"Crack, crack, crack"

The sound of the balloon bursting sounded one after another, crisp and pleasant.

Accompanied by the crisp popping of balloons, there were waves of cheers and deafening applause.

The roulette wheel placed on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala has become faster and faster, but the number of colorful balloons hanging on it has become less and less, leaving only a few.

Darts of different colors flew out of Ye Tian's hands continuously, and flew towards the spinning roulette like lightning, piercing the colorful balloons pointed out by many children at the scene one by one.

Every time the balloon bursts, there will be an extra piece of red paper on the roulette, all of which are written with auspicious words of blessing, such as the spirit of the dragon and horse, the full house of gold and jade, and the prosperity of the future.

And below the stage, there will be excited cheers one by one, and these voices sound very immature!

No need to ask, every time the cheers sounded, it meant that another child got a gift, so they cheered for it.

In the blink of an eye, there were only five balloons left on the roulette, and the rest of the balloons had been pierced one by one by the darts thrown by Ye Tian.

At this time, the roulette was basically completely covered by the red paper with auspicious words written on it, and it became completely red.

The remaining five balloons of different colors are like flowers dotted on them, truly beautiful.

Moreover, due to the fast speed of the roulette, coupled with the influence of the on-site airflow, the five colorful balloons fluttered in the wind and became erratic, making it difficult to grasp their trajectory.

But that's only third gear, and that wheel will soon be pushed into fourth gear, which will double its current speed.

At that time, the roulette will spin at a high speed like lightning, and the five colorful balloons hanging on the roulette will also spin at a high speed.

Due to the high speed of rotation, the five colored balloons must be joined together to form a colorful flower by the naked eye, and it is difficult to distinguish them, let alone hit them with a dart!

Thinking of this, the audience at the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Ye Tian, ​​this amazing guy, will encounter Waterloo in the fourth gear, miss for the first time, and fail to hit the colorful balloons designated by the small audience at the scene!

Of course, even if he misses, it will not affect the excitement of this dart stunt performance.

For now, this dart stunt performance is already the most exciting show in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. It is jaw-dropping and breathtaking!

But how did these audiences know that the five colorful balloons hanging on the roulette and spinning rapidly with the roulette, to Ye Tian, ​​it was just like being in front of his eyes.

And in his eyes, the trajectory of those colorful balloons was extremely clear.

All he had to do was pick up a dart, calculate the advance amount, and gently puncture the five colored balloons one by one without any difficulty.

"Turn the speed of the roulette to the fourth gear, and let's see together what kind of surprises the remaining five colorful balloons will bring to everyone."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his tone was very relaxed.

After the voice fell, the CCTV staff who were in charge of controlling the roulette immediately acted and pushed the speed of the roulette to the highest level, which was the fourth gear.

As everyone expected, the roulette turned to the highest gear started to spin at a high speed.

The five colorful balloons hanging on it also rotated at high speed, drawing colorful circles on the roulette.

"Wow! How is this going to work? The positions of those colorful balloons can't be determined at all!"

"In this case, if Ye Tian can still hit the target balloon with a dart, then my buddy will definitely kneel down to Ye Tian, ​​and it's no problem to call him Dad!"

There were bursts of exclamations at the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs. Almost no one thought that Ye Tian could still hit the target balloon with a dart, and encountering Waterloo was inevitable.

Not to mention hitting those colorful balloons with darts, it is impossible to see the outlines of the five colored balloons clearly. What everyone sees are only five phantoms spinning at high speed.

At this time, Ye Tian was very calm, with a confident smile on his face.

He first looked at the high-speed spinning roulette, then turned his head to look at the two hosts in the audience, and nodded slightly to them, signaling that the performance could begin.

The next moment, the male host came to a boy about ten years old and asked the little boy to choose a balloon to start this more difficult and challenging performance.

As soon as the microphone was stretched out in front of his eyes, the little boy couldn't wait to say loudly:

"Uncle Ye, Happy Chinese New Year. My name is Zheng Yu. I am ten years old. I will choose the number nineteen. I wonder if you can hit that green balloon?"

