Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2025 Human Sniper Rifle

Because it was not the first time to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala tonight, after Ye Tian took the stage, he omitted some procedures, such as introducing himself and greeting the audience and the people of the whole country.

After interacting with the two hosts for a few words, Ye Tian came to the table in the center of the stage and opened the boxes of darts on the table one by one.

There are a total of five boxes on the table, and each box contains twelve darts, which are neatly stacked in the box. Under the illumination of the scene lights, the cold light flickers.

The dart needles and dart barrels at the front of these darts are all silver, but the dart shafts and dart wings at the back half have different colors, which are silver, black, red, green, and blue, colorful.

While Ye Tian opened and inspected these darts, the lens of the main camera at the scene followed him all the time, and also gave a few close-up shots of those colorful darts.

The two hosts of the Spring Festival Gala stood on the left and right sides of Ye Tian, ​​enlivening the atmosphere with singing and harmony, constantly interacting with the audience and interacting with Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian, ​​I don't know how you plan to play this dart game? As far as I know, in a dart game, the distance from the throwing line to the target is only about 2.5 meters, and players can clearly see the various scoring areas on the target. .

However, you placed the target more than 20 meters away, isn't it too far away? Standing in the center of the stage and looking over, I can only see the outline of the target and the different color blocks on it, but I can’t see the marked numbers.”

The male host asked curiously, and pointed to the target that stood twenty meters behind the stage.

Not only him, but also the hostess standing on the other side of Ye Tian, ​​the audience at the scene, and the audience in front of countless TVs were all very curious, and even thought that Ye Tian was being too arrogant.

Throwing darts at a distance of twenty meters? Don't be kidding, you are not a human sniper rifle, you are lucky to be able to throw a dart that is not very heavy on the target!

Ye Tian had already checked the darts in the boxes on the table, then picked up a dart with black wings, weighed it lightly in his hand, felt the weight, and quickly found the center of gravity of the dart.

And he also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly see through all the darts, from the inside to the outside, and he has a clear understanding of the performance of these darts in an instant!

The texture of these darts is very good, the weight is the same, and the center of gravity is also in the same position. The parts of the darts are very closely connected, so there is no need to worry about accidents during the throwing process, such as dart wings falling off and so on.

At the same time, he did not forget to interact with the host, the live audience and the audience in front of the TV.

"You're right, Brother Li, in a regular darts game, the distance from the throwing line to the target is generally 2.37 meters, and the farthest is no more than 2.74 meters. A distance of more than 20 meters is indeed too far.

At this distance, apart from the bull's-eye, the remaining scoring areas on the target are difficult to distinguish. It is almost impossible to throw a dart on a small target, let alone the corresponding scoring area.

But this is the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, not an ordinary darts arena or bar. In order to bring you a surprise, I plan to challenge this almost impossible thing, which is called a stunt show! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words and expressions were full of confidence.

"It seems that you are very confident, Ye Tian, ​​we look forward to seeing your dart skills, I believe it will be very exciting."

The hostess continued with a smile, but there was a bit of disbelief in her eyes.

As soon as her words fell, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"The rules of the dart game are relatively complicated, and many people don't understand it. Since this is a stunt show and must be completed within a limited time, I will not introduce the rules of the dart game here.

The dart target placed more than 20 meters away has a diameter of only 54 centimeters. It looks very small from here. Except for the bullseye, the rest of the scoring area is almost indistinguishable. After all, my eyes are not telescopes.

In today's dart stunt show, this is only the first level and a warm-up match, so I will not invite the audience to participate. I will invite audience friends to participate in the second and third rounds.

Next, I plan to use three darts to find out the feeling first, feel the weight of the darts, the influence of the air flow on the spot, the flight trajectory of the darts, and more importantly, see if I can throw the darts on the target.

After the three darts, I will officially start the show. Before that, I want to make a request. When I throw the darts, it is best not to applaud or cheer loudly, it will disturb me.”

"No problem, Ye Tian, ​​I believe everyone will cooperate, you can start performing dart stunts, we are looking forward to a miracle happening before our eyes"

The male host smiled and nodded, and stepped aside with the female host, looking at Ye Tian expectantly.

