Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2033 the condemnation of sticks

Busy and busy, the first day of the new year has passed.

The next day, Ye Tian and Betty left Lishi Hutong by car early in the morning, and followed their parents to their grandparents' house in Haidian District to celebrate the New Year.

Along with them were Matthew, Evelyn, and that boy Logan, and they also made friends in the past.

What followed was naturally another family reunion full of warmth.

The uncle's family and the aunt's family all gathered at grandpa's house, and spent the second day of the Lunar New Year together amidst laughter and toasting.

While talking, it was already the morning of the third day of the Lunar New Year.

After breakfast, Ye Tian was about to go out to visit some other relatives and friends in Beijing to celebrate the New Year.

The difference from the previous two days was that he was the only one who went out to pay New Year's greetings today, and the rest of the family members had their own affairs to be busy with.

Because Betty is pregnant, it is not suitable for her to run around in this cold weather, and the elders in the family do not allow her to run around with Ye Tian, ​​what if something goes wrong?

As for my parents, my second uncle and my sister-in-law, in addition to calling their superiors, subordinates and friends to pay New Year's greetings, they are also busy planning the Chinese wedding between Luo Yetian and Betty, and they can't get away.

Because Linlin and Dongzi are underage, or are still in school, and have not married and established a family, they cannot represent the old Ye family in Lishi Hutong.

As for grandparents, seniority and age are on the table. Only when others come to pay them New Year's greetings, naturally they will not go out to pay New Year's greetings.

Then there are Matthew, Evelyn, and Logan. They are guests from afar, and it is even more impossible for them to go out with Ye Tian to celebrate the New Year.

Today, the three of them plan to go to the Ditan Temple Fair, taste snacks and delicacies from all over the world, watch various folk art performances, and experience the hottest Chinese New Year.

It is the most famous, largest and oldest Spring Festival temple fair in Beijing. If you want to experience the hustle and bustle of Beijing during the Chinese New Year, there is absolutely no other choice.

After all the calculations, only Ye Tian, ​​who is the eldest grandson, can represent the old Ye family, and he is also free to go out to pay New Year greetings to relatives and friends at home.

Just after nine o'clock, Ye Tian walked out of the house and boarded a GMC commercial vehicle waiting at the door.

At this time, the GMC business car was already full of gifts, all of which were given to those relatives and friends who were going to pay New Year's greetings today, and each gift was very valuable.

After he got in the car, the GMC commercial vehicle started immediately, and under the escort of several black Mercedes-Benz SUVs, it drove slowly towards the west entrance of the alley.

After the vehicle drove a certain distance, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Matisse, let's talk about the situation in New York. I was having breakfast just now. It's not suitable to talk about this, lest my family members worry."

"Okay, Steven"

Mattis responded and immediately began to report the situation.

"Just last night, during the daytime in New York, the Korean Consulate General in New York issued a public statement condemning your behavior of beating those Korean stars backstage at the Spring Festival Gala. The words are quite harsh!

Moreover, the Korean Consulate General in New York submitted a letter of protest to our company. To be precise, it lodged a solemn protest with you personally, asking you to come forward to explain the situation and make a public apology.

Following the public statement issued by the Korean Consulate General, some Koreans living in New York, as well as some Korean students studying abroad, went downstairs to our company to protest and demonstrate.

It is said that the momentum is not small.

In addition to the downstairs of the company, you and Betty are located downstairs in the luxury apartment on 110th Street at the northern end of Central Park. There are also Koreans protesting and demonstrating, many of whom are fans of those Korean stars.

After receiving the news, I immediately asked the security personnel staying in New York to be vigilant and keep a close eye on the protesting Koreans. Nothing has happened so far, and even if something happens, I can easily deal with it.

There was news from South Korea that many entertainment media in South Korea were reporting this incident, which was suspected of fanning the flames, but the brokerage companies and security companies to which the Korean stars belonged did not express their views.

When interviewed by South Korean media reporters, they still maintained their previous caliber, saying that they are learning the truth and details of the incident, and it is temporarily inconvenient to express their views. I don’t know if they can withstand the pressure.”

Hearing this, a stern light flashed in Ye Tian's eyes immediately, and then he said with a sneer:

"Public protest? Just let those Koreans protest. You don't have to pay attention to them at all, and they can't play any tricks. This country and nation have always bullied the weak and feared the hard, so you can't give them face!

Let the guys be more vigilant, if the Koreans act rashly, you can give them a little color, and in addition, contact Raytheon, maybe they need a little security force from them. "

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately said:

"Understood, Steven, I will notify the guys who stayed in New York later, let everyone be more vigilant, and contact the guys from Raytheon Security Company to get them ready for support.