When he said these words, the little guy's excited eyes lit up, and he looked at Ye Tian with admiration in his eyes.

Ye Tian looked at this little guy, then jokingly said:

"Little Zheng Yu, I also wish you a new year, happy new year! I wish you good health and a higher level of study in the new year. I also hope that you can be filial to your elders and be a good and obedient child.

Now there are only five balloons left, and the roulette spins very fast. Uncle can’t guarantee whether he can hit that green balloon and give you a gift, but he will try hard.

You cheer for uncle in the audience, with your support, maybe uncle can create miracles, hit the green balloon with a dart, and you can also get a very nice gift! "

"Okay, Uncle Ye, I'm here to cheer you on, I believe you can hit that green balloon"

The little guy in the audience nodded vigorously and said, obviously full of confidence in Ye Tian.

As he said that, the little guy clenched his fists and began to cheer for Ye Tian, ​​his expression was nervous and cute!

Not only him, but also the other little guys at the Spring Festival Gala, they all started to cheer for Ye Tian, ​​each voice was very immature but full of vigor.


There was a lot of laughter at the Spring Festival Gala, and it was the same in front of countless live broadcasts. Many people laughed heartily.

"Little Zheng Yu, and all the other children who cheered, I feel your support, thank you, I will try it now, I hope we can all get what we want"

Ye Tian smiled and said loudly, then raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Just as the scene fell silent, he also turned around and looked at the high-speed rotating roulette fifteen meters away and the five colorful balloons hanging on the roulette again.

The No. 19 balloon Zheng Yu chose was the only green balloon left on the roulette, and it was located on the edge of the roulette. It was quite difficult to hit this high-speed spinning balloon with a dart, and it would miss the target if you were not careful.

But that's for others, for Ye Tian, ​​this difficulty doesn't exist at all.

Even so, the necessary performance is still indispensable, so it is more realistic, isn't it!

Ye Tian held a dart with a black tail at the tip of his right finger, and tied it into a good posture, looking very standard.

Then, he glanced at the high-speed rotating roulette fifteen meters away, and then made several gestures to throw, but he took it back at the last moment, which whetted everyone's appetite.

Following his actions, the audience at the Spring Festival Gala and in front of countless TVs were all attracted.

Everyone held their breath nervously, staring closely at Ye Tian's every move, the high-speed rotating roulette, and the green shadow on the roulette, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation!

Can Ye Tian hit the green balloon and continue his magical dart stunt? I'm afraid it will be difficult!

At this moment, it is even more difficult to hit the high-speed rotating green balloon with a dart than to snipe a high-speed moving target with a sniper rifle, it is almost impossible!

Just when everyone was getting nervous, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the center of the stage, suddenly swung his right forearm violently, and threw the black dart pinched on the tip of his right finger with lightning speed.

In the next moment, a black light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and then there was a crisp sound of 'pop', which was very clear under the amplification of the live sound system.

However, the roulette on the stage was still spinning at high speed, and there seemed to be a green circle missing on the roulette.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the big screen TV at the scene. The slow motion of the moment just now was playing on the big screen, and the picture was very clear!

Captured by the high-definition high-speed camera, the black dart flew across the air quickly, and it arrived in an instant. It pierced the green balloon on the roulette with great accuracy, and deeply stuck on the roulette.

Just like before, the moment the green balloon burst, a piece of red paper popped out of the balloon. Because the roulette was still spinning at high speed, what was written on the red paper couldn't be seen clearly for a while!

A green egg on the big screen at the scene also exploded at the same time, and the gift for Zheng Yu appeared immediately. It was a very delicate model of an aircraft carrier.

Seeing this scene, no matter the audience at the Spring Festival Gala or the audience in front of countless TVs, they were all completely stunned, and they all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

After a while, everyone just woke up, and then all the places were fried!

"I'll go! How did Ye Tian do it? How is this possible? It's too magical!"

"What else can I say? This is a miracle! There is no doubt about it!"

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