Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2041 wedding in flower rain

Near ten o'clock in the morning, the wedding ceremony is about to begin.

All the guests attending the Chinese wedding ceremony had arrived, and they gathered in the inner courtyard where the grandparents lived, and the cross courtyard where Ye Tian and Betty lived, waiting for the auspicious time to arrive.

At this time, the gate of this mansion is full of festive atmosphere, everyone's face is filled with bright smiles, and everyone is full of expectations.

Several staff members of the wedding planning company are making the final arrangements.

They sprinkled countless delicate flowers and petals all over the red carpet from the cross courtyard to the inner courtyard. This red carpet leads from Ye Tian and Betty's bedroom to the living room in the north room of the inner courtyard.

All these flowers and petals, freshly picked this morning and transported from the suburbs, are still fresh and fragrant.

There are red roses, which symbolize love, which are fiery red and full of passion; there are lilies, which symbolize a hundred years of harmony, which are white and flawless, like pieces of snowflakes; there are also Phalaenopsis, which symbolizes elegance and purity, and so on.

As these flowers and petals were sprinkled one after another, the gate of this mansion located in the middle of Lishi Hutong suddenly became full of spring and colorful.

At this moment, winter seems to have gone, and spring has come to this courtyard ahead of schedule.

However, outside the gate of this mansion, it was still chilly.

The bare trees on both sides of the street and the biting cold wind blowing in the face clearly tell people that winter is still entrenched in the city of Beijing.

Compared with before, the security inside and outside Lishi Hutong was even tighter, reaching the highest level.

The two entrances to the east and west of the hutong, as well as the intersection with Qianchaomian Hutong and Dengcao Hutong, were sealed off by uniformed police. Every person and vehicle entering or leaving the hutong was subject to strict inspection.

Inside the alley, security personnel on high alert can be seen everywhere, watching the situation in the alley vigilantly.

Especially near the gate of Ye Tian's big house, there are more than 20 security personnel scattered around, which can be called three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry.

Those neighbors who have only moved to Lishi Hutong in recent years, but were not invited by Ye Tian, ​​have received news that if there is nothing that must be done, it is best to stay at home.

As for when you can go out, you can only wait for the notice, but it won't take too long.

After receiving the news, these neighbors immediately guessed that there must be a big leader coming to Lishi Hutong to attend Ye Tian's wedding, and the itinerary needs to be kept secret, so this happened.

Who is the big leader who came, and how many people came in total, no one knows!

After thinking about this, what else can you say, you can only cooperate and stay at home honestly.

As people who live and live in Beijing, this kind of thing is so common that everyone has seen it for a long time and naturally knows how to deal with it.

Not only outside, but also inside the gate of Ye Tian's mansion, there are security personnel wearing overcoats and earphones everywhere, who are always on alert.

They were scattered at the gates of each courtyard, the corner of the veranda, the two gardens, etc., and guarded the gate of the mansion as if it were solid.

Time passed little by little, and it was getting closer and closer to ten o'clock in the morning.

The family living in the gate of this mansion, as well as all the guests invited to the wedding, became more and more excited.

Especially Linlin and Chenxi, Logan and Dongzi, and all the children big and small who came to this wedding,

These little guys are even more excited.

At this time, they were all gathered in the courtyard where Ye Tian and Betty lived, lined up on both sides of the red carpet, with two wedding cannons in hand, ready to go off at any time, and play a fairy flower.

Each of them kept their eyes on the door of the living room in the north house, waiting for the door to open and Ye Tian and Betty to come out to kick off the prelude to the ceremony.

In the living room, Ye Tian and Betty had already changed into red Chinese wedding dresses, standing in front of two side-by-side full-length mirrors, admiring themselves and their lover in the mirror.

Beside the two of them, mother was helping Ye Tian to arrange the dress, while Evelyn and sister-in-law were helping Betty to arrange the dress. Everyone had happy smiles on their faces.

Because it is a Chinese-style wedding, and it is a make-up, there is no best man and bridesmaid in this wedding, which also saves a lot of red tape and simplifies it a bit.

In a blink of an eye, my mother and the others arranged the dresses and completed the inspection work.

Immediately afterwards, the few of them quickly arranged their dresses.

Afterwards, my mother raised her hand to look at the time, then lightly patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"It's almost time, Xiaotian, you can take your wife out and kowtow to your grandparents and grandparents in the inner courtyard."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately nodded in response:

"Come on! Mom, let Betty serve you tea after we kowtow to grandparents and grandparents."

"Okay, I'll wait for that moment"

Mom nodded and said with a smile, her eyes full of love.

Evelyn, sister-in-law, and second aunt who were standing beside them were all the same at this time, looking at the new couple in front of them with eyes full of admiration.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the process to Betty in English to deepen her impression.

After the introduction, he took Betty's hand and walked towards the living room door together.

When he came to the door of the living room, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his hands and opened the door of the living room himself.

Following his actions, cheers immediately resounded in the yard outside.

"It's out! My brother and sister-in-law are finally out. Everyone, get ready. When they come over, everyone will immediately fire their crackers!"

"Wow! Sister Betty is so beautiful, it looks like she stepped out of a painting"

Amidst the cheers, Linlin and Chenxi, who were guarding both sides of the entrance of the living room, immediately fired their respective crackers.

"Bang, bang"

Accompanied by two muffled sounds, colorful confetti fell from the sky all over the sky and fell to the ground one after another.

Holding the flower baskets, Little Swallow and another little girl standing on the red carpet immediately stretched out their chubby little hands, grabbed the flower petals in their respective flower baskets, and threw them out vigorously.

In the rain of flowers flying all over the sky, Ye Tian took Betty's hand and stepped out of the living room, then followed the two little girls and walked along the red carpet.

Every time they take a step forward, the sound of cracking cannons will be heard in their ears, and countless colorful confetti will fall from the sky, falling on their heads, bodies, and feet.

The younger brothers and sisters standing on both sides of the red carpet, as well as the children of many relatives and friends, kept cheering and sending them the best wishes.

Behind them, Mom and the others also came out of the living room and followed them.

Seeing Ye Tian and Betty strolling forward in the rain of flowers, my mother's eyes couldn't help getting moist, but there was an incomparably bright smile on her face.

Not only her, but also Evelyn who was walking with her, with a happy smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

Cheers one after another in the courtyard spread to the inner courtyard in a blink of an eye.

The family members, relatives, friends, and other guests gathered in the inner courtyard all turned their heads to look at the Chaoshou corridor connecting the inner courtyard and the cross-courtyard, and everyone was full of anticipation.

At the same time, the joyful "Flowers and Full Moon" rang in everyone's ears. This moving music reached everyone's ears in an instant, and it also resounded through the entire gate of the mansion.

Amidst the moving music, the two little girls who were in charge of spreading flowers and leading the way first appeared in everyone's field of vision and walked over from Chaoshou corridor.

These two pink little girls were giggling excitedly as they kept throwing colorful petals.

Following them closely, Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing a Chinese dress, took Betty's hand, turned from the verandah, and strolled into the inner courtyard.

"clap clap"

Deafening applause suddenly resounded, resounding throughout the courtyard and the entire Lishi Hutong.

Accompanied by warm applause, fireworks soared to the sky, blooming over the gate of this mansion and over Beijing.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was filled with flowers and rain, instantly decorating the world with colorful flowers!

:. :

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