Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2006 Sapphire Tiger

In the blink of an eye, a dozen or twenty children gathered in the open space in front of the stage, ranging from three- and four-year-old kids to seven- and eight-year-old monkeys.

As for those little ones wearing diapers and children over ten years old, they could not participate in this auction. They could only stay with their parents, or sleep soundly, or look at this side with envy.

After these little guys came to the front of the stage, they immediately stood up in groups of three or four, standing with their familiar children, looking up at Ye Tian on the stage one by one, very excited.

When these little guys stood still, Ye Tian immediately came to the edge of the stage, then squatted down, and chatted with these little guys in the audience with a smile on his face.

"Little ones, do you know how much lucky money you have? Can you tell Uncle Ye Tian? Also tell other uncles, aunts, uncles and aunts, let everyone listen!"

Before he finished speaking, the audience rushed to raise more than a dozen or twenty arms of different lengths and colorful clothes, like a small forest.

At the same time, there was an immature but beautiful child's voice in everyone's ears.

"Uncle Ye Tian, ​​my mother told me that I have more than 12,000 yuan in New Year's money, which I saved for the New Year in the past two years, and you and Aunt Betty gave it just now."

"I have fifteen thousand lucky money, Uncle Ye Tian, ​​my mother will keep it for me!"

The little guys proudly reported their property status, everyone was rich, like a small rich man.

However, their parents were full of helplessness at this time, with wry smiles on their faces, pointing at Ye Tian one after another.

You kid is such a chicken thief, you are waiting for us here together!

Here it is! What we said to our baby just now was all a waste of time for a blind man to light a lamp.

as expected!

After the little guys reported their property situation one after another, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Baby, when the auction will be held, you will use your lucky money to bid. Don't ask your parents for money. As for what your parents told you just now, don't pay attention.

This is a charity auction.

That is to do good deeds. After the auction is completed, your lucky money will be used to protect some historical sites in our country, which is a very meaningful thing.

After the auction starts, I will publicly display the auctioned antique artworks. You probably don’t know what an antique artwork is. It’s very simple. It depends on whether you like the item or not.

If you like that thing, put your hands up for the price, the louder the better, preferably for everyone to hear, if you don't like that thing, then don't raise your hands and wait for the next one.

When you take a fancy to something and raise your hand to answer the price, other children may also like that thing, which requires you to compete with other children, and whoever bids the most will get that thing.

However, your bid cannot be higher than your own lucky money, nor the upper limit set by your uncle, otherwise the bid will be invalid, understand? Babes, now that you understand, let's start the auction! "

"Understood, Uncle Ye Tian"

The group of little fellows in the audience responded in unison, their excited eyes shining brightly.

Although the promise was very straightforward, but do these little guys really understand Ye Tian's words? I'm afraid it's too much!

But that's okay, Ye Tian is confident that he can guide these little guys to complete a charity auction that may be the youngest participant ever.

"Okay, let's start the auction now, little ones, look what this is"

As he said that, Ye Tian suddenly opened and closed his right hand quickly like a magic trick, and quickly shook it behind him.

After he put his right hand in front of him again and slowly opened it, there was already a small jade carving in the palm of his right hand.

It was a sapphire jade carving, and it was carved with a naive tiger. The tiger seemed to be napping on the ground.

Moreover, this sapphire tiger is highly skilled in carving, it is natural, the jade is warm and delicate, the paste is thick, and there is a faint layer of precious light. It is obviously a jade article that has been played with for a long time, rather than a cultural relic that has just been unearthed.

Seeing this naive sapphire tiger, the little guys in the audience cheered immediately.

"Ah! This is a little tiger, so beautiful, I want this little tiger"

"Uncle Ye Tian, ​​I am a tiger, can you give me this beautiful little tiger? I will give you all the lucky money"

Seeing these cheering little guys, Ye Tian, ​​who was squatting on the edge of the stage, suddenly chuckled.

"Little darlings, if you like this sapphire tiger, you can raise your hand to bid at the auction later. After five rounds of bidding, whoever has the highest bid will get this little tiger.

Let me tell you a secret. This sapphire tiger has a history of more than 500 years. It was carved by a jade carving master in the Ming Dynasty. It is older than your grandparents! ..."

At the same time as Ye Tian said these words, the big-screen TV next to the stage also showed a close-up shot of the sapphire tiger, and it was shot from various angles, the picture was very clear.

