Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2031 New Year's Gift

When the sun rose again and sprinkled the bright sunshine on the gate of the mansion in No. 129 Lishi Hutong, it was already the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year.

As in previous years, Ye Tian took his younger brothers and sisters to watch for the whole night, keeping watch for his grandparents and other elders in the family.

Betty is a special case because of her pregnancy, so she did not participate in the New Year's Eve activity this year.

In the early morning, after Betty woke up and finished washing, Ye Tian brought his wife and presents to the inner courtyard to pay New Year's greetings to his grandparents.

After coming out of the inner courtyard, they brought gifts to the courtyard where their parents lived, and paid New Year's greetings to their parents.

Of course, Matthew and Evelyn can't be left behind, and they attach great importance to, or are very interested in, the traditional Chinese etiquette of New Year's greetings.

The old couple had already woken up at dawn, happily sitting on the chairs in the living room of the east wing where they lived, waiting for Ye Tian and Betty to come over to pay New Year's greetings, and the scene was quite formal!

When Ye Tian and Betty opened the door and walked into the living room of the East Wing, and saw Matthew and Evelyn sitting upright in Tang suits, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Good morning, Matthew, Evelyn, what are you doing? Why are you so serious?"

Betty asked in surprise, smiling all over her face.

"Good morning, Matthew, Evelyn, you're really confusing me and Betty"

Ye Tian smiled and said hello to the old man Ganzi and the mother-in-law.

"Good morning, Steven and Betty, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, according to Chinese traditional customs and etiquette, on this morning, the younger generation should pay New Year's greetings to the elders at home.

We are doing as Romans do, and we are here waiting for you to come to celebrate the New Year. To be honest, Steven, I really like and envy your Chinese culture's tradition of 'filial piety' and respecting elders.

This is a very fine cultural tradition. There is no such tradition in the West, so the family relationship between Westerners is relatively indifferent. As elders, we certainly hope to enjoy this family relationship."

Matthew greeted Ye Tian and Betty with a smile, and explained the reason.

Evelyn, who was sitting next to him, also greeted Ye Tian and Betty, and looked at them expectantly, eyes full of excitement.

Hearing Matthew's words, Ye Tian and Betty immediately looked at each other and smiled, then clasped their hands together and began to greet the two in front of them.

"You are right, Matthew, Evelyn, Betty and I are here to wish you New Year's greetings. Happy Chinese New Year. I wish you both happiness and success in the new year."

As soon as the words fell, Matthew and Evelyn also said in unison:

"Steven, Betty, Happy Chinese New Year. I also wish you a prosperous business, abundant wealth, and harmony in the new year!"

Immediately afterwards, Evelyn took out two more red envelopes and handed them over. The red envelopes looked quite thick.

Ye Tian didn't accept the red envelope, but shook his head with a smile and said:

"Matthew, Evelyn, according to the customs and etiquette of our Beijingers, if children work and get married, they don't need to give red envelopes anymore.

On the contrary, at this time, it is time for children to be filial to their elders and give red envelopes to their hometown, so it is us who should give red envelopes today, not you.”

With that said, Ye Tian took out the two red envelopes he had prepared and handed them to Matthew and Evelyn respectively.

Matthew and Evelyn did not refuse,

Excitedly accepted the red envelope from Ye Tian.

As for the red envelope they sent, Betty reached out to take it, and then stuffed it into Evelyn's handbag, returning it to the original owner.

After receiving Ye Tian's red envelope, Matthew and Evelyn squeezed the red envelope respectively, guessing what was inside.

Immediately afterwards, Matthew said in surprise:

"Steven, what's in this red envelope? It feels like a round object, like a coin, but the surface is uneven, as if rough!"

With that said, Matthew opened the red envelope, poured out the contents, and poured it into the palm of his hand.

It was an irregular round gold coin with some Latin characters engraved on it, and a head of a character. It was shiny golden, and it was very rough in making, and it looked quite historical.

Ye Tian looked at the gold coin, then chuckled and said:

"Matthew, this is an ancient Roman gold coin. To be precise, it should be said to be a gold coin minted when the Roman Empire occupied the British Peninsula. It was minted around 30 BC.

The head portrait on the gold coin is the head portrait of Julius Caesar, and the Latin characters engraved on the gold coin explain the origin of this gold coin. This is a rare antique gold coin.

