Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2024 Did he do it on purpose?

In the blink of an eye, it was around ten thirty in the evening.

The CCTV No. 1 studio hall, where the Spring Festival Gala is being held, has turned into a sea of ​​joy, covering every family and every corner of China, completely submerged by hearty laughter.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the CCTV No. 1 studio hall, another wonderful program ended, and the live broadcast screen immediately switched from the live broadcast hall to the branch venue in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

In the picturesque Hangzhou, relying on the rippling West Lake, a series of wonderful song and dance performances began immediately, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

At the same time, in the CCTV No. 1 studio hall, more than a dozen CCTV staff members have stepped onto the stage quickly, and are busy setting up the scene for the next program!

Several staff members first moved a standard-sized dart target from the backstage, fixed it on a shelf about 1.78 meters high, and stood against a temporarily erected background wall at the back of the stage.

Another group of staff brought up a half-person-high table and placed it in the center of the stage. There were several boxes of unopened darts and other things on it.

The straight-line distance from the center of the stage where this table is to the target behind the stage is more than 20 meters by visual estimation.

And the diameter of the dart target is only 54 centimeters. From the auditorium, it looks very small, and the numbers marked on it can't even be seen clearly, only the outline can be seen.

In addition to the dart target, the staff also brought up an upright roulette covered with colorful balloons, and placed it about fifteen meters away from the center of the stage.

The diameter of this roulette is relatively large, nearly two meters, but it is constantly rotating, and the speed of rotation can be adjusted electrically, which can be fast or slow.

In addition, at the back of the stage above, three huge transparent bags appeared, hanging high in the air, filled with colorful balloons, which looked really beautiful.

Seeing this scene on the stage, the eyes of all the audience in the No. 1 studio hall were immediately brightened, full of curiosity and anticipation.

At this moment, everyone already knew that the next one to perform on stage was Ye Tian, ​​and what he performed was naturally a dart stunt, and the darts placed on the table in the center of the stage were his props.

The Korean idol group that was supposed to perform on stage at this time was nowhere to be seen, perhaps lying on a hospital bed and wailing nonstop!

It was Ye Tian who beat up that popular Korean idol group, and beat up all the Koryo sticks until their tendons were broken and their bones were broken. They were all sent to the hospital in such a miserable state.

Next, Ye Tian actually replaced those Goryeo sticks and prepared to perform stunts on stage.

Could it be that this guy did it on purpose?

In order to perform on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and show off in front of the people of the whole country, he let go of those Korean sticks and replaced them?

If this matter is placed on someone else, it may be impossible, and they may not have that strength, but if it is placed on Ye Tian, ​​​​it is normal, and he also has this strength.

People all over the world know that Ye Tian has no taboos, and there is absolutely nothing he dare not do.

Thinking of this, many people at the scene couldn't help laughing, and somewhat startled. Fortunately, it wasn't me who was beaten, but those Korean sticks!


Ye Tian placed the target with a diameter of only 54 centimeters more than 20 meters away, and then played dart stunts, isn't it a bit too exaggerated, or even too big!

In the darts game that everyone often plays, the distance from the throwing line to the target is generally 2.37 meters, and the farthest is no more than 2.74 meters. However, he placed the target more than 20 meters away, which is incredible!

At this distance, it is very good to be able to see the scoring zone on the dart target clearly, let alone throwing a dart that is not very heavy and hitting the corresponding scoring zone. It is a blessing to be able to throw it on the target target .

There is also the roulette that is placed fifteen meters away and is full of colorful balloons that are constantly rotating. It seems that Ye Tian is going to use darts to pierce the balloons that are constantly rotating with the roulette. How is this possible?

As for the purpose of the three huge bags filled with balloons above the stage, everyone hasn't figured out the purpose for a while, but it must be related to this stunt.

The scenes arranged on the stage made everyone excited, and everyone was looking forward to Ye Tian's next dart stunt performance.

Of course, the small audience who were also in the No. 1 studio hall and were fans of the Korean idol group were still aggrieved at this time, clenching their fists one by one, staring at Ye Tian who was sitting in front of the auditorium.

As for the countless viewers in front of the TV, they couldn't see the main venue of the Spring Festival Gala at this moment, they could only see the wonderful song and dance performances in the Hangzhou branch venue, and everyone was very involved in watching.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes have passed.

At the Hangzhou sub-venue, a song and dance performance with the style of the Jiangnan water town is coming to an end. When the show is over, the live broadcast will switch back to the main CCTV venue.

