Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2015 Call it a day

"Let's go, Dongzi, let's go back to the VIP lounge, don't make grandparents wait in a hurry"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, and stretched out his hand to close the door of the dressing room, and patted Dongzi on the shoulder lightly.

Following his movements, Dongzi, who was shocked to the point of being stunned, finally woke up.

The next moment, the kid raised his hand and pointed at the door of the dressing room, and whispered in surprise:

"Brother, let's leave like this? What about the Goryeo sticks in the dressing room? Just let them lie on the floor struggling and howling in pain?"

"If you want to lie down, let them continue to lie down. Doesn't Gaoli Bangzi like to sleep on the floor? It may be very comfortable. If they feel uncomfortable, they will call 120 themselves.

Their mobile phones are all on their bodies, and some of them can speak a few words of Chinese. It is still no problem to call an ambulance. I believe they will call soon, and we don't need to do it for us.

What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied with the current result, why don't I come back again? Until you are satisfied, the only thing that worries me is that those sticks inside can't stand it! "

Ye Tian joked that he was going to push open the door of the dressing room, and go back to beat those unlucky Goryeo sticks.

Hearing this and seeing his movements, Dongzi hastily stretched out his hand to hold him, and shook his head like a rattle.

"Satisfied, so satisfied! My brother, you are too good! Let's let go of those Korean sticks. If you come back, will those sticks survive? Now this kind of result is enough for them! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and many onlookers all laughed.

At the same time, everyone felt a wave of panic.

Ye Tian is too ruthless, if he returns to the scene again, those unlucky Goryeo sticks will really have no way out, who the hell can provoke such a ruthless humanoid monster!

Many CCTV staff and several security personnel who had already rushed to the scene, none of them dared to step forward. They all stood in the crowd, looking at Ye Tian with apprehension!

For the many onlookers around, Ye Tian had no intention of responding, his focus was all on his younger brothers and sisters.

As soon as Dongzi finished speaking,

He immediately went on to say:

"Come on! Since you're satisfied, kid, let's go back to the lounge of the VIP room. We'll treat the wound on your hand there and see if we should go to the hospital or bandage it first and go to the hospital later."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian stepped out and walked towards Linlin and Chenxi.

Dongzi immediately followed up, and whispered excitedly:

"As for today's matter, it's enough for my buddies to brag about for a lifetime! This little skin injury is nothing, and it's not too late to bandage when I go home at night. Since I'm here at the Spring Festival Gala, I don't want to miss the opportunity to watch the Spring Festival Gala there."

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to Linlin and Chenxi.

Before he could stand still, the two girls had rushed up, hugged one of his arms on the left and one on the right, and said excitedly:

"Brother, you are so awesome, you cleaned up those nasty Korean sticks like chopping melons and vegetables, just like a superman"

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting, it made us worry for nothing."

When they said these words, the tone of the two girls was extremely proud and full of admiration, and the same was true for Dongzi standing next to her.

"You are my younger siblings. If anyone dares to bully you, I will beat him until his parents don't know him, and make him regret being born in this world."

Ye Tian said with a smile, looking at the eyes of the three younger brothers and sisters around him full of love, even pampering.

However, when his words were heard in the ears of those who watched the fun, everyone couldn't help shivering and secretly terrified!

At the same time, everyone at the scene was secretly reminding themselves.

In the future, don't provoke Ye Tian, ​​and don't provoke this guy's family, otherwise you won't know how to die!

After talking to Linlin and Chenxi, Ye Tian took the three eager and proud little guys out of here and walked towards the VIP lounge.

As for those Gaoli sticks who were still lying on the floor of the dressing room and howling, whether they were dead or alive, he didn't even bother to care about them anymore!

Until they left, the CCTV security personnel in the crowd didn't do anything, as if they didn't see what happened in front of them, or completely forgot their duties!

After walking forward for a certain distance and passing through the crowd of onlookers, Ye Tian suddenly turned his head and said to Li Can behind him:

"Li Can, I'll give you a task. I'll teach this little guy Dongzi some fighting skills later on. If he encounters such a situation in the future, he can also have a little self-protection ability and be able to protect himself.

What I want is not flamboyant fists and embroidered legs, but the actual combat skills of your special forces. I will give you a year, and I will see the results after one year. If the results satisfy me, you will be rewarded a lot.

If the result doesn't satisfy me, I can only ask you to leave! When training a kid like Dongzi, you don't have to be polite, except that you can't use medicine, you treat him as your own soldier.

In addition, you also need to help me find a good female instructor to teach Linlin and Chenxi a little female self-defense, so I can rest assured that I will see the results within a year."

"No problem, Ye Tian, ​​don't worry, give Dongzi to me, I will practice hard, and I will give you a satisfactory result in less than a year."

Li Can nodded decisively in response, his face full of excitement.

For Ye Tian's generosity, he has a very personal experience. The large reward mentioned here must be very considerable. Can he not be excited?

"That's great. Brother, I've wanted to learn fighting for a long time. Don't worry, I will learn from Brother Can. You can wait and see the results later. You will definitely be satisfied!"

The boy Dongzi immediately cheered, he was so beautiful that his nose was almost soaked with snot.

Linlin and Chenxi were also very excited, their eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian looked at the three younger siblings, then smiled and said:

"You kid, don't be too happy, Dongzi, if you want to learn fighting skills and have the basic self-protection ability, you must work hard. Next, you kid, be prepared to endure hardships.

Fortunately, you are over sixteen years old, and your body has basically grown. As long as you control the progress, strength training and resistance training at this time should not cause any harm to your body.

While learning fighting skills, you must not lag behind in your studies, otherwise your mother will never agree. You must balance the two, this is also a very good exercise.

And the most important point, the reason I asked Li Can to teach you fighting skills is to give you the ability to protect yourself and protect your family, not to make you aggressive and troublesome.

If you dare to rely on what you have learned to bully others, make trouble out of nothing, or even form cliques and gather crowds to fight, see how I will deal with you, and be careful to beat you until you can't take care of yourself."

After the words fell, Dongzi immediately said solemnly:

"Don't worry, buddy is not that kind of person at all, I know the severity, you are so awesome now, and I didn't bully others at school, right, I get along very well with my classmates!"

Ye Tian also knew something about Dongzi's performance in the past year.

He knew clearly that this kid didn't rely on his name to run amok or bully others, so he didn't say anything more.

Next, Ye Tian told Linlin and Chenxi a few more words.

These two girls are not like Dongzi, they are very sensible and well-behaved, so there is basically no need to worry about them causing trouble.

While talking, the group of them had arrived at the door of the VIP lounge, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as they entered the door, everyone in the lounge stood up and looked at Linlin and Dongzi with concern.

Immediately afterwards, there were several exclamations in the lounge, from grandparents, Matthew and the others.

No need to ask, they all saw the blood on Dongzi's hand.

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