This gold coin is of great research value. By studying this gold coin, we can get a glimpse of the social and economic development of the British Peninsula before and after BC, and it is the best evidence for studying that period of history.

I believe you have guessed it, this ancient Roman gold coin comes from the treasure of the Knights Templar deep in the underground of the Temple Church in London, I still have a few of the same ancient Roman gold coins in my hand."

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Matthew immediately flashed a look of ecstasy, and directly exclaimed in a low voice.

"Wow! It's actually an ancient Roman gold coin from BC, and it was a Caesar gold coin minted during the occupation of the British Peninsula. It must be very precious, Steven, this gift is too precious, I can't accept it!"

After speaking, Matthew handed over the ancient Roman gold coin, ready to return it to Ye Tian, ​​but he couldn't hide the reluctance in his eyes.

Ye Tian did not take the ancient Roman gold coin, but shook his head with a smile and said:

"Accept this ancient Roman gold coin, Matthew. Compared with family affection, the value of this ancient Roman gold coin is not worth mentioning. The reason why I brought it back to Beijing is to give it to you today as a gift for the New Year." Gift"

Now that this is all said and done, what else can Matthew say.

He hesitated for a moment, then withdrew his outstretched right hand and accepted the ancient Roman gold coin.

"Okay, Steven, I will accept this ancient Roman gold coin, thank you for this gift, I really like this antique gold coin"

After finishing speaking, Matthew hurriedly began to appreciate and study the antique gold coin, his excited eyes were shining brightly, full of obsession.

At the same time, Evelyn also opened the red envelope given to her, and took out the contents of the red envelope.

It was a dazzling ruby ​​necklace with a complicated and exquisite design in Baroque style. It was inlaid with countless perfectly cut white diamonds of different sizes, each of which was crystal clear.

On the pendant of the necklace, there is a huge pear-shaped pigeon blood ruby ​​inlaid, the red is thrilling and fascinating!

The moment she saw the ruby ​​necklace, Evelyn was immediately stunned, staring at the necklace in a daze, her eyes were full of obsession, and she couldn't look away anymore.

Even her hands holding the necklace were trembling slightly.

Seeing her performance, Ye Tian and Betty couldn't help chuckling, this was all within their expectations.

Immediately afterwards, Betty began to explain the origin of the ruby ​​necklace.

"Evelyn, this ruby ​​necklace was discovered by Steven and the others at the Château d'Argeny near Lyon, France when they were exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar.

To be precise, this ruby ​​necklace came from the famous Habsburg family. It was made in the late seventeenth century. It is engraved with the family coat of arms of the Habsburg family.

According to Steven's identification, the noble lady who once wore this ruby ​​necklace was of extraordinary status, either a princess or a princess, but unfortunately their names were not engraved on the necklace.

When this necklace was found, due to the long-term burial, the diamonds and rubies on the necklace seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, and the gloss was not so good, so they needed to be cleaned up.

After returning to New York, I sent this necklace, some other jewelry, diamonds, and antique accessories to Tiffany for cleaning. What you see now is the appearance after cleaning.

Before coming to Beijing this time, Steven and I discussed what kind of New Year gift I should give you. He proposed this antique ruby ​​necklace, which I also think is very suitable. I hope you like it! "

"Of course I like it, this is the antique jewelry of the Habsburg family, the most powerful royal family in European history, and it is so exquisite, so beautiful, I love this ruby ​​necklace!

Thank you, Steven, Betty, this gift is too expensive, logically I shouldn't accept it, but I really like this ruby ​​necklace so much that I can't say no to it! "

Evelyn nodded excitedly and said, her voice was trembling, her eyes were fixed on the ruby ​​necklace, and she never left her eyes for a moment.

"Hahaha, accept it if you like it, Evelyn, you don't need to be polite to us, we are all a family, so you don't have to worry about whether this gift is expensive or not!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and Betty also nodded slightly with a smile on her face.

After that, they chatted with Matthew and Evelyn for a few more words, and then they left the living room and went to the two courtyards in front.

The second uncle and second aunt, sister-in-law and younger uncle who live in the two courtyards in front are still waiting for them to come and visit for New Year's greetings.

In addition, Linlin and Chenxi, as well as Dongzi and Logan, are looking forward to this meeting and waiting for their red envelopes. This morning of the first day of the new year is destined to be very busy!

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