One more thing, the scum from 'Our Cause' from Sicily, Italy, except for the few idiots who exchanged fire with the New York police in the street, the rest were deported.

Of the idiots who exchanged fire with the police, one died under the random gunfire of the New York police, and the rest were thrown into prison, where they would probably live for ten or eight years.

Those who were arrested on the same day, from the Armenian Church, the Priory of the Martyrdom, and other religious organizations, have also been given a deadline to leave the country and have left New York one after another.”

"Those guys were lucky this time, it was the New York police who dealt with them, so they were able to retreat unscathed, and they may not have such good luck next time they face us.

In a short time, we will go to Italy again. By then, we will probably meet those mafia scumbags from 'Our Cause'. More exciting dramas are yet to come! "

While speaking, the convoy that Ye Tian was riding in had already left Lishi Hutong, turned left onto Dongsi South Street, and sped straight towards Chang'an Avenue.

At this time, Dongsi Avenue was still empty, there were not many pedestrians and vehicles, and the road was very smooth.

Until tomorrow, the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the streets of Beijing will gradually become lively and the shops along the streets will open for business.

Of course, the major parks in Beijing where temple fairs are being held are very lively at this time, with loud gongs and drums and crowds of people. Those parks will not return to normal until after the fifteenth day, when the temple fair is over!

As soon as the convoy drove up Dongsi Avenue, two SUVs parked on the side of the Hutong immediately followed. Although the two vehicles had civilian license plates, the passengers in the vehicles were capable and capable.

Ye Tian naturally knew the origin of these two cars.

One of these two SUVs is from the Beijing Special Police Corps, and the other is from the State Security Department. It is fine to say that they are here to protect themselves, or to monitor themselves.

Ye Tian didn't take the tracking of these two cars seriously. He continued to chat with Matisse through the walkie-talkie and listened to Matisse's report on the situation in New York.

Then they chatted for a while before they ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian switched to Chinese again and started talking to Xu Lie, the Chinese security leader.

"Xu Yeol, let's talk about the movement of those Korean sticks in the hospital. The Korean Consulate General in New York issued a public statement, publicly condemning me, and arranged for some sticks in New York to go downstairs to the company to protest and demonstrate.

Don't even think about it, the stick in Beijing will definitely take action, it's just a matter of time, especially the Korean embassy in China, after going to the hospital yesterday afternoon, will there be any follow-up actions? "

After the words fell, Xu Lie's voice came from the walkie-talkie immediately.

"The South Korean embassy in China has not moved and has not issued a public statement. Our side is more than ten hours away from New York. When New York is daytime, our side happens to be night.

Therefore, after the Korean Consulate General in New York issued a public statement, the Korean Embassy in China did not immediately follow up, but I estimate that those Koryo sticks will respond soon.

As far as I know, at ten o'clock this morning, the South Korean embassy in China will hold a small press conference, and they are likely to attack the reporters at this press conference.

But they don't have any evidence in their hands, neither human evidence nor material evidence. Although the South Korean ambassador went to the hospital to visit those Korean sticks yesterday afternoon, they found nothing!

Those Koryo sticks are still the same as before, insisting that those injuries were accidentally made by themselves and have nothing to do with you. I don’t know if they can persist.

Then there is the issue of protests. With the virtues of Koreans, the stickmen in Beijing will definitely protest, maybe they will go to CCTV, or they may come to Lishi Hutong.

Leaving aside CCTV, I have already made corresponding arrangements for Lishi Hutong, and any stranger who enters Lishi Hutong will not be able to escape our eyes."

"Okay, let's just open our eyes and see what kind of moths these Korean sticks will produce!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his tone full of disdain.

As soon as the words were finished, before Xu Lie could give a response, a pleasant cell phone rang suddenly in the car.

Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone, Ye Tian immediately turned off the walkie-talkie, then took out the mobile phone and looked at it, and it was obvious that it was Director Wang from the Ministry of Culture.

He then slid open the screen lock and brought the phone to his ear.

Immediately afterwards, Director Wang's familiar voice came from the earphones.

"Happy Chinese New Year, Ye Tian, ​​are you free tomorrow? If you are free, you can come to the Ministry and talk about the plan and idea of ​​building a private museum. Several leaders of the Ministry will be here tomorrow, as well as relevant leaders from the capital city. !"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

"No problem, Director Wang, what time did you say, I will be there on time tomorrow!"

Nine Heavens Emperor

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