Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2039 Real Life in a Courtyard

It was approaching nine o'clock in the morning, and Lishi Hutong became more lively, with constant traffic and voices.

It can be seen that almost everyone who enters and exits this alley has a bright smile on their face, and everyone is full of expectations.

The guests invited to attend Ye Tian and Betty's Chinese-style wedding have rushed to Lishi Hutong one after another, and entered the gate of this mansion located in the middle of the Hutong.

At this time, Ye Tian had already changed into a formal attire, and he tidied up very neatly and meticulously. He was standing at the door of his house to welcome the guests who came to congratulate him.

However, Betty, the heroine of the wedding, was not by his side and did not come out to greet the guests, but stayed at home.

The reason is very simple, Betty is pregnant, and it's freezing outside, so naturally she can't come out and stand at the door to blow the air, and the elders in the family can't allow it.

Most of the guests attending the wedding today were relatives of Lao Ye's family, and even old neighbors who lived in Lishi Hutong. They basically knew about Betty's pregnancy, and they didn't mind.

In addition to family, friends and neighbors, Ye Tian also invited some other guests.

These guests are all well-known figures in the field of antique art collection, such as Shan Lao from the Forbidden City, and Ma Ye and others, which add up to just one table.

As for other people in the field of antique art collection, as well as Ye Tian's friends, classmates, they will be entertained tomorrow, and it will be at the Beijing Hotel, not at home.

While talking, Ye Tian sent several relatives into the gate, and then asked Dongzi to take these relatives into the courtyard.

When Ye Tian came out of the door, just as he walked down the steps, he saw Mr. Shan from the Forbidden City and several other old men walking towards the door of the house, talking and laughing.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately went up to meet them, and those old men also waved at him.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some politeness and greetings, New Year greetings to each other, and so on.

Next, Ye Tian brought these old men to the front of his house, planning to take them in personally.

Walking in front of the door, these masters in the field of antique art collection stopped at the same time, and looked at the two stone lions placed on both sides of the door and the four octagonal palace lanterns hanging above the door.

Without exception, the eyes of each of these old men at this time were shining with surprise.

They saw in a blink of an eye that the two stone lions placed at the gate of the mansion and the four octagonal palace lanterns hanging on the gate tower were genuine antiques, and each one was valuable and quite rare.

After confirming this point, each of them secretly took a breath of air, and were also shocked by Ye Tian's generosity.

"Ye Tian, ​​I have been to the gate of your mansion before, and more than once. At that time, the yard had not been in your hands. To be honest, the gate of this mansion has changed so much that I almost can't recognize it.

There used to be another pair of stone lions and a pair of stone drums placed at this door, both from the period of the Republic of China. They are completely incomparable with the pair of stone lions in front of us.

If I'm not mistaken, these should be a pair of stone lions carved in the middle of the Qianlong period, and they came from the Qing Palace Building Office. They are very valuable. I don't know where you got such a pair of treasures?

Such a pair of valuable stone lions, you actually placed them in front of your house in a grand manner, I have to say,

You really have a big heart, aren't you afraid that this pair of treasures will be stolen? "

Ma Ye pointed to the two stone lions in front of him and said, eyes full of envy.

As soon as his words fell, Jin Lao from the Forbidden City continued:

"Not only the pair of stone lions, but also the four octagonal palace lanterns hanging on the gate tower also came from the Qing Palace Building Office, which was made in the early Jiaqing period. There are not many octagonal glazed palace lanterns in our Forbidden City that are so well preserved.

Once these palace lanterns are lit, they will rotate slowly, projecting the patterns on the palace lanterns, like a flowing painting, very beautiful, such a precious treasure, you are willing to hang it at the door! "

Not only the two of them, but also several other old men nodded, even a little bit pained.

Ye Tian glanced at these old men, then looked at the two stone lions and the four octagonal glazed palace lanterns at the door, and then said with a smile:

"The eyes of you guys are really sharp, you can tell at a glance, yes, the pair of stone lions at the door and the four octagonal glazed palace lanterns are all from the Qing Palace Building Office, and they are valuable antiques.

This pair of stone lions is a treasure I found in the United States, and then I shipped them back to China and placed them here. The stone lions and stone drums that were originally placed at the gate of this mansion were all received by me in the warehouse.

The four octagonal glazed palace lanterns hanging on the gate tower are treasures I found in the Portobello Market in London, England, and I bought them and sent them back to China. Today is just a day to come in handy.

