Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2032 The beginning of the new year

Ye Tian and Betty just finished their New Year's greetings to the elders in the family, and their younger brothers and sisters to themselves. After happily taking away the red envelopes one by one, Ye Tian and Betty just relaxed.

They went back to the courtyard where they lived to rest for a while, then called Matthew and Evelyn, and went to the west wing of the inner courtyard to have breakfast together.

After breakfast, it was past nine o'clock in the morning.

Next, Ye Tian and Betty left the house again, carrying gifts to greet the neighbors in the neighborhood.

As the eldest grandson and eldest grandson's daughter-in-law of Lao Ye's family in Lishi Hutong, they are naturally duty-bound to pay New Year's greetings to their neighbors.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he ran into two young children.

It was Dawei and Li Yun. They were walking towards here with their fat son and gifts. The family of three were all smiling and beaming!

Obviously, they came to pay New Year's greetings to Ye Tian's grandparents, parents and other elders.

Seeing their family of three, Ye Tian and Betty immediately greeted them, and said with a smile:

"Dawei, Li Yun, happy Chinese New Year. Betty and I are going to your house to pay New Year's greetings to your father and aunt. I didn't expect you two to come here first."

"Happy Chinese New Year, Xiaotian, Betty, we are here to celebrate the new year for your grandparents. Let's celebrate the new year separately, without affecting each other. There are still many families to leave, and there must be one family.

Where did your kid learn his dart skills? Why didn't I know that you still have this ability? Your stunt performance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala last night was really captivating, it was unparalleled! "

Dawei also paid New Year's greetings to Ye Tian and Betty, and then asked about the stunt show that almost caught everyone's attention last night.

"There are still many things you don't know, keep your eyes open and wait to see, such things will happen one after another, buddy is a miracle creator.

Let's not talk about it, let me feel sorry for your fat son, this is the first day of the new year, and seeing my fat son as soon as I go out, this is a wonderful thing! "

Ye Tian looked at it jokingly and said, then changed the topic.

Immediately afterwards, he squatted down and began to tease Dawei's son.

"Son, call godfather and listen, there are red envelopes to take!"

Before he finished speaking, he took out a thick red envelope, waved it in front of the little guy, and smiled like a wolf grandmother.

As soon as he saw the red envelope, the little guy's eyes lit up like two searchlights.

At this time, this little guy, who would hesitate, immediately yelled childishly.

"Happy New Year, godfather and godmother, I wish you happiness, health, harmony and beauty, can you give me the red envelope?"

Before the words fell, the little guy stretched out his fleshy hand and directly grabbed the red envelope in Ye Tian's hand.

The action of this little guy immediately amused everyone present.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Ye Tian put the thick red envelope directly into the little guy's hand, and affectionately pinched the little guy's fleshy face.

The little guy didn't care about him. After receiving the red envelope, the little guy immediately turned his head to look at his mother, then leaned against his father's lap, and then tried his best to stuff the red envelope into his coat pocket.

Obviously, this little guy is guarding against his mother, knowing that once the red envelope falls into his mother's hands, he will never want to come back!


Laughter broke out again at the scene, resounding through the entire Lishi Hutong.

The cute behavior of the little guy amused everyone, but Li Yun rolled her eyes angrily, smiled and scolded 'Little heartless'!

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words, then said goodbye and parted ways. Each carried a present and continued to visit the neighbors in the neighborhood to pay New Year's greetings.

Dawei and Li Yun walked into the gate of Ye Tian's mansion with their fat son and gifts, to pay New Year's greetings to their grandparents.

Ye Tian and Betty stepped out and walked to Dawei's house not far away, preparing to pay New Year's greetings to Dawei's parents.

Not far forward, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind them, it came from that guy Li Yun.

"It's true, I read it right, Ye Tian, ​​this kid's handwriting is too big."

Hearing this voice, Ye Tian and Betty immediately looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Without even thinking about it, Li Yun must have confiscated the red envelope that Ye Tian gave to his godson, opened the red envelope and saw the contents, so he exclaimed.

Soon, the morning of the first day of the new year passed.

It wasn't until after twelve o'clock at noon that Ye Tian and Betty finished their New Year greetings and returned to the gate of their own mansion.

This is because many neighbors in the neighborhood have moved away, and there are fewer people who need to pay New Year's greetings, otherwise they would never even think about going home at this time.

