Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2036 Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Forbidden City

It is already the morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. Beijing, an ancient and great city, is still immersed in the strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival, with lights and festoons everywhere, festive and peaceful.

However, compared with the previous two days, there are many more pedestrians and vehicles on the streets of Beijing, bustling.

Many shops, restaurants, various buildings, etc. on both sides of the street have opened for business, and the street has gradually become lively.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian's convoy drove slowly out of Lishi Hutong, turned right onto Dongsi Avenue, and headed straight for the Ministry of Culture.

Because today is not a formal meeting, and it needs to be kept secret, Ye Tian didn't bring his company's staff, nor did he bring David and the others, but went alone.

When the convoy drove out of Lishi Hutong, through the car window, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation near the entrance of the Hutong.

On the roadside at the entrance of the alley, there were still two police cars parked, with a few policemen from the local police station sitting in them, but the aunts from the neighborhood committee were nowhere to be seen, maybe they didn't come.

Of course, the two SUVs with civilian license plates from the Beijing Special Police Corps and the State Security Department were still parked at the roadside at the entrance of the alley.

As soon as the convoy drove out of Lishi Hutong and onto Dongsi Avenue, the two SUVs immediately followed and followed Ye Tian's convoy to the Ministry of Culture.

As for the Goryeo sticks who came here to protest yesterday, there is no sign at all. God knows if they will come here today.

But whether they come here to protest or not, it is of no use, and there is no bargain.

The road was unimpeded, and Ye Tian's motorcade arrived at the location of the Ministry of Culture in less than 20 minutes.

When the convoy drove into the parking lot and got out of the car, Ye Tian saw at a glance Director Wang who contacted him yesterday, walking towards him with two staff members.

Seeing them, Ye Tian stepped forward to meet them, with a bright smile on his face.

After everyone met, it was natural to exchange polite greetings and pay each other New Year's greetings before getting to the point.

"Ye Tian, ​​please come with me. Several leaders have arrived and are waiting for you in the conference room. They are very interested in your construction of a private museum and would like to hear your introduction."

Director Wang said with a smile, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"That would be great, Director Wang, let's go, to be honest, I can't wait to introduce my plan to build a private museum, and I have some other very good ideas"

Ye Tian nodded slightly and said, then followed Director Wang to the office building.

Mattis, Xu Lie, and other security personnel who followed him were taken to another place by those two staff members, where they rested and waited for Ye Tian to come out.

About ten minutes later, Director Wang took Ye Tian to the door of a medium-sized conference room in the office building, knocked on the door, and then opened the door to enter the conference room.

As soon as he walked into this conference room, Ye Tian saw many familiar faces.

Some of them are old acquaintances who have met before, such as Minister Wang, the two directors of the National Museum and the Palace Museum, etc. There are also a few leaders who have never met but have met on TV.

After entering the door, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation in the conference room, then clasped his hands together, smiled and said loudly:

"First of all, New Year greetings to you all,

Happy Chinese New Year, thank you for the long wait, sorry, I am late, please forgive me! "

At the same time as he was clasping his hands to greet the New Year, Director Wang, standing behind him, stretched out his hand and gently closed the door of the meeting room.


While speaking, it was around two o'clock in the afternoon.

After the meeting and having lunch in the canteen of the Ministry of Culture, accompanied by Director Wang, Ye Tian finally walked out of the office building and walked towards the parking lot.

Coming out with him were the two directors of the Forbidden City and the National Museum, and the two old men were extremely excited.

As for the leaders who had talks with Ye Tian, ​​after lunch, they returned to the previous conference room to continue discussing and studying Ye Tian's plan to build a private museum.

During the morning meeting, Ye Tian revealed his plan to build a private museum in front of everyone. The plan was so amazing that everyone in the conference room was shocked.

As a result, several leaders were out of their minds during lunch, and they hurried back to the conference room after lunch to continue their discussions.

Originally they wanted to send Ye Tian off, but Ye Tian refused on the grounds that they should be as low-key as possible and not attract attention for the time being, and the leaders did not insist anymore.

Not only them, the two directors of the Forbidden City and the National Museum were also shocked by Ye Tian's plan to build a private museum, and their excited eyes lit up.

Coming out of the office building and walking forward not far, the two old men stopped at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, one of the old men said in a low voice with emotion:

"Ye Tian, ​​I know you are an ambitious guy, but even if I want to break my head, I never thought that your kid's ambition is so big, it's jaw-dropping.

If everything goes well, according to your plan, when your private museum is completed, it will definitely compete with our Forbidden City and the National Museum, forming a tripartite rivalry.

In many fields, such as the collection of Western antiques, ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, etc., your private museum is unique, and there is no museum in China that can compare.

Even in the field of Chinese antique art collection, except for the number of collections, in other respects, your private museum is no worse than the two of us, or even better.

As for the various provincial museums in China, it is even more difficult to see your private museum on the back. When your private museum is completed, it will be the third largest museum in China and stand shoulder to shoulder with us."

As soon as the voice fell, another old man continued to say:

"Who says no! Ye Tian, ​​hearing your plan to build a private museum, I feel terrified. When your museum is completed, it will definitely steal all the limelight for a long time.

In other words, when your private museum is completed, the National Expo and the Forbidden City will be suppressed by your museum in a short period of time. It is inevitable that a large number of visitors will be diverted, and the ticket revenue will also be affected.

And your kid's handwriting is too big and too scary! From auction, demolition, to design and construction of your private museum, and then decoration, until the day of unveiling and ribbon-cutting, what a huge project it is.

In addition to the business plan you proposed to purchase and renovate the entire Lishi Hutong, it is impossible to get these two things done without tens of billions. Once this news is announced, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

What's even more frightening is that you don't plan to take out a loan from the bank, don't make any financing, and plan to use all your own funds. Who has heard of such a thing, and don't know how much your kid has earned in the past two years? "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately laughed lightly, then lowered his voice and said:

"Speaking of cash, I have enough money. The annual tax filing season in the United States is approaching. At this time, I want to minimize the cash in my hand and make various investments to avoid being ransacked by vultures from the IRS!

This is why I plan to use my own funds to auction land, build a private museum, plan to purchase and renovate the entire Lishi Hutong, and this is just a part of my series of investment plans.

As for my private museum, you two don't have to worry about it for the time being. After I take pictures of the target land, I will demolish it, design and build it, etc. When my museum is completed, it will be two years later.

In the next two years, whether it is the National Museum or the Forbidden City, it is best to seize the time to practice internal skills, otherwise, when my private museum is completed, the limelight of your two museums will be robbed, this is a certainty! "

"Okay! Your kid's museum has not even been seen yet, and you are already boasting. Well, we will wait for your private museum to be completed and open, and steal the limelight from our two museums!"

The curator of the National Museum joked that his eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

Next, Ye Tian chatted with the two old men for a few more words, and then walked towards the parking lot together.

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