Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2026 Come and see God

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the center of the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, turned around and looked at the auditorium below the stage, then raised his hands and pressed down gently to signal everyone to be quiet.

Following his actions, the scene quickly fell silent, and everyone looked at him eagerly, looking forward to the next performance.

It was the same in front of countless TVs. People held their breath again, staring at the TV screen and Ye Tian's every move, not even willing to blink their eyelids.

This time, Ye Tian no longer used the regular throwing method before.

Almost at the same time he turned to look at the target behind the stage, the black dart he was pinching on the tip of his right finger flew out of his hand, like a black lightning bolt, across the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, heading straight for the target more than 20 meters away. target.

As before, this black lightning was once again captured by the high-definition high-speed camera lens and presented on the live broadcast.

No matter the audience at the Spring Festival Gala or the audience in front of countless TVs, everyone just felt a flash in front of them, and then, a dart with a black dart wing appeared on the target behind the stage.

This black dart also hit the center of the heart and penetrated deeply into the target, leaving only the wings of the dart.

Seeing this miraculous scene, everyone was stunned. They covered their mouths and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

Before everyone could react, the remaining silver dart in Ye Tian's hand had also been thrown out, and with a sound of breaking wind, it went straight for the target behind the stage.

A silver light flashed, and there was a silver dart on the target, which was firmly inserted on the red bull's-eye, forming a "pin" shape with the previous two darts.

"My God! Everyone, come and see God! This guy Ye Tian is simply amazing. To be more precise, it should be said that his skill in darts is amazing, which is unheard of!"

"Really? You don't live in the world of martial arts described by Gu Long, do you? This is simply the 'Xiao Li Fei Dao', which is so sharp! Today, my friends, it's an eye-opener!"

The scene of the Spring Festival Gala and countless live broadcasts were completely boiled over. Crazy exclamations echoed one after another. People could hardly believe the scene they had just seen.

However, all of this is extremely real. It is happening on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the CCTV No. 1 studio hall, and it is in front of the people of the whole country, and even the people of the world.

Not only all the audience, but even the two Spring Festival Gala hosts on the stage, all the Spring Festival Gala cast and crew, and the Spring Festival Gala director team in the background, were completely shocked by Ye Tian's dart skills!

At the same time, all of them were overjoyed and excitedly started to cheer and celebrate.

Each of them is very clear that this dart stunt will definitely explode the screen, cause a huge sensation, and become the most exciting show in this year's Spring Festival Gala, and even in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

And in a hospital not far from the old site of CCTV, those Gaoli Bangzi who were lying on the hospital bed and wailing incessantly, waiting in line for surgery, were all stunned when they saw this scene on TV.

Without exception, there was a look of extreme fear in the eyes of each of them at this moment!

Steven that bloody bastard, is he still human? It is simply a humanoid monster, a devil from the depths of hell, wandering around the world wielding a sickle!

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala,

He performed a stunt with darts, and if he had replaced the darts with throwing knives, or with the tomahawk he used to use, how terrifying and deadly it would be!

Thinking of this, those Goryeo sticks immediately shivered and became cold all over.

The few guys who were planning to secretly seek revenge from Ye Tian before gave up those extremely stupid thoughts in an instant, and they didn't even dare to think about it!

As for going back to South Korea to call the police, or complaining to the news media about Ye Tian's atrocities, all these thoughts have disappeared and completely ceased to exist!

Is it not good to live? Why bother to provoke that devil from hell when you are full, it is tantamount to seeking your own death!

Not only these Goryeo sticks, but also the rest of the enemies who hated Ye Tianbu, saw this scene on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, all of them were icy cold, as if falling into an ice cave!

After throwing all the three darts in his hand, Ye Tian did not pick up the rest of the darts on the table and continue to perform, but smiled and said loudly:

"The audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV, I believe everyone can see that the effect of the trial throw is not bad, and the three darts hit the target by luck, and they hit the heart.

However, in order to gain everyone’s trust and for the next performance, I would like to ask the staff to remove these three darts from the target and show them to everyone in public.”

Before he finished speaking, a staff member of the Spring Festival Gala quickly ran up to the stage to get the three darts stuck on the target.

