Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2027 A unique performance

After the first round of performances, Ye Tian walked back to the table, took a few more darts, and then returned to the throwing line again.

He did not immediately start the second round of performances, but turned around and looked at the crowd of audience at the Spring Festival Gala, facing the lens of the main camera, and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"My audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV, my first round of dart stunt performance is over. Judging from the lively atmosphere of the scene, my performance is not bad. If this is the case, shouldn't there be applause here?"


There was a burst of laughter immediately at the scene and countless live broadcast terminals, and everyone laughed.

Before the laughter fell, thunderous applause followed, resounding throughout the CCTV No. 1 studio hall, as well as every family and every corner throughout China.

Especially Linlin and Dongzi, who were sitting under the stage, danced and danced with excitement, and they almost slapped their hands.

And at the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, everyone in the director team of the Spring Festival Gala was cheering and celebrating, applauding wildly.

At this time, each of them was very lucky, fortunately they agreed to this guy Ye Tian and let him perform on stage, otherwise there would be this wonderful dart stunt show there.

As for those Goryeo sticks lying in the hospital crying, they have been completely forgotten or even forgotten by everyone.

Even those Gaoli sticks, their fanatical fans, and other enemies who hated Ye Tian's immortality had to admit at this time that his performance was extremely wonderful and unmatched by anyone.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the center of the Spring Festival Gala stage, once again raised his hands and pressed down gently, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

Following his actions, the scene quickly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, his voice was uploaded from the stage and reached everyone's ears, still clear and confident.

"The next thing that will be done is the second round of dart stunt performances. In this round of performances, the audience at the Spring Festival Gala can participate and perform with me.

As you can see, there are many colorful balloons hanging on the roulette fifteen meters behind me, and the roulette keeps turning.

That roulette has four gears. The higher the gear, the faster the speed. Now it is the first gear, and each subsequent gear is twice as fast as the previous gear.

During the performance, when the wheel was turned in different positions, in each position, I would throw five darts and puncture the five balloons hanging from the wheel.

The balloons are of different colors, and each balloon has a number printed on it. Before I throw it, you can choose a balloon and let me attack it with a dart.

Let me tell you that there is a surprise hidden in those beautiful balloons. Every time I hit a balloon, the participants will get a surprise.

Today is New Year’s Eve. On this beautiful day, the happiest people are children. I want the children at the Spring Festival Gala to participate in games and give them a surprise.”

Before Ye Tian's voice fell, the scene and countless live broadcast terminals were already boiling again, and the exclamation became one.

"Are you kidding me? Ye Tian actually intends to use a dart to pierce the balloons that keep spinning with the roulette wheel, am I right? If he can really do it, he will be really amazing!"

"The speed of the first gear is already not slow, one can imagine how fast the wheel will be when it spins in the fourth gear,

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is fast!

Moreover, those balloons are light and fluffy. Once the roulette spins at a high speed, the position of the balloon will become difficult to figure out. How could it be possible to hit it with a dart? It's too big! "

In the midst of people's exclamation one after another, the two hosts standing beside Ye Tianchong nodded slightly, indicating that the performance could begin.

The two hosts immediately nodded in response, then walked off the stage and entered the auditorium.

They first came to a round table on the edge of the stage, greeted the family members sitting around this round table one by one, and paid New Year's greetings.

Afterwards, the hostess handed the microphone to a four or five-year-old girl, and chatted with the little guy with a smile on her face.

The hostess asked the little girl's name, age, and a few words of praise before getting to the point.

"Little Tingting, have you seen the colorful balloons with numbers written on the turntable? You can choose a balloon from them and tell Uncle Ye on the stage.

Next, Uncle Ye will throw the dart in his hand and pierce the colorful balloons. Inside those colorful balloons, there is a gift hidden. Do you want it? "

As soon as the hostess finished speaking, the little girl carved in powder and jade said loudly:

"Auntie, what gifts are hidden in those colorful balloons? I really want it, Uncle Ye, I like red, so choose the number six red balloon!"

Ye Tian nodded lightly to the little girl under the stage, and said loudly with a smile:

"Okay, little friend Tingting, uncle will shoot the dart right now, and you will get the gift hidden in that balloon immediately."

After speaking, Ye Tian turned around and made a very standard dart throwing posture.

The roulette standing fifteen meters away is rotating at a constant speed at this time, and the colorful balloons hanging on the roulette are also constantly rotating with the roulette, and affected by the current air current, they are still lightly moving. Swing lightly.

Without exception, the audience at the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless televisions were all staring at Ye Tian's every move and the number six red balloon on the roulette wheel, everyone was full of anticipation.

Ye Tian didn't immediately throw the silver dart at his fingertips, but made a few gestures to whet everyone's appetite.

Immediately afterwards, he swung his right forearm forward violently, and the fingers holding the dart were released instantly, and he threw the silver dart directly.

Following his movements, all the audience felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a silver light quickly flashed across the midair of the stage, like a shooting star, fleeting!


With a crisp sound, the No. 6 red balloon hanging on the roulette has burst.

And the silver dart that flew at high speed and hit the target accurately was deeply inserted into the roulette behind the balloon, leaving only the tail exposed.

At the same time as the No. 6 red balloon burst, a piece of red paper suddenly flew out from the balloon and hung down on the roulette, on which were written four flamboyant characters "Flowers Bloom Wealth".

And on the big-screen TV at the scene, while showing a close-up shot, a colorful easter egg also exploded, and the first surprise, or the first gift appeared.

It was a delicate teddy bear, fluffy, naive and very cute.

Seeing this scene on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, everyone was shocked again.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Ye Tian and the burst red balloon on the roulette, and couldn't believe their eyes.

"I'll go! How did this guy Ye Tian do it? This is amazing!"

"The co-author of this guy can not only use darts to hit fixed targets, but also hit moving targets. It's awesome!"

At the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs, there were bursts of exclamations again, one after another.

As for the little girl sitting on the edge of the stage, she jumped three feet high excitedly, yelled loudly, her eyes were fixed on the teddy bear on the big screen at the scene, and she didn't even want to blink her eyelids.

Soon, a staff member of the Spring Festival Gala took the prize, that is, the teddy bear, and handed it to the hostess, who then handed it to the little girl.

After receiving the teddy bear, the little girl carved in pink and jade said thank you, and then hugged the teddy bear tightly in her arms, never letting go.

"clap clap"

There was warm applause again at the scene and in front of countless TVs. People have been completely convinced by Ye Tian's breathtaking dart stunt.

Of course, because of different positions, people's perceptions are also different.

From the dart stunt that Ye Tian showed, many people began to re-evaluate his powerful strength and terrifying lethality!

Before the applause fell, the male host had already come to another young guest of the Spring Festival Gala, ready to let the little boy point out a balloon and continue this wonderful stunt performance.

Seeing the host approaching him, the little boy immediately stood up, his excited eyes shining brightly.

Other children who were at the Spring Festival Gala, as well as countless children in front of the TV, looked at this little boy and the colorful balloons on the roulette with envy.

When the host handed the microphone to the little boy, before he could ask, the little guy couldn't wait to say loudly:

"Uncle Ye, my name is Li Tong, I am five years old, and I also want a gift hidden in the balloon. I like blue, so choose the blue balloon number 10."


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone was amused by this impatient little guy.

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