Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2040 Top Antique Artworks Everywhere

In this way, under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​several old men listened to his introduction and admired the various furnishings in the gate of the mansion. After a while, they came to the inner courtyard.

Not surprisingly, the moment they walked into the inner courtyard, these old men once again gave out admiration, and even felt dazzled.

Compared with the front yard where my aunt and her family live, the layout and furnishings of the inner yard are more brilliant. There are more antiques and artworks placed in the yard, and the environment is more beautiful and quieter!

"If I'm not mistaken, the blue-and-white fish tank in the center of the courtyard should be the Ming Xuande blue-and-white dragon pattern big tank, the pinnacle of Ming blue-and-white porcelain, worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of yuan.

Such a priceless top antique porcelain is actually placed in the middle of the courtyard, and it is in such a cold winter, only Ye Tian is the only kid, who would be willing to do it for anyone else! "

"Compared with the big Ming Xuande blue and white dragon pattern vat, I prefer the green bamboo, the wisteria trellis of 'Purple Clouds Hanging from the Ground', and the trees in the yard. It's so beautiful here. !"

While admiring with emotion, the old men appreciatively admired everything in the courtyard. Everyone had a fascinated expression.

At the same time, the people in the courtyard also looked at the old men who had just walked into the courtyard, and everyone had a smile in their eyes.

Grandpa and grandma live in the courtyard, and the people staying in the courtyard at this time are all relatives of Ye Tian's family, and most of them are elders.

Seeing the performance of Old Shan and the others, the reason why everyone was smiling was because when they entered the gate of this mansion for the first time, they also behaved the same way, exactly the same.

Just as several old men were admiring the scenery in front of them and were fascinated by it, Grandpa, Grandpa, and two other old men suddenly came out of the living room of the north room and walked towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Shan Lao and Ma Ye immediately looked back, then walked out of the veranda, and under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​they greeted Grandpa and Grandpa.

In a blink of an eye, the two sides met in the middle of the courtyard, right next to the Ming Xuande blue and white dragon pattern vat.

Then, of course, there were some polite greetings, mutual greetings and so on. Everyone was beaming and beaming.

After going through the procedures on these scenes, Elder Shan and Master Ma immediately attracted the attention of the Ming Xuande blue and white dragon pattern vat beside them.

These old men surrounded the blue and white fish tank in an instant, and began to appreciate and appraise this priceless top antique porcelain, all of them were excited and obsessed.

As for the goldfish swimming freely in the tank, although they are very beautiful and rare, and each one is of great value, they were ignored by these old men gorgeously, as if they had never been seen.

Needless to say the appraisal results, this is of course the pinnacle of Ming Xuande blue and white porcelain, and it is a national treasure.

"Ye Tian, ​​when did you get such a national treasure, why didn't you mention it? This is a large vat with blue and white dragon pattern in Xuande of Ming Dynasty, and it is so well preserved, it is really rare!"

Ma Ye said with emotion, his tone full of envy.

When he said these words, Ma Ye didn't even raise his head, his eyes were fixed on the big blue and white dragon pattern vat, and he gently stroked this treasure with his hands, his movements were as gentle as touching the skin of his first love girlfriend.

The performance of the rest of the old men was not so good.

Everyone admired this national treasure obsessively, and there was nothing else in their eyes.

Ye Tian looked at these old men, then smiled and said:

"Master Ma, you are right in your identification, this is indeed a large Ming Xuande blue and white vat with dragon pattern, the pinnacle of Ming Xuande blue and white, it is a genuine national treasure, priceless.

Moreover, this Ming Xuande blue-and-white dragon-pattern vat is well preserved. Xuande blue-and-white vats of the same quality are extremely rare in the world, especially the dragon-pattern vat. This may be the best one among them.

This Ming Dynasty Xuande blue and white dragon vat was exchanged for an oil painting by Menzel, a master of German realism in the 19th century and a famous painter. The exchange party was the Baltimore Museum of Art in the United States.

And that Menzel's painting was found in an antique shop in Baltimore, and it didn't cost much. That is to say, I basically didn't pay any price for this large Xuande blue and white dragon pattern vat.

Because this Ming Xuande blue and white dragon vat is of high value, and I plan to put it in this yard, for safety reasons, so it has not been disclosed to the public, please help keep it secret.”

Hearing his words, the old men all raised their heads and looked over, envious gleams flashed in everyone's eyes.

