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene, then went straight to the center of the dressing room, turned around to face the door of the dressing room, and waited for the Korean sticks outside to come in.

In just a moment, the fat man who pushed Dongzi down walked into the dressing room first.

As soon as he entered the door, the fat man in a suit and leather shoes bowed at ninety degrees and said in broken Korean English:

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Ye, it's my fault, I shouldn't offend your family, please forgive me"

Ye Tian looked at this guy coldly, not bothering to talk to him at all.

Since you made a mistake, you have to bear the consequences. If an apology can solve the problem, why do you need the police and the law?

Since you idiot dare to overthrow Dongzi, you have to pay the price for it. Even if God comes down, he can't save you idiot!

Before this Gaoli stick straightened up, the rest of the Gaoli sticks also walked into the dressing room one after another, and stood scattered in an area inside the door.

Unlike the fat man who entered the dressing room first, the sticks who came in later did not take the initiative to apologize or plead guilty, and they had different expressions, all staring at Ye Tian.

In addition to fear and despair, the eyes of each of them are also full of anger, and even some resentment.

Even though they had an absolute advantage in numbers, no one dared to approach Ye Tian.

The shadow of a man's famous tree!

What kind of person Ye Tian is, how ruthless his methods are, and how ruthless he is to the enemy. Through his sensational deeds in the past, these Korean sticks also know something.

Seeing that all Goryeo sticks have entered the dressing room,

Ye Tian then said loudly in English:

"Since everyone has come in, let's close the door. Let's have a good talk and see if the truth really exists."

Hearing this, all the Gaoli sticks who entered the dressing room were terrified, and a chill rushed from their heels to their foreheads, making each of them shiver.

After hesitating for a moment, one of the group of Goryeo sticks spoke up and told the companions near the door to close the door of the dressing room.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the dressing room was closed, blocking the sight of many onlookers.

The moment the door of the dressing room was closed, Ye Tian quickly launched revenge actions to seek justice for his younger brothers and sisters.

He kicked his right foot back hard, and his whole body was like an arrow from the string, with a fierce murderous aura, it went straight to the Gaoli stick who had just straightened up.

In just one breath, the distance of three or four meters between the two parties has disappeared.


Ye Tian's right foot landed heavily on the floor and was firmly tied.

Borrowing the great strength of the high-speed forward, his left leg swept out like lightning, and with a force of thunder, he directly grabbed the right arm of the Korean stick hanging by his side.

Before the Gaoli stick could react, the whip leg, like a big axe, ruthlessly struck the right arm of the Gaoli stick.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the fat Gaoli man was directly swept away by the extremely ferocious whip kick, and hit the Gaoli sticks on the left like a broken sack.


At the same time, the sound of a broken bone sounded in the dressing room, which was creepy and heartbreaking.

In the next moment, the fatty Gaoli bumped into the companions on the left, like a bowling ball, and knocked them down to the ground, rolling into a ball.

It wasn't until this time that the fatty Gao Li who was attacked woke up and felt a heart-pounding pain coming from his right arm.


A heart-wrenching scream sounded immediately, resounding through the entire dressing room, and also startled everyone outside.

But this was just the beginning, and before the rest of the Goryeo sticks could react, more ferocious attacks followed.

After a powerful whip kick swept the fat Goryeo away, Ye Tian didn't stop at all, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, he rushed directly into the group of Goryeo sticks at the door.

In his view, none of these Goryeo sticks is innocent.

Either they directly bullied their younger siblings, or they were accomplices standing by and shouting and cheering. Everyone deserves what they deserve, and no one can escape!

Of course, his main focus is still the greasy-faced, yellow-haired manager, and the fat Korean who was swept away first.

He rushed into the crowd, his fists were like raindrops, his legs were like lightning, and he frantically attacked those Goryeo sticks, venting his anger.

During the attack, the targets he chose to attack were the limbs of those Goryeo sticks, and every punch and every leg fell on those guys' limbs.

In this way, it is possible to severely injure these Goryeo sticks, teach them an extremely profound lesson, and warn everyone else by the way, without worrying about accidentally killing these Goryeo sticks and making matters worse.

In fact, these Korean sticks are not worthy of death. It is enough to teach them a profound lesson and let them know how to behave.

Looking at those Goryeo sticks again, I was completely stunned in an instant.

Under Ye Tian's violent attack like a storm, they were like boats hit by a hurricane, always in precarity!

Facing Ye Tian's unparalleled strength, they had no power to fight back at all. As long as they were attacked, no matter whether they were punched or kicked, it would be the result of broken tendons and bones, and there was absolutely no other possibility.

"Crack...!", "Ah—!"