These four octagonal glazed palace lanterns are usually not hung at the door, but in the yard, and the pair of stone lions are always placed here. As for safety, don’t worry at all, I have my own way to protect them.”

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the old men laughed lightly, and looked at the security personnel standing not far away.

is not that right! Who can take advantage of this kid Ye Tian? I have never heard of it before, no matter who it is, if they want to make an idea of ​​this pair of stone lions, it is tantamount to seeking their own death.

No need to think about it, the current Lishi Hutong must be under the control of Ye Tian, ​​and anyone who enters this alley cannot escape the eyes of his security personnel.

Moreover, this kid also intends to purchase and renovate the entire Lishi Hutong. If this real estate transaction is really concluded, then there is no doubt that this Lishi Hutong will become his private territory.

After standing at the door and admiring these antiques for a while, Ye Tian led Shan Lao and Ma Ye into the door and walked into the yard.

As soon as they entered the gate, the eyes of these old men were immediately attracted by the various furnishings inside the gate, and they were full of admiration.

"Nine layers of spring scenery! And it is such a huge brick screen wall, which is rare in Beijing today. Today is really an eye-opener!"

"There are also these two multicolored flower pots with plum blossoms, both of which are antique porcelain from the mid-Qing Dynasty, and they are a pair, and they are also of certain value."

"Even this solid wood shelf with bonsai is mahogany furniture from the late Qing Dynasty. These bonsai are also very good, giving people a feeling of spring."

While admiring the various furnishings in front of them, the several old men were admiring and discussing, almost running out of eyesight.

Ye Tian stood aside, looking at these old men with shining eyes with a smile on his face, with a somewhat smug look in his eyes.

After a while, he smiled and said:

"Several old men, let's invite you inside. There are many good antique works of art in the yard, and the scenery is also very good. You can appreciate it slowly."

Following his words, Elder Shan and Master Ma suddenly woke up, and turned to look at Ye Tian.

Next, Ye Tian led the old men to turn left around the screen wall, and walked towards the hanging flower gate leading to the first courtyard.

As before, as soon as they entered here, the eyes of the old men were drawn away again, and they looked at the various furnishings in front of them.

At this time, on the doors of several inverted houses on the left hand side of everyone, there is a big red happy character pasted on them, and a few palace lanterns are hung on the eaves of the carved beams and painted buildings, which is full of festive atmosphere.

On the Chaoshou veranda opposite to the inverted room, a happy character is pasted on each assorted window, which complements the bonsai between the two layers of tempered glass of the assorted window.

At the west end of the inverted room, there is a huge blue and white fish tank with sparkling water and several colorful goldfish swimming freely in it.

Because of the distance, it is impossible to identify the blue and white fish tank for the time being, but Shan Lao and Ma Ye are very clear in their hearts that the blue and white fish tank must also be a valuable antique relic.

All kinds of exquisite patterns carved on the walls, the Chaoshou verandah, and even the floor tiles, as well as the patterns of "plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum" carved on the steps in front of the hanging flower door, are also very interesting.

Look at the hanging flower door leading to the first entrance to the courtyard. There is an auspicious couplet on both sides of the door, and two big red happy characters on the hanging flower door.

The red carpet extending from outside the gate has been extended here, and then through the hanging flower gate in front, it extends into the inner courtyard.

While talking, everyone has come to the hanging flower gate, stopped in front of the steps, and looked at the courtyard inside the gate.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of emotion at the scene.

"Ye Tian, ​​you are really low-budget and enjoy life too much! Without a doubt, this is definitely the most beautiful courtyard house I have ever seen. Although it is not as large as a few palaces, it is far more exquisite!"

"The pomegranate tree in the canopy fish tank, the old man's fat dog and fat girl, this is the real old Beijing courtyard life! Compared with this big house, our yard is not worth mentioning at all, you can just throw it away!"

While being filled with emotion, the eyes of these old men were all full of envy, and even a little bit of jealousy.

With all this in front of you, the antique artworks that can be seen everywhere, and this kind of leisurely life, can you not feel envious?

Seeing the performance of these old men, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling.

"The people living in this mansion are mainly my elders, grandparents, parents, etc. The environment here is really good, and living in this mansion is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

But I dare not live here for a long time. I am afraid that the extremely comfortable environment here will wear down my fighting spirit. After all, I am still young, and I am not yet old enough to let go of everything and enjoy life, so I have to continue to struggle! "

Hearing this, the old men couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, and each of them complained secretly.

You kid still want to keep fighting? Making money is not enough! Let others live?

:. :

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