Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2044 Cheesy Souvenirs

At around 2:00 noon, this luxurious wedding banquet was coming to an end.

At this time, the guests attending the wedding banquet were all full of wine and food, but they didn't get up and leave. They were still sitting in their seats, chatting happily with friends around them.

Before the wedding banquet started, Ye Tian told everyone that there will be a small charity auction after the wedding banquet. He hopes and welcomes every guest who attended the banquet today to participate.

For most of the guests in this luxurious banquet hall, they have never participated in an antique art auction before, which is far away from their own lives.

Now that there is such an opportunity, everyone naturally wants to see it and experience it for themselves.

More importantly, Ye Tian briefly introduced the rules of this charity auction before, in order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for participation.

Everyone already knew at this time that the starting price of those Eastern and Western antique artworks that appeared at the auction later was only one yuan, and the highest price was far below their market value.

May I ask, who wouldn't want to participate in such a charity auction? Maybe if you are lucky, you can take a picture of a valuable antique artwork, and you will make a lot of money!

Seeing that everyone had put down their chopsticks and was eagerly waiting for the follow-up program to start, Ye Tian immediately told the Beijing Hotel staff to come in and clean up the scene.

Soon, the brigade hotel staff pushed the dining carts into the banquet hall and began to clean up the leftovers on the tables.

It didn't take long for all the tables in the banquet hall to be cleared.

Immediately afterwards, another group of hotel staff pushed the dining car into the banquet hall, and placed flowers, fruit plates, desserts and tea drinks on each table for everyone to enjoy.

After the arrangement was completed, the hotel staff withdrew from the banquet hall.

When the gate of the banquet hall was closed, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to notify his staff to bring up the things he had prepared.

Before the words were finished, the door to a lounge on the left side of the banquet hall was opened, and seven or eight company employees each pushed a trolley out of the lounge and walked straight to the stage in front of the banquet hall.

On the trolleys on the upper and lower floors, there are red gift bags, which are small but very delicate, revealing a festive atmosphere.

Seeing this scene, many guests in the banquet hall didn't know that the red gift bags contained must be presents from Ye Tian and Betty.

As for what the accompanying gift is, it is unknown. Only when you get it in your hand can you know the answer.

as expected!

The next moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came from the stage and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Seeing these gift bags on the trolley, everyone must have guessed that yes, this is a gift prepared by Betty and me to thank everyone for coming to our wedding banquet.

All the guests who come to this wedding banquet today, no matter adults or children, will receive a gift. I hope everyone will like this gift. I believe everyone will like it.

Because there will be a charity auction next,

In order to save time, Betty and I will not give these presents to you one by one, these company employees will deliver gifts to everyone.”

Before the words fell, several familiar voices rang out from the audience.

"Xiaotian, what is the present that you two gave everyone? Tell everyone, we really want to know!"

"That's right, Xiaotian, tell everyone about it, and make everyone happy."

The speaker is Hua Zi and the others, and these guys are used to booing and joking.

Not only them, but everyone else at the scene also looked at the red silk gift bags curiously, each of them secretly guessing what gifts were in those bags.

Ye Tian looked at Huazi and the others, then glanced at the audience, then smiled and said loudly:

"Please be patient, everyone. When those red gift bags are delivered to you, you will naturally know what the presents from Betty and I are. It is a very nice surprise."

After finishing speaking, he immediately nodded to the few company employees and asked them to distribute the souvenirs separately.

Next, those few company employees dispersed into the banquet with trolleys, and began to distribute those red silk gift bags to the guests.

In just a moment, there were bursts of pleasantly surprised voices from the banquet.

"There is a small bag of wedding candy and a small bag of chocolates in the gift bag, hey! Did I read it right? There is actually a gold coin and a silver coin in it!"

"It's the same in my gift bag. I also have a gold coin and a silver coin. Is it real or not? Giving gold and silver coins as a gift is too big. It's unbelievable.

Which country's currency is this? It looks like a Spanish coin with the words 1805 engraved on it. Could it be that this is really an antique coin from Spain? "

As the accompanying gifts were handed out, the exclamation sounded one after another, continuously, and the whole banquet hall suddenly seemed to be as lively as a pot.

