Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2035 Changing face

After watching Ye Tian's convoy leave, Tian Huafeng and the others immediately boarded their vehicles and headed straight to their respective law firms.

When they returned to the law firm, they immediately took action, mobilizing their staff and using various relationships, and quickly conveyed Ye Tian's murderous intentions.

It didn't take long for the outside situation to change.

In the major domestic news media and the Internet, many news and posts about Ye Tian beating up those Goryeo sticks suddenly disappeared, as if they had never existed.

All those posts maliciously attacking Ye Tian and putting shit on his head because of this matter disappeared completely, and almost none of them could be found.

What's more, some of the so-called Internet big Vs who were maliciously attacking Ye Tian before, started to help him clean up the ground and scolded those Korean sticks in a blink of an eye.

Before I knew it, it was around six o'clock in the evening.

When Ye Tian came out from a relative's house who lived near Chaoyang Park, today's New Year's visit around half of Beijing city finally came to an end.

After coming downstairs and boarding the car, Ye Tian immediately told Mathis to go home.

At this time, Beijing has long been shrouded in night, and everywhere is full of radiance and lights, blooming another kind of beauty that is completely different from the daytime.

Compared with the daytime, the environment in the field of public opinion has also been greatly improved.

Even the fanatical fans of the Korean idol group and some other guys with ulterior motives were still aggrieved and wanted to continue attacking Ye Tian, ​​but they couldn't find a battlefield.

The sound they made with great difficulty was heard by few people at all, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, and there was no news at all.

Not only in China, but also in New York. Many news and posts criticizing or unfavorable to Ye Tian suddenly disappeared.

Only in South Korea, the crowd is still boiling, and that's because Ye Tianbian is beyond his reach.

But this is only a temporary situation. In a few days, the team of lawyers who rushed from New York to Seoul, South Korea, and hired locally in South Korea will start operations, enough for those Korean sticks to drink a pot.

While speaking, the convoy had arrived at the intersection of Lishi Hutong.

Just as the convoy turned a corner and was about to enter the alley, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, saw at a glance that there were four or five more policemen in uniform at the entrance of the alley, and several neighborhood committee ladies with red armbands on their arms.

They were standing scattered on both sides of the alley entrance, staring at the vehicles and pedestrians on the street, looking a little nervous and depressed.

On the side of the alley, there were two police cars parked, their police lights flashing in the night, which was very eye-catching on the empty Dongsi Street.

Ye Tian naturally knew why these policemen and the aunts of the neighborhood committee were here.

In the afternoon, some Korean Bangzi and Korean students living in Beijing got the news from somewhere that Ye Tian lived in Lishi Hutong in Dongcheng, so they came here to protest.

For this kind of thing, Ye Tian had expected it and made corresponding preparations.

It's a pity that those Korean sticks were stopped by the police and the staff of the neighborhood committee just after they arrived here, and they couldn't enter Lishi Hutong at all.

Those Koryo sticks were quickly dispersed, but the police and residents' committee staff stayed behind in case someone would make trouble again.

Seeing the situation at the entrance of the alley,

Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and stopped the motorcade.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to open the car door, got out of the GMC business car, and with a bright smile on his face, he walked towards those people at the entrance of the alley.

At the same time, the policemen and the aunts of the neighborhood committee standing on both sides of the alley also looked at Ye Tian who came over with a smile on his face.

There are people who know Ye Tian, ​​have met before, and some who have met for the first time. Everyone has different eyes.

Coming closer, Ye Tian made a slight bow to one of the fat aunts, then said with a smile:

"Aunt Hu, I wish you a happy New Year! How can you say this? It's so cold. You are not at home to celebrate the New Year with Uncle Liu, but you still come out to work. It's really hard."

Hearing this, the fat aunt immediately gave him an annoyed look, then smiled and said:

"Happy Chinese New Year! Xiao Tian, ​​it's not the trouble you caused. In the afternoon, a few Koreans came here to make trouble, so we rushed to deal with it. Otherwise, it's Chinese New Year and the weather is so cold. Who would like to stay here? !"

"Yes! It seems that I have caused trouble for you all, and I am here to apologize to you all. Here is a small thing, and I give it to you, just as a New Year's prize."

Ye Tian suddenly said, and bowed to these few again.

As he spoke, he took out a few more red envelopes and handed them over to Aunt Hu and the others.

However, Aunt Hu and the others did not answer, and Qiqi shook their heads.

"Xiaotian, thank you for your kindness, but we can't accept your red envelope. This is our job. If we accept your red envelope, what's the matter?"

"Come on! Aunt Hu, I was the one to be rude. Please bear with me. You are all working, so you really can't accept the red envelopes from others at will, so as not to fall into the trap.

When the Spring Festival holiday is over, I will arrange people to go to the neighborhood committee and the police station in the jurisdiction to see what everyone needs, and then make a public donation, that would be reasonable! "

"Public donation? All right! You boy, I can see that you are a genius now, no wonder you are so popular, you are much better than our little boy."

Aunt Hu continued, her fat face was already smiling beyond recognition.

The other people standing next to her were the same, everyone's eyes were full of joy and admiration.

At this time, the depression in their eyes caused by having to go out to work after the Chinese New Year has long since disappeared and disappeared.

This kid from Lao Ye's family is really good at talking and doing things, he is a fine person!

Next, Ye Tian paid New Year's greetings to these few people one by one, and wished each other a happy new year. As for the few people he didn't know, he even introduced himself, and his performance was like a spring breeze, impeccable.

Afterwards, he bid farewell to these people, and walked into the alley with Mathis and Xu Lie.

After walking a short distance, Xu Lie immediately came to Ye Tian's side and started to report the situation to him.

"Ye Tian, ​​the east entrance of Lishi Hutong is also guarded by the police and the aunt of the neighborhood committee, as well as a few brothers I arranged, and the entrances of Qianchao Noodle Hutong and Dengcao Hutong are also the same.

None of the Goryeo sticks who came to Lishi Hutong to protest in the afternoon failed to enter the alley, and they were blocked as soon as they reached the entrance of the alley. Don’t worry, there will be no problems here.”

Hearing this report, Ye Tian immediately nodded and said in a low voice:

"Okay, Xu Lie, tell the brothers, let everyone be vigilant, don't be negligent, especially in these few days, absolutely don't make any mistakes.

When my Chinese wedding is over and I have free hands, I will launch a counterattack and show those Korean sticks a little bit, so that they can't eat it and walk around."

"Understood, Ye Tian, ​​I will inform everyone when I get back, don't worry, no one will make trouble under our noses!"

Xu Lie nodded in a low voice, his tone was firm and full of confidence.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group had arrived at the gate of No. 129 courtyard in Lishi Hutong.

When they got here, they all stopped, and Ye Tian whispered a few words to Xu Lie and Mathis, then opened the door and walked into his own mansion.

At this time, the lights in each courtyard and each room of this mansion have been turned on, and there is a warm smell everywhere, which is touching.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian has come to the inner courtyard and walked into this warm courtyard.

Before he could stand still, the door of the living room in the north room suddenly opened, and his mother and sister-in-law came out, and saw him at a glance.

"Xiaotian, you're back, kid. Go to the living room to say hello to your grandparents and talk about the New Year's greetings, and then go to the courtyard with us to try on your wedding dress!"

The mother said loudly with a smile, and waved to Ye Tian, ​​full of joy.

"Come on! It's all up to you!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, then stepped out and walked towards the living room of the north room.

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