In just a moment, there was a commotion in the audience.

"Isn't it? How does this sapphire tiger look like the famous Zigang jade? The carving is awesome. If this is really Zigang jade, it would be too exaggerated!"

"That's right, I also look like Zi Gangyu. If we read correctly, this is beyond exaggeration. It is absolutely shocking!"

These comments come from many top collectors, masters of antique art appraisal and other professionals in the banquet hall.

Through a series of high-definition pictures on the big screen, these sharp-eyed professionals have already seen the clues, thinking that this naive sapphire tiger may be the famous Zigang jade.

However, because they haven't personally appreciated and appraised it, they are not particularly sure of their judgment, and they are sure that this is the priceless Zigang jade!

Even so, this sapphire tiger, which resembled Zi Gangyu, was enough to shock them!

Just when everyone was discussing, the scene on the big screen changed, and Ye Tian himself appeared on the big screen TV, holding the sapphire tiger in his hand, and began to introduce it to everyone.

"This is a jade carving with a bit of childishness, which is very good. To be precise, it should be said to be a naive sapphire tiger. I found it at an antique stall in the Saint-Ouen flea market in Paris.

After accepting this sapphire tiger, I carefully researched it, and I can basically confirm that this is a jade carving from the mid-Ming Dynasty, a typical Sugong jade carving, and it was made by a famous artist, so it is very valuable.

I believe someone has already noticed that this sapphire tiger looks a bit like the famous Zigang jade. In fact, it is not Zigang jade, but a jade carving made by an apprentice of the jade carving master Lu Zigang.

In 1539 AD, after the master of jade carving Lu Zigang moved to Suzhou, he opened his own jade carving workshop in Suzhou and took in a group of apprentices, who later became well-known masters of jade carving.

On this sapphire tiger, there is no personal logo left by Lu Zigang, but the words left by his apprentice. After hundreds of years of playing and admiring, the characters are not very clear, but they can still be seen."

While speaking, the big-screen TV showed relevant close-up shots. Under the right forefoot of the sapphire tiger, there was a vaguely word 'Qi'. Although it was not very clear, it was clearly recognizable.

With the appearance of this picture, the top collectors and antique art appraisal experts at the scene couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and immediately expressed emotion.

"Hey! It's not Zigangyu, it scares me!"

"Even if this is not the famous Zigang jade, it is still an outstanding work of the apprentice of the master jade carving Lu Zigang.

While everyone was discussing, Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to radiate from the on-site sound system and reach the ears of everyone present.

"Although this sapphire tiger is not Zigang jade, but the jade carving of Lu Zigang's apprentice, it is also very rare, and it is a very representative jade carving of the Ming Dynasty.

What's even more commendable is that this sapphire tiger has never been buried in the ground, that is to say, it has never been used as a funeral object, buried in a tomb, and has not been contaminated with bad luck.

In the past hundreds of years, this sapphire tiger has been under the sun and played by different owners. The thick patina on it is the best proof,..."

Ye Tian on the big TV screen continued to introduce the sapphire tiger, and popularized the knowledge about jade and jade identification, so that everyone's eyes lit up and they were mesmerized.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting on the edge of the stage and looking at the little guys in the audience, had already opened the prelude to the first auction.

"Little ones, the first antique artwork I'm auctioning off today is this cute sapphire tiger. If you like it, you can raise your hand to bid and compete with other children for this little tiger.

Let me remind you again that you can only use your lucky money to bid, and you can no longer ask your parents for money, and this is to protect our country's historical sites and do good deeds.

Alright, the auction starts now. This little sapphire tiger from the mid-Ming Dynasty with a history of hundreds of years has a starting price of one yuan, and only one yuan. Which little treasure should bid? Please raise your little hand"

Before his words fell, more than a dozen or twenty arms of different lengths were raised in the audience, and there was an excited and childish voice.

"Uncle Ye Tian, ​​I'd like to buy this little tiger for one dollar, it's so cute!"

"Give me this cute little tiger, please? Uncle Ye Tian, ​​I even kissed you and Aunt Betty just now!"

As these little guys scrambled to raise their hands to bid, the eyes of everyone in the banquet hall were immediately attracted, and everyone watched this special auction with concern.

When everyone heard those childish voices, even begging and coquettish voices, they immediately burst out laughing.

Who has ever seen such an auction, and the lot is such a precious Ming Dynasty jade carving, it is really eye-opening, and it is so interesting!

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