The horrifying sound of bone fractures and heart-wrenching screams rang out one after another, endlessly.

At the same time, those Goryeo sticks were continuously beaten up one by one, and hit the floor of the dressing room directly.

When they hit the floor, there was another loud bang.

Outside the dressing room, everyone was completely shocked. They all stared at the door of the dressing room dumbfounded, their eyes full of fear, and some even trembled slightly.

Even Linlin and Dongzi's eyes were full of horror. They stared at the door of the dressing room with wide eyes, and their eyes were full of worry.

Although you can't see what's going on in the dressing room, you can imagine what's going on there just by the creepy sounds coming out of that door.

There is no doubt that an extremely fierce struggle is taking place in that dressing room, and it is an outnumbered struggle, full of romantic individual heroism!

What's even more exaggerated is that from the beginning of this fight to the present, everyone can only hear the crazy curses and screams of those Goryeo sticks, but they have never heard the voice of Ye Tian.

Judging from this situation, that guy Ye Tian seems to have an absolute advantage, and he is madly crushing and beating those Goryeo sticks with the attitude of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

I would like to ask, can such a soul-stirring fight not make everyone feel excited and completely shocked by it? Even if everyone is just a group of loyal listeners.

The fight didn't last long, only a minute or two.

Soon, the sound of fighting disappeared, and the sound of frantic cursing disappeared completely.

All that was left was one after another, continuous screams, still coming from the dressing room. Compared with before, the screams became more and more intensive, and it sounded even more miserable!

Everyone standing outside the door of the dressing room was stunned at the moment, and everyone felt trembling and even trembling!

Everyone was staring at the door of that dressing room, waiting for the winner of this fight to come out of it. Who would be the first to come out of that dressing room?

Is it Ye Tian, ​​that crazy guy? Or those Goryeo sticks? Judging from what everyone has heard, the former seems more likely!

However, although the fight was over, the door of the dressing room had not been opened for a long time, which made everyone very surprised and worried.

Of course, Linlin and Dongzi were the ones who worried the most.

The little guys were crying in anxiety, and Dongzi was even more straightforward. He picked up the flower pot at his feet and was about to rush up.

At this moment, the door of the dressing room suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian came out of the dressing room, with a smile on his face and a very relaxed expression. It didn't look much different from when he entered just now, except that his clothes were a little messed up.

In the dressing room, those Korean sticks were all lying on the floor, hugging their arms and thighs, screaming frantically over and over again, their voices were extremely shrill and ear-piercing.


Ye Tian, ​​who walked out of the dressing room, closed the door casually, blocking the miserable scene in the dressing room behind the door.

But with just one glance, everyone gathered around the entrance of the dressing room was gasping for air-conditioning, and they were terrified, their legs were trembling, and they were about to be unable to stand!

This buddy Ye Tian is really crazy, even ten times more crazy than the legend. In such a short period of time, he brought down more than a dozen Goryeo sticks with his bare hands, and all of them were severely injured with broken arms and legs!

What's even more frightening is that he himself was unscathed and looked very relaxed, as if he had returned from a walk!

How can he be human, he is clearly a humanoid monster!

Just when people were terrified, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out.

"Linlin, Chenxi, you two girls don't want to come here, you'd better not look at the situation in this dressing room, lest you spoil your mood and go back to have nightmares.

Dongzi, come over here, you kid, you have to take this lesson, and see if you are satisfied with the result, if you are not satisfied, then I will go back and rework until you are satisfied! "

"Come on! I'll be right here"

Dongzi responded excitedly, then threw away the flower pot in his hand, and ran quickly to the door of the dressing room.


There was a gasp again at the scene, and everyone was startled by Ye Tian's words.

This comes with rework! Do you want to let those Goryeo sticks live? It's too cruel, who the hell can provoke this family!

In a blink of an eye, Dongzi had run to Ye Tian's side, staring at the door of the dressing room with bright eyes.

"Dongzi, you have to be mentally prepared, the situation in the room is not very good, even a bit cruel"

Ye Tian said with a smile, reminding Dongzi.

"Don't worry, brother, no matter what you see next, you can bear it"

Dongzi nodded vigorously, with a rather resolute expression.

"That's good. As my younger brother, you must take this lesson, so do it now!"

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to open the door of the dressing room, and Dongzi immediately looked inside.

At the same time, a large number of security personnel and police who arrived late rushed into the backstage of the CCTV No. 1 studio hall as quickly as if they were on fire.

At the end of the crowd, there were a few familiar faces. The Minister of Culture and the Director of CCTV came hand in hand. Both of them had dumbfounding expressions, full of regret!

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