Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2042 Mediterranean Treasure


"Xiaotian, you kid is really down to earth. The Chinese wedding yesterday almost drove Li Yun crazy with envy. After I got home, I kept talking to me all night, lamenting that I married the wrong person and almost failed my buddies. go to bed"

Dawei said with emotion, looking terrified.

Hearing this, Ye Tian who was standing beside him immediately joked and said:

"Hahaha, if Li Yun doesn't let you go to bed, wouldn't it be just what you want? Anyway, the fat son has already been hugged, so it can save some energy!"

"Fuck you! Our couple are real childhood sweethearts, our love is stronger than gold, and our childhood lives like glue."

Dawei said angrily, and stretched out his hand to push Ye Tian.

At this time, it was the morning of the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

The two of them were at the entrance of the largest banquet hall in the Beijing Hotel. Behind them was the gate of the banquet hall. There were two huge happy characters on the door, which were very eye-catching.

Today, in the banquet hall behind him, Ye Tian is going to entertain his friends and classmates, as well as some friends in the field of antique art collection.

In addition to these people, there are also some colleagues and friends of my parents, as well as some neighbors in the community near the Xicheng Guanyuan.

Of course, this also includes Ye Tian's company employees, David and Jason, and the employees in the personal exhibition hall of the Forbidden City.

Except for a limited number of guests who were invited to attend the wedding banquet, the rest did not attend the wedding ceremony held in the gate of the mansion in Lishi Hutong yesterday, nor did they go to the United States to attend the wedding of Ye Tian and Betty.

Out of etiquette and to connect with each other, today's wedding banquet is indispensable, otherwise it will inevitably cause some gossip.

Early this morning, Ye Tian and Dawei rushed to the Beijing Hotel to cooperate with and supervise the staff of the wedding planning company in arranging the wedding banquet scene.

Mom, Dad, Betty, and other family members are still staying at home at the moment and will come here later.

When Ye Tian and Dawei were chatting at the door, in the banquet hall behind them, the staff of the wedding planning company and the staff of the Beijing Hotel were busy arranging the venue.

After chatting for a while, a security guard took a few guys out of the elevator and walked straight to the entrance of the banquet hall.

Seeing those guys, Ye Tian and Dawei laughed at the same time, and waved to them.

Those guys are none other than Ye Tian and Dawei's childhood friends and their middle school classmates, everyone is very familiar with them.

When they came close, those guys immediately joked and said:

"Xiaotian, I can declare in advance that I didn't bring a gift today, and I didn't plan to follow suit, so I ate it with my mouth open, don't you mind!"

"It's the same buddy, Xiao Tian, ​​don't let us follow the example, you said it yourself, and besides, with your current rank, if we want to follow the example, we have to sell everything."

Ye Tian pretended to be helpless and pointed at these little boys, then smiled angrily and said:

"My buddy didn't expect you to get rich from the red envelopes. That's not realistic at all. Since you don't plan to contribute money, then do your best. Dude just needs a few reminders and strength. Hurry up and move the tables in the banquet hall."

"Brothers are here to attend your wedding with Betty,

You guys are treating my brothers as broken reminders, it's too bad, brothers, don't be cautious, deal with him! "

A buddy on the opposite side laughed and cursed, and then rushed forward.

The other guys were not idle either, they all rushed up eagerly, ready to deal with Ye Tian.

However, these guys who are not working hard are no match for Ye Tian.

After a little effort, they were cleaned up by Ye Tian, ​​each of them pinching their wrists, rubbing their arms, and screaming ouch.

After talking and joking, everyone stood at the door of the banquet hall and chatted.

"I said brothers, why are you here? Where are your wives and children? Didn't I inform you? It's best to bring your family, otherwise, who will send the red envelopes?"

Ye Tian asked with a smile, a little surprised.

"Isn't it still early? We came here ahead of time to see if there is anything we can do to help. The family members will arrive later, so don't worry, Xiaotian, there will not be any red envelopes left!"

Huazi continued, explaining why.

The rest of the guys also nodded, and the situation was obviously the same.