The gift from Ye Tian and Betty shocked everyone present, including those top collectors, experts in antique art appraisal, and other insiders in the field of antique art collection!

Giving antique gold and silver coins as souvenirs to guests attending the wedding banquet, who has heard of such a big deal? Simply unheard of ah!

Amidst the exclamation, someone had already taken out the gold and silver coins in the gift bag, held them up high, and asked loudly with excitement:

"Xiaotian, tell me about these gold and silver coins. Which country's currency are they? Are they antique coins? Is there any collection value?"

"That's right, Xiaotian, let me introduce these gold and silver coins to you. These gold and silver coins are rough and not round in shape. We don't know the words on them, but they are real gold and silver!"

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the stage, looked at the gold and silver coins being lifted up, and then said with a smile:

"That's right, the gold and silver coins that everyone got are all antique coins, which I found in previous treasure hunts, and I brought some of them back to China this time as souvenirs for everyone.

Uncle Chen, the gold coin you are holding in your hand is a Spanish gold coin. Its exact name is the escudo gold coin. It is a gold coin minted by the Mexican Mint in the early eighteenth century.

On that gold coin, the date of minting is engraved, and the two letters 'MO' on the back are the logo of the Mexican Mint. The silver coin in your hand is called Rial.

It also comes from the Mexican Mint. It was minted in the same age as the escudo gold coin, and it is also engraved with the Mexican Mint logo. This is a pair of antique coins worth collecting! "

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Uncle Chen who was sitting under the stage immediately lowered his head to study the pair of gold and silver coins, his face full of ecstasy.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the stage, smiled softly, and then continued:

"As for the pair of antique gold and silver coins in Uncle Chen's hands, according to the current market situation of antique coins, the value should be around 60,000 yuan, with fluctuations of no more than 10%.

In the gift bags you all received, there is a gold coin and a silver coin. These gold and silver coins are different, some are from Britain, some are from France, some are from Spain and other countries.

Without exception, these gold and silver coins are all antique coins and have a certain collection value. Their value is basically the same as the two antique coins in Uncle Chen's hand, which are around 60,000 yuan!

After receiving this gift, you can collect it yourself or sell it. If you plan to sell these antique coins and the buyer's bid is less than 60,000, you can ignore it!

The reason why I prepare such a slightly vulgar gift for everyone is mainly because it is Chinese New Year now, and this is a red envelope for you all. It is auspicious and I wish you a wealth of wealth.

Besides, if you give other things as souvenirs, there must be a problem that everyone can’t agree on, but these antique coins don’t have such a problem, and I don’t lack such things.”

Before the words fell, the scene was boiling again, and everyone was discussing in surprise.

"I'll go! Ye Tian's handwriting is really scary. He sent out more than 300 pairs of antique coins worth 60,000 RMB. That's 10 to 20 million RMB! It's crazy!"

"Dude, aren't you dreaming? Not only did you enjoy a sumptuous meal today, but you also brought home two antique coins worth 60,000 yuan. To be honest, I'm a little embarrassed!"

Amidst the exclamation, those guests who brought their children to the wedding banquet looked at the gift bag in the hands of their sons or daughters with bright eyes, planning to rob their children.

Immediately afterwards, these guys revealed the face of Grandma Wolf.

"My dear son, can you exchange this bag of wedding candies and chocolates for the coins in your red gift bag? Those two things are hard and inedible, and they are useless for you to hold, and they are not safe! "

What can those children do about this kind of persuasion, or stealing and plundering?

They had no choice at all, they could only take out the pair of antique coins from the gift bag with pouting lips and aggrieved faces, and then reluctantly handed them to their parents.

And what they got was only one or two packs of wedding candies and chocolates, and one or two compliments of "the child is really sensible".

Of course, there were many guests who were not married, had no children, or did not bring their children to the wedding banquet.

At this time, they were extremely envious of those guys who brought their children to the wedding banquet, and at the same time regretted it.

If I had known that I would receive such a precious gift today, I would have to bring my family and children to the banquet. If I didn’t have a family member, it would be worthwhile to hire one on the street!

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the banquet hall received a gift, and no one was left behind.

Next, everyone began to lower their heads to study the antique coins they received, and communicate and compare with friends around them. The scene was very lively.

And Ye Tian standing on the stage has been completely forgotten by everyone!

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