Ye Tian looked at the two hosts, nodded slightly to the audience and the cameras, and said confidently:

"Okay, the performance begins now. Audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV, please open your eyes wide and witness this miracle that has never happened before. Don't miss it, or you will regret it."


There was a lot of laughter at the Spring Festival Gala, and it was the same in front of countless TVs. Many people were amused by Ye Tian's words, and looked at him expectantly.

Of course, there are also many people who sneered and didn't believe that he could hit the target at such a long distance. Don't brag, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!

Amidst the laughter, Ye Tian took out a dart from the other two boxes and held it in his hand.

At this time, he had three darts of different colors in his hand, one with black wings, one with red wings, and one with silver wings.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step to the right and stood behind the throwing line arranged by the staff, just in line with the target standing behind the stage.

"Friends from the audience, for the first trial dart, choose the dart with red wings. I hope it will be a good start, and I wish you all a prosperous new year."

As he spoke, Ye Tian had already picked out the red dart and raised his hand as a gesture, while the other two darts were held in his left hand.

Following his actions, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared at Ye Tian, ​​the red dart in his hand, and the target on the big TV screen with breathless concentration. Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation and excitement!

After the demonstration, Ye Tian withdrew his arms, then stretched out his right foot in front of his left foot, bent his right arm forward at 90 degrees, and leaned forward slightly, making a standard dart throwing posture.

He pinched the red dart on the tip of his right finger, with the dart needle pointing upwards slightly, pointing at the small dart target behind the stage. The whole movement was seamless and impeccable.

Seeing his series of actions, many people who often play darts at the scene and in front of the TV couldn't help but nodded in approval!

Regardless of whether this guy Ye Tian can perform a miracle and throw the red dart onto the target more than 20 meters away, at least his dart throwing movements are very professional.

However, how did these people know that to Ye Tian, ​​the 54 cm diameter target standing behind the stage looked far away and small, but it was no different from what was in front of his eyes.

If it wasn't for the lack of depth of the Spring Festival Gala stage and to avoid being too shocking, even if the target was placed 200 meters away, Ye Tian would have no problem hitting any area on the target.

At this moment, the distance from which he saw the light of the antique artwork had already exceeded 200 meters.

In other words, as long as he is within this distance, he can completely control everything and get whatever he wants, he is God!

Coupled with the assistance of perspective ability and incomparably powerful power, throwing this small dart in his hand onto the target is just a piece of cake, without any difficulty!

After tying up the posture, Ye Tian waved his arm lightly and made two gestures pretendingly, but he didn't immediately throw the red dart in his hand.

Only when the appetites of the audience and the countless viewers on the TV were whetted, he swung his right forearm violently, let go of the fingers holding the dart, and threw the red dart directly.

Following his movements, the red dart spun in the air at high speed like an arrow leaving the string, and hit the target standing more than 20 meters away.

Under the tracking of the high-definition high-speed cameras at the Spring Festival Gala, the dart was like a red lightning bolt, quickly slid across the live broadcast screen, and slid across the scene and in front of countless audiences in front of the TV.

The moment they saw this red lightning, people seemed to have heard a 'whoosh' breaking the wind!

Before people could react, the red dart flew over a distance of more than 20 meters at high speed, reached the target, inserted it into the target impartially, and hit the red heart.

What's even more astonishing is that this red dart was inserted very deeply and firmly. The dart needle and dart shaft were all pierced into the target, leaving only the red dart wing outside.

Even the target fixed on the shelf was trembling slightly, which shows how amazing the power Ye Tian gave to that red dart!

When this scene appeared on the live broadcast screen, no matter whether it was the Spring Festival Gala scene in the CCTV No. 1 studio hall or in front of countless TVs, everything fell silent instantly, and everyone was completely stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the scene of the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs were completely detonated, and the exclamation began to sound crazily.

"How is it possible? I'm not dazzled, am I? This guy Ye Tian actually threw the dart on the target and hit the heart. It's unbelievable! How did he do it?"

"I'll go! It's awesome. This guy Ye Tian is like a sniper rifle. He can do this kind of thing. A miracle actually happened!"

The almost crazy exclamation continued, completely igniting the scene of the Spring Festival Gala. Ye Tian, ​​who had already pinched the second dart in his hand, had to stop throwing it!

At this time, he has a very bright smile on his face, and his eyes are full of confidence and eagerness!

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