At the same time, the whole process of Ye Tian throwing the dart until it hit the target was replayed on the large-screen TV at the scene, and it was replayed in slow motion, and the picture was very clear.

In particular, the process of the three darts being inserted into the target like a broken bamboo was clearly presented in front of everyone's eyes, which couldn't be more clear.

Through the replay of the live broadcast, everyone could clearly see that the three darts inserted on the target were indeed flying out of Ye Tian's hands, not the traps arranged in advance!

While speaking, the staff member of the Spring Festival Gala took down three darts and handed them to the two hosts.

Next, the two hosts publicly showed the three darts, and the on-site camera also gave a few close-up shots, and there was no doubt about everything.

After the display, the dart stunt show officially began.

Ye Tian took out a few darts from the red box on the table, then returned to stand behind the throwing line, and said loudly with a smile:

"My friends at the scene and in front of the TV, it will be the year of the rooster in the lunar calendar in just over an hour. Here, I wish you all good luck and great success in the new year!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and threw a dart, aiming at the target standing behind the stage.

Just as the first dart flew out of his hand, he picked up the second dart and raised his hand to throw it.

Then came the third, fourth, and fifth darts. He didn't stop until he threw all the five red darts in his hand.

At this time, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, one after another red lightning flashed across the air one after another, and with the sound of breaking wind, they aimed straight at the target standing behind the stage.

On the large-screen TV at the Spring Festival Gala, outside this huge studio, and on countless TV screens all over China, there are flashes of red light, which are extremely dazzling!

In a blink of an eye, the five red darts flew to the target one after another, and they were deeply inserted into the square-inch target, very deep and very firm.

Different from the previous test throwing, the position where the five darts were inserted into the target was not the red bull's-eye in the middle, but above the bull's-eye, and they were spread far apart.

Although these darts missed the red bull's-eye, no one thought that Ye Tian's failure to hit the red bull's-eye was obviously the result of his deliberate effort.

And why did he do this to scatter the five red darts? But no one knows the reason, everyone can only guess secretly?

The scene that happened on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala left everyone completely dumbfounded.

"I'm going! Is this guy Ye Tian still a human? It's like a Gatling machine gun! And it's extremely accurate. Can you play darts like this? You haven't even heard of it!"

"Did he aim? If he aimed, how could he throw it so fast? If he didn't aim, how did he get those darts on the target?"

Crazy exclamations sounded again, covering every corner.

At the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs, many people jumped up from their seats as if they were electrocuted, holding their heads and exclaiming, unable to believe what they saw.

After throwing the five darts in his hand, Ye Tian walked back to the table, took out all the remaining six red darts from the red box, and held them in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he went behind the throwing line and continued his shocking performance.

Almost at the same time when he stood still, a dart with a red tail flew out of his hand at a high speed, heading straight for the target more than 20 meters away.

Then came the second, third,..., sixth, and in the blink of an eye, he had already thrown all the six red darts he had just obtained!

The scene that happened just now reappeared in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen again.

Accompanied by the sound of "whoosh, whoosh" breaking the wind, red lightning flashed across the Spring Festival Gala stage in mid-air, past everyone's eyes, across the live screen, and went straight to the target behind the stage.

Without any suspense, the six red darts all hit the target and were deeply inserted into the square inch target, and none of these red darts were on the bullseye.

When the last red dart hit the target, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came from the stage and reached everyone's ears.

"Dear audience friends, this is my gift to you, I hope you like it!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and gestured towards the target twenty meters away.

At the same time, the on-site camera also gave a high-definition close-up shot of the target, clearly presenting the situation on the target to people.

In the next moment, exclamations were heard at the Spring Festival Gala site and countless live broadcast terminals, and the voice was very loud.

"How is it possible? That is an auspicious word 'Ji'. Ye Tian used eleven red darts to write the word 'Ji' on the target as a gift for everyone. It is amazing!"

"Besides, that's the word 'Ji' in official script, which has a bit of charm. It's too exaggerated, buddy, isn't it dreaming?"

The scene of the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs boiled again, just like a volcanic eruption!

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