"Bang, bang"

Ye Tian lightly tapped the microphone twice, and then there were two muffled sounds from the live speakers.

Following his action, all the guests in the banquet hall suddenly woke up, looked up at the stage ahead, and at Ye Tian who was standing in the center of the stage.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Presumably everyone has received this present from me and Betty to you all. I wonder if you are satisfied with this gift? I believe you will like this gift"

Before his words fell, someone in the audience responded loudly.

"Of course I like it, there is no better gift than this, Xiaotian, you two are really at odds!"

"Anyone who doesn't like this gift can exchange it with me. I will exchange the wedding candy and chocolates in the accompanying gift bag for the gold and silver coins in your hand. Who would like to exchange?"

Those who responded to Ye Tian were still Dawei and Huazi's group of friends and classmates.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

However, how could anyone exchange gold and silver coins for wedding candies, unless they were ignorant children, but the antique coins in the hands of those children had long been confiscated by their parents.

When the laughter on the scene subsided, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"Since everyone likes this gift, it's great. Betty and I's kindness is not in vain. Now you can put away this gift, and appreciate and study it carefully when you get home.

Next, there is the public welfare auction I mentioned before the wedding banquet. I have briefly introduced the situation of this public welfare auction to you before, so I won’t repeat it here.

Before the public welfare auction officially starts, I will invite a few notaries from the Beijing Notary Office to conduct on-site notarization and supervise the public welfare auction throughout the process to ensure openness and transparency.”

As he said that, he made a gesture of invitation and gestured to several notaries sitting at a table under the stage.

Those notaries from the Beijing Notary Office got up immediately,

They walked towards the stage together.

When they came to the stage, they took the microphone from Ye Tian, ​​introduced themselves, and read the oath of justice. These were routine procedures, but they were essential.

After the introduction, the few of them sat behind the temporary notary seat and waited for the auction to start.

Ye Tian took the microphone and continued his performance.

"There are some things I want to explain in advance. In this public welfare auction, I will take out 30 pieces of antique art from the East and the West, and display them in public and auction them publicly.

I can endorse the authenticity of these antique works of art. After the auction is completed, if you have any doubts about the antique works of art you bid, I am willing to take them back at the transaction price.

In this way, no matter how much money you spend when bidding, you will not lose anything. You can bid with confidence. I am also very confident in my eyesight, and I will never miss it! "

Hearing this, all the guests in the banquet hall couldn't help but nodded slightly, looking forward to the upcoming auction even more.

In fact, every guest invited to the wedding banquet today knows Ye Tian quite well, and is familiar with his series of brilliant achievements.

Each of them is very clear that this kid Ye Tian is the top expert in antique art appraisal in the world today, and he can even be said to be the most powerful. He is especially famous for his sharp eyesight, and he has never looked past his eyes.

In addition to today's special occasion, how could there be counterfeit antique artworks that he took out for charity auctions?

In this public welfare auction, there is only one thing that everyone needs to consider, and that is the depth of the wallet, and there is no need to consider other things!

This was the thought of many ordinary people at the scene. The professionals in the banquet hall, as well as the managers of several famous auction houses, were all shocked at this moment.

It's just a charity auction after a wedding banquet, but this guy Ye Tian actually took out thirty pieces of Eastern and Western antique artworks. This is too big and too scary!

An auction of this scale, no matter where it is held, Beijing or New York, or anywhere else, can be called a large auction.

If the quality of the Eastern and Western antique artworks that will be put up for auction later is of excellent quality, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Looking at the field of antique art collections at home and abroad, only Ye Tian is the only kid who can play such a big deal. If it were any other person, who would be willing to do so, not to mention whether there are so many antique works of art?

Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to spread from the stage to the ears of everyone in the banquet hall.

"At today's wedding banquet, there are many professionals in the field of antique art collection, everyone is strong; there are also many ordinary people who know little about antique art, and their wealth is relatively average.

Then there are children who only have some lucky money in their hands. For the sake of fairness, I divided this auction into three parts to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and avoid competition with great differences in strength.

In the first part, there are a total of ten Eastern and Western antique works of art. Participants can only be children under the age of ten, and these little guys can only use their own lucky money to bid for the auction, and are not allowed to ask their parents for help.

This is mainly to add some fun to these little guys, and let them experience the taste of competition. In this part of the auction, some children will inevitably fail to bid. I hope the parents can treat it correctly! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of cheers from the audience.

"Wow! That's great. I didn't expect my son to participate in the auction. Ye Tian is really interesting."

"I hope our niece can achieve something. It would be great to win one or two antique works of art!"

These guys who cheered loudly were all guests who brought their children to the wedding banquet, and most of them were Ye Tian's childhood friends, classmates, and friends.

While cheering, they knew very well in their hearts that this was an opportunity to make a fortune specially created for them by Ye Tian, ​​and they must not miss it!

If not, with their meager wealth, they have no chance of winning against those top collectors, antique art appraisal experts and other professionals.

Contrary to them, those guests who did not have children or did not bring their children to today's wedding banquet were full of regret. The ten antique works of art in the first part of the auction obviously did not belong to them.

Those top collectors, antique art appraisal experts, and entrepreneurs in the banquet hall also felt a little regretful, but they appreciated Ye Tian's arrangement even more, and they were all deeply moved.

This kid Ye Tian's thoughts are really too meticulous, he does everything impeccably, taking into account the feelings of everyone at the scene, so that everyone can participate in the game without feeling left out.

Not to mention this guy's incomparably amazing and world-leading strength, but with this meticulous thinking alone, given time, he can also make a splash and stand out. It's really not for nothing.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In the second part of the auction, there are also ten pieces of Eastern and Western antique artworks up for auction. The participants are all adult guests except professionals. Everyone is welcome to bid enthusiastically. Don't miss this opportunity.

In the last part, there are also ten pieces of Eastern and Western antique artworks up for auction. This is an auction for professionals. It is best for others not to participate. You are not the opponents of these old foxes."


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone burst into laughter.

Among the laughter, some people were joking and denouncing loudly.

"Ye Tian, ​​if you want to say cunning, you are the most cunning fox, and it is a fact recognized by all colleagues at home and abroad."

"That's right, God knows how many colleagues and museums in foreign countries have been cheated by you, I'm afraid I can't count them all, but you have the nerve to call us old foxes! Isn't this a thief calling catch a thief!"

The laughter at the scene suddenly became louder, and almost lifted the ceiling of the banquet hall.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the center of the stage, was also laughing loudly, with a look of pride in his eyes.

After a long time, the hearty laughter just fell.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached everyone's ears.

"To save time, only five rounds of bidding are accepted for each piece of antique artwork on the auction, and the highest bidder wins, and these antique artworks have price ceilings, and bids exceeding the price ceiling will not be accepted.

Alright, having said so much, everyone must be a little impatient. This public welfare auction will start soon. Please come to the front for the little ones who participated in the first auction, lest your parents give orders.

This is your opportunity to perform. You can participate in this auction and compete with other children according to your lucky money. As for your parents' instructions, you don't need to pay attention at all! "


There was laughter again at the scene, resounding through the entire banquet hall.

Those guests who brought their children to the wedding banquet shook their heads helplessly, and then seized the time to tell their babies, hoping that their babies would gain something.

After a while, those innocent children left their seats, hula la rushed towards the front of the stage, all of them were excited and gearing up!

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