"I don't know the art of Menzel, the German realist master, but I know the value of this Ming Xuande blue and white dragon vat. In my opinion, this art transaction is very worthwhile!

Your kid's luck is really against the sky. Not only did you discover Menzel's painting, but you even got this big Xuande blue and white dragon vat. How can we not encounter such a good thing! "

Ma Ye said with a smile, and kept gently stroking the edge of the big blue and white vat with his hands.

"You can rest assured, Ye Tian, ​​we will not disclose the situation of this Ming Xuande blue and white dragon vat, it would be great if we could come and appreciate it from time to time."

Elder Shan continued to speak, and the other elders also nodded.

Before Ye Tian could respond, Grandpa smiled and nodded and said:

"No problem, all of you are experts in the appraisal of top antique works of art. Whenever you want to appreciate this Xuande blue and white vat, you can come over anytime, just make a phone call. Our family is very welcome.

Let's go into the living room and have a cup of hot tea. It's quite cold in the courtyard. Just now we were admiring a bamboo and stone calligraphy and painting by Zheng Banqiao. After taking it out for a while, we heard that you have arrived, so we came out to welcome you."

Upon hearing the name 'Zheng Banqiao', Elder Shan and Master Ma's eyes lit up and they became even more excited.

"Zheng Banqiao's bamboo and stone calligraphy and painting, you must appreciate it carefully and have an eye addiction."

Elder Jin said excitedly, as if he couldn't wait.

The rest of the old men were the same, all looking at the living room of the North House, wishing they could fly over immediately to appreciate the top-level artwork that must be priceless.

At this moment, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting everyone.

Ye Tian took out his mobile phone to look at it, and then said to Mr. Shan and the others:

"I'm sorry, there are a few more distinguished guests here. You go to the living room of the North House first, and enjoy Zheng Banqiao's bamboo and stone calligraphy and paintings. I will greet the guests at the door and come back later."

"It's okay, Ye Tian, ​​go ahead and leave us alone."

"Okay, I'm going out now"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian turned around and left, walking quickly towards the gate.

Elder Shan and Master Ma, who stayed in the courtyard, walked towards the living room of the north room, talking and laughing, under the leadership of their grandfather. Everyone's footsteps were extremely brisk.

In just a moment, the group of them entered the living room of the North House.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of exclamation in the living room of the North House, coming from Shan Lao and Ma Ye.

Without even thinking about it, these old men were shocked again, so much so that they cried out in surprise.

The antique furniture, exquisite porcelain, and other antique relics placed in the living room of the North House, as well as the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls of the living room, are all top-notch and expensive.

Among them are many top-notch antique works of great value, and the value of some antique works even surpasses the Ming Xuande blue-and-white dragon pattern vat in the center of the courtyard.

Let me ask, can such a living room filled with national treasure-level antiques and works of art not shock Mr. Shan and the others?

At this time, Ye Tian had quickly bypassed the first courtyard and walked out of the courtyard.

As soon as he came out, he saw four cars coming slowly from the west entrance of the alley and stopped at his door.

At the same time, there are seven or eight more security personnel near the door of the house. Everyone is wearing a coat and earphones. They look very capable and are always on high alert.

However, these security personnel were not Ye Tian's subordinates, but followed the four cars. Their main task was naturally to protect the passengers in the four cars.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, Ye Tian walked down the steps and walked up to meet him quickly.

At the same time, the door of the first car was opened. Director Wang from the Ministry of Culture and another middle-aged man got out of the car one after another and stood beside the car.

Immediately afterwards, the doors of the three cars behind were opened one after another, and the passengers sitting in those three cars came out one after another and stood on the ground of the alley.

These are a few faces that everyone is very familiar with, and they often appear on the news broadcast, not only Ye Tian, ​​but also the people of the whole country know each other.

Seeing these people, Dawei and Dongzi who were in charge of welcoming guests at the door, as well as several other people, were stunned immediately, all of them were stunned, their eyes were full of disbelief, and their expressions were a little nervous.

The few relatives and friends who arrived at the door of the house first and had not yet entered the door were also stunned in place, their eyes full of ecstasy.

As for Ye Tian's security personnel, because they received Ye Tian's reminder in advance, they behaved fairly normally, but secretly raised their alert level.

Looking at Ye Tian himself, he already had a bright smile on his face, and went straight to meet him!

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