After chatting for a few more words, Huazi pulled Ye Tian over again, and asked curiously in a low voice:

"Xiao Tian, ​​when you and Betty held a make-up Chinese-style wedding at home yesterday, did a big leader pass by? Which leader is it? Can you tell my buddies?

All the brothers in our institute were dragged to Dongsi Avenue yesterday, even those who were on vacation were called back, and they were on duty in the street against the cold wind.”

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said in a secretive way:

"At the Chinese-style wedding held at home yesterday, there were indeed big leaders, and more than one, but I can't say which big leaders they are. This needs to be kept secret, and I believe you can understand.

My status is quite special, and I will soon make a large-scale investment in Beijing. During this sensitive period, it is better not to make this kind of thing public, so as not to be used by some people with ulterior motives to make a fuss.

Everyone who attended the wedding yesterday, my security personnel, and even the neighbors who live in Lishi Hutong are all required to keep confidential and not to disclose relevant information, so I can’t answer your question.”

Hearing this, Huazi still didn't understand who the big leaders who came to No. 129 Lishi Hutong yesterday to attend the wedding of Ye Tian and Betty were.

You know, he is a policeman from a police station, and he is a policeman from a police station within the Second Ring Road of Beijing. If he doesn't even have this sensitivity, then he is in vain.

Then, the two of them walked back and continued to laugh and chat with a few Fa Xiao.

Soon, the time came to half past eight in the morning.

Several groups of guests who were invited to the wedding banquet came one after another. They were basically Ye Tian's friends and classmates, and they all came to help in advance.

In fact, the wedding banquet was handled by the staff of the wedding planning company and the staff of the Beijing Hotel. How could they be used? It would be nice if they didn't make trouble.

After these guys arrived, Ye Tian brought them all into the banquet hall, found a few tables to sit down, and chatted and laughed together.

For a moment, the entire banquet hall was filled with laughter and laughter, and it became extremely lively.

At 8:30 in the morning, David, Jason, and a few company employees who followed from New York also rushed to the Beijing Hotel.

After these guys entered the banquet hall, Ye Tian led them to another table and sat down, chatting with them.

"How is it, David, Jason, how does it feel to celebrate Chinese New Year in Beijing? Do you like our Chinese New Year?"

After the voice fell, David immediately said:

"Steven, you Chinese people's Spring Festival is really interesting and lively. Everyone I see these days seems to be carefree and happy.

Even the whole country is immersed in a happy atmosphere, but what moves me the most is the Chinese people's nostalgia for family and the importance they attach to family affection."

"The Spring Festival is the most important festival of the year for Chinese people, and it is also a day for family reunion. Every Spring Festival, no matter where they are, poor or rich, every Chinese will put aside their worries and welcome the new year.

Among the various forms of civilization known in the world today, the Chinese civilization places the most emphasis on the family. "Family, the country, and the world." Although family affairs are small, they are the basic elements of the "country" and "the world." No family, no country.

The Chinese people's ethical concept is based on the family, and the family is the most important link to maintain the emotions between people, and this is one of the reasons why the Chinese people have a strong family concept and are nostalgic for the family."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and explained a few words.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jason continued excitedly:

"The Chinese New Year is not only very lively, but also has endless delicacies. In the past few days, I have tasted dozens of snacks at several temple fairs. Every snack is very delicious and unforgettable!"

"It seems that you are really a foodie, but your food journey may be interrupted, Jason, after today's wedding banquet is over, you should go back to the hotel to pack your luggage and prepare to return to New York!"

"Ah! Let me fly back to New York now. To be honest, I am really reluctant to part with those delicious snacks. I still have a lot of special snacks that I haven't had time to taste!"

"Steven, is there something for Jason to return to New York at this time?"

David interrupted and asked, a little surprised.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then lowered his voice and said:

"That's right, I let Jason return to New York now, of course there is a purpose, Jason, after you return to New York, immediately start preparing for the deep-sea salvage ship 'Intrepid' to go to sea.

After you are ready, you wait for my order, and then head to the Mediterranean Sea, the goal is Athens, Greece, in the blue Mediterranean Sea, there is a treasure waiting for us to discover."

"Wow! Treasure in the Mediterranean, that's amazing!"

David and Jason exclaimed in a low voice, both of them were very excited, and their eyes were shining brightly.

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