The stage of the main venue has been set up, and all the staff have been withdrawn, waiting for the performance to begin.

At this time, Ye Tian was making the final preparations before going on stage.

It is said that it is the final preparation, but it is actually very simple. It is to wear an invisible wireless earphone in order to accept the command of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala and control the performance time.

As for performance costumes and the like, there is no need to change them at all, this set of costumes on him is enough.

There is also stage makeup, which was also rejected by Ye Tian, ​​he didn't want others to put makeup on his face, that would be too awkward!

"Mr. Ye Tian, ​​this wireless invisible earphone has been adjusted. You can just put it on. The miniature microphone can be pinned to the neckline, and the signal receiver can be pinned to the back waist."

A choreographer came to the round table where Ye Tian was sitting, handed him the communication equipment, and explained a few words.

At the same time that the editor and director said these words, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective ability, quickly looked through the equipment, and after confirming that there was no problem, he reached out to take it.

"I'll do it myself, I'm very familiar with this kind of equipment and know how to play with it"

As he said that, Ye Tian stuffed the wireless invisible earphone into his ear, and pinned the other two devices on his body one after another.

As soon as he finished these actions, the voice of the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala came from the earphones.

"Ye Tian, ​​did you hear my voice? When you perform on stage, don't be nervous. You must control the rhythm and emotions, and you must control the time and listen to our instructions."

"Got it, Director Zhang, just don't worry, there won't be any problems, just wait and see a wonderful stunt show, don't worry about other things at all!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words and expressions were full of confidence.

"Since you're so confident, that's great. Ye Tian, ​​I'm looking forward to seeing your wonderful performance. If you can perform as miraculously as in the VIP lounge, you will definitely detonate the scene and detonate all live broadcast terminals."

Director Zhang responded, sounding extremely excited.

After chatting for a few more words, the two of them ended the call, and the choreographer who brought the communication equipment over also left the auditorium.

Ye Tian sat down again, laughing and chatting with Betty and the others, enjoying the live broadcast on the big screen while waiting for his own performance moment.

At that time, he will once again be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, bringing a huge surprise to the people of the whole country.

While speaking, the wonderful song and dance performance on the shore of West Lake in Hangzhou ended.

The gorgeous lights illuminating the water surface of the West Lake gradually dimmed, and the moving music lingering in people's ears gradually disappeared into the night, and the lingering sound curled up!

The moment the music disappeared, the screen of the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala changed, and it switched directly to the main venue of the CCTV No. 1 studio!

The situation on the stage of the main venue, as well as the familiar faces of the two Spring Festival Gala hosts with bright smiles, appeared on the live TV screen at the same time and appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, one of the male hosts said emotionally:

"Dear audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV, what you will see next is an ingenious and thrilling stunt performance, not the original singing and dancing performance.

The Korean singing group that was originally planning to perform on stage at this time was unable to perform on stage for some reason. After research and decision by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, it was temporarily replaced by this stunt performance.

Here, we must say sorry to everyone, and at the same time, we also believe that this temporary stunt show will definitely bring surprises to everyone and make everyone amazed by it.”

As they spoke, the two hosts of the Spring Festival Gala bowed deeply to all the audience and the camera lens, with a full gesture.

Immediately afterwards, the topic changed, and the hostess said excitedly:

"The person who will perform on stage next has appeared in the program 'I Have a Family Heirloom' before. He is Mr. Ye Tian. Next, I invite Mr. Ye Tian to come on stage and perform a wonderful dart stunt for everyone!"

With that said, the two hosts raised their hands to gesture towards Ye Tian, ​​and made a gesture of invitation.

Following their gestures, Ye Tian stood up from his seat, stepped out, and walked towards the Spring Festival Gala stage ahead with a smile on his face.

Behind him, the little fellows Linlin and Dongzi also stood up and shouted excitedly to cheer him on.

"Brother, come on, you are the best!"

"Brother, go and shock everyone, I believe you can do it!"

Along with Linlin and the others cheering, there was thunderous applause at the scene. Everyone was watching Ye Tian, ​​who was striding towards the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, with anticipation in everyone's eyes.

Of course, in front of many TVs, there are many people who gnash their teeth and curse Ye Tian, ​​and they are basically fans of that Korean idol group.

Especially in South Korea, when they learned that Ye Tian was about to perform on stage, the Goryeos who received the news were almost blown out of their lungs, cursing loudly at the top of their lungs!

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