Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2043 Lotus Mandarin Duck

While speaking, it was half past eleven in the morning.

In the largest banquet hall of the Beijing Hotel, it was already full of people and guests, and there were laughter and laughter everywhere, and the scene was extremely lively.

The guests who were invited to attend the wedding banquet had all arrived and sat down in their respective seats. Everyone was laughing and chatting while waiting for the wedding banquet to start.

Today's wedding banquet is relatively simple, there is no wedding ceremony, it's just a wedding banquet to connect feelings.

Because two ceremonies were held in Boston and Lishi Hutong in the United States before, the ceremony was canceled today.

However, under Ye Tian's instruction, the staff of the wedding planning company still arranged a colorful stage, and the procedures on some scenes still had to go.

When the time came to 11:30 in the morning, Ye Tian took the lead to come out of the lounge on the side of the banquet hall, and walked straight to the stage.

There is no master of ceremonies or host in today's wedding banquet, the person who presides over the wedding is Ye Tian himself.

Following his appearance, everyone at the scene looked over, and the guests who happened to be sitting near the aisle greeted him one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had come to the center of the banquet hall, getting closer to the stage in front of him.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

"Ye Tian, ​​can you accept this wedding gift? Since I brought it here from Shanghai, it would be inappropriate to bring it back?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked over.

The speaker is Mr. Liu, a top collector from Shanghai, who is very familiar with Ye Tian. During the Spring Festival last year, Ye Tian even rushed to Shanghai to help him appraise artworks.

On the table in front of this person, there is a brocade box, which is not big in size but looks very delicate.

Obviously, what was contained in that brocade box was the wedding gift for Ye Tian and Betty.

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Mr. Liu, I appreciate your kindness, and thank you on behalf of my wife Betty, but I really can't accept this gift. I have informed everyone before that this wedding banquet will not accept any money.

Although your gift is not cash, it is an antique work of art, but it must be very expensive, so I cannot accept it. If I accept your gift, it will embarrass other guests! "

Hearing his explanation, Mr. Liu couldn't help but nodded lightly, with a bit of regret in his expression.

Before he could give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"After this wedding banquet is over, there will be a small charity auction, and I will take out some antique artworks of reasonable value and good quality for public auction.

Among these antique works of art, there are not only antique works of art flowing out of our country, but also some antique works of art from the West. The number of antique works of art in the East and the West is equal.

The starting price of all the antique works of art on the auction is one yuan. I don't set an auction reserve price, but I will set an upper limit below the market price so that everyone can participate.

At today's auction, no matter how the transaction is or how much the transaction is, I will donate all the proceeds from the auction to the protection of historical sites in China.

In order to ensure openness and transparency, today's auction will be supervised by several staff members from the Beijing Notary Office.

And track and publicize the use of auction funds afterwards.

Since you brought an antique artwork here, you might as well participate in this public welfare auction and contribute to the protection of domestic historical sites, I believe this is more meaningful.”

Hearing this, the eyes of many guests at the scene suddenly brightened up, shining brightly.

Everyone originally thought that this was just an ordinary wedding banquet, just to connect with each other, but who would have imagined that there would be a charity auction after the wedding banquet, and the prices of all the auction items were lower than the market price.

With Ye Tian's vision and rank, the quality of the antique works of art he puts out for charity auctions must not be inferior, and he might be able to find a treasure today.

If you can really find a treasure, you will make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly became more excited, and everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

Especially those famous collectors, experts in antique art appraisal, several antique dealers from Liulichang, and managers of several famous auction houses.

These guys are already gearing up secretly, waiting for the auction to start, and then they will fight each other.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mr. Liu immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Ye Tian, ​​this is a good thing, count me in!"

"Come on! Then sit down and taste the delicious food at the Beijing Hotel. I'll go to the stage first."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said, then stepped out and continued to walk forward.

As soon as he left, another collector sitting not far from Mr. Liu poked his head over and asked curiously:

"Old Liu, what treasure is in this brocade box, can you show it for everyone to open their eyes?"

Not only this collector, but everyone else at the scene also looked at the brocade box on the dining table, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

The guests sitting in this area include well-known domestic collectors, experts in antique art appraisal and other insiders, as well as several well-known domestic entrepreneurs, and everyone is worth a lot of money.

Mr. Liu turned his head to look at the collector, then scanned the crowd, and finally solved the mystery with a smile.

"This brocade box contains a sketch by Master Lin Fengmian. The title of the painting is "Lotus Mandarin Duck". Isn't Ye Tian married, so I want to give him this painting as a gift?"

Before he could finish his words, there was already a sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Hey! Old Liu, you are really willing to give up, the handwriting is too big! It is a sketch by Master Lin Fengmian, and you are going to send it out as a wedding gift, am I right?"

"If Ye Tian knows that this brocade box contains a sketch by Master Lin Fengmian, I don't know if he has the courage to refuse this gift and send it to the auction later!"

Amid the exclamation, Mr. Liu continued to smile and said:

"You must have heard that during the Spring Festival last year, Ye Tian went to Shanghai to help me appraise several Western artworks. During that trip to Shanghai, he saw through an artwork scam and let me escape.

It was also during that trip to Shanghai that I was lucky enough to receive two paintings of Picasso's pastoral period after his appraisal and help to sell them, which are two of the most outstanding Western antique artworks in my collection.

One year has passed, and the value of those two Picasso paintings in the pastoral period has risen a lot, so taking this opportunity to attend the wedding banquet, I brought this sketch by Master Lin Fengmian here as a token of my gratitude! "

Before the words fell, the scene was boiling again, and almost everyone exclaimed in a low voice.

"Old Liu, I've heard about this, but I didn't expect that you received two Picasso paintings that time. This harvest is really great and enviable!"

"I'll go! Two paintings of Picasso's idyllic period are worth tens of millions of dollars, Lao Liu, you really made a lot of money!"

Amidst the exclamation, Mr. Liu nodded proudly and said:

"That's right, I did make a lot of money in that art transaction, but please keep this matter secret and don't spread it out"

"Okay, Lao Liu, let's not talk about the two paintings of Picasso's pastoral period, you can take out this sketch of Lin Fengmian first, so that everyone can open their eyes!"

"No problem, I will take out this sketch of traditional Chinese painting for everyone to appreciate."

After speaking, Mr. Liu gently untied the ribbon that tied the brocade box, opened the exquisite brocade box, carefully took out the paintings inside, and then slowly unfolded them on the table.

At this time, everyone's eyes were all focused on the painting, and everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

On the other side, Ye Tian stepped onto the stage, and reached out to take the microphone handed over by the staff of the wedding planning company.

The next moment, his clear voice came from the stage.

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