As for the New Year greetings to those neighbors who have moved away, they can only pay New Year greetings by phone, and inform them to come to Lishi Hutong to attend Ye Tian and Betty's Chinese wedding on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

After returning home, my mother and the others had prepared a sumptuous lunch, and the family enjoyed a delicious family feast together.

After lunch, Ye Tian sent Betty back to his courtyard and let Betty take a lunch break, while he left the gate of the mansion and came to the courtyard opposite.

The people living in the courtyard opposite are all security personnel employed by him, mainly Chinese security personnel.

In addition, the two courtyards on the left and right sides of the gate of his mansion, the other two courtyards in the hutong, and the western restaurants and cafes at both ends of the hutong have security personnel under him.

In addition to these, the front fried noodle alley behind the gate of the mansion, and the adjacent Dengcao alley also have hidden piles laid by him, and they live in different courtyards.

Matisse and others who followed him to Beijing also lived in three courtyards next to No. 129 Lishi Hutong.

Now is the first day of the new year, and at the beginning of the new year, it is natural to wish these subordinates a new year, send a generous red envelope to everyone, and express condolences to everyone.

After coming out of the gate of his own mansion, Ye Tian took a look at the situation in the alley first. Seeing that there was no one on the left and right, he walked forward, knocked on the door and entered the courtyard opposite.

As soon as he entered the door, he took out a thick red envelope, handed it to the security personnel who came to open the door, and said with a smile:

"Happy New Year to you, Fade Chen, Happy New Year! It's really embarrassing to ask you to stay here for the big Chinese New Year. This is a little way to express my gratitude."

"I wish you a New Year too, Ye Tian, ​​Happy New Year, this is our job, you are welcome"

Fade Chen said politely, and reached out to take the thick red envelope.

When he took the red envelope in his hand, its heavy weight immediately brought surprise to his face.

When Ye Tian passed through the vertical flower gate and entered the courtyard, there was a sudden burst of cheers behind him, of course it came from that kid Fade Chen.

But this was just the beginning, and then, the cheers rang out again and again, resounding through the entire courtyard.

Not only this courtyard, but also the security personnel who stayed in the other courtyards, the security personnel who went home for the holidays, and even the security personnel in New York.

Also, every employee of the brave and fearless exploration company, every person who worked for Ye Tian, ​​received a large amount of red envelopes and New Year blessings from him one after another.

Of course, other people outside this courtyard received bank account information and New Year greetings from Ye Tian through social media.

The form is irrelevant, the content of the red envelope is the most important thing.

Just like the situation in this courtyard, there were bursts of excited cheers in the other courtyards in Lishi Hutong, as well as in many other places.

After distributing the red envelopes and chatting with many security personnel in the courtyard, Ye Tian called Matisse and the Chinese security team aside and began to understand some situations.

"Xu Lie, let me introduce the situation of those Goryeo sticks. I beat up those Goryeo sticks at the Spring Festival Gala last night and sent them all to the hospital. How did they react?"

The Chinese security team leader named Xu Lie shook his head slightly, and then began to report the situation.

"Since those Goryeo sticks left the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, I have sent people to watch them closely. Although those guys were seriously injured, all of them had broken arms and legs, but they were not fatally injured, and there was no danger of their lives.

As of eleven o'clock this morning, all the injuries on their bodies have been treated, and the next step is to lie in bed and rest for a hundred days. In less than three or four months, those guys will never even think about getting out of bed.

Perhaps because you were scared out of your wits, those Korean sticks did not call the police after they left the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala last night. They still insisted that those injuries were caused by their own carelessness and had nothing to do with you.

I arranged for two brothers to continue to keep an eye on those Goryeo sticks. No matter what happens to those guys, we will get the news as soon as possible. "

"Good job, Xu Lie. Keep an eye on those Goryeo sticks. They'd better not make any moves, otherwise don't blame my buddies for being cruel! What happened to them now is all self-inflicted, no one can be blamed!"

Ye Tian nodded approvingly and said, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Next, he turned to Mattis and asked in English:

"Matisse, have the agency companies behind those Korean stars made any moves? As far as I know, this incident has caused an uproar in South Korea. It's hard to guarantee what Koreans will think!"

After the words fell, Matisse immediately began to introduce the situation.

"Not yet, the agency of the Korean idol group and the security company of the Korean security personnel have not made any public statements.

This incident has been widely circulated in South Korea, especially on the Internet, where a lot of anger has accumulated. Under tremendous pressure, Koreans may react! "

"It doesn't matter how they react, it's best not to offend me or my family, otherwise I will make them regret being born into this world"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his words were full of murderous intent.

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