Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2047 Children's Games

Ye Tian looked at the coquettish little girl under the stage, smiled and said:

"Baby Nannan, not only you kissed Uncle and Aunt Betty just now, but other children also kissed us, each of you is very cute, we all like it very much.

However, there is only one little sapphire tiger, if I give it to you, the other little ones will be sad and blame me for being partial, that would be bad.

Therefore, it is better for us to decide who this sapphire tiger belongs to through competition. This is fair, isn't it, and only in this way, everyone will not blame me for being partial! "

Hearing this, Nan Nan's little girl immediately turned her head to look at the little friends around her, then pouted her mouth and nodded reluctantly and said:

"Okay, Uncle Ye Tian, ​​it's really bad to be biased, but I still really want this little sapphire tiger, it's so cute"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone was amused by this innocent little girl.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian continued with a smile:

"It's okay, baby Nannan, if you really like this little sapphire tiger, you can continue to raise your hand to bid, as long as you can win the other little darlings, this little sapphire tiger will belong to you."


The little girl standing under the stage nodded heavily, bit her lips tightly, clenched her fists, her expression was determined, and she looked determined to win.

"Okay, let's start the second round of bidding. The current price of this sapphire tiger is ten yuan, ten yuan. Is that baby going to answer the price? If you answer the price, please raise your arms and shout out loudly, let uncle listen arrive"

Before the words fell, more than a dozen arms were quickly raised by the audience, a few less than before.

"I'll pay ten yuan for this little sapphire tiger, Uncle Ye Tian, ​​please sell it to me!"

"And me, Uncle Ye Tian, ​​I like this little tiger very much, I want to put it next to my bed so that I can see it every day"

The little guys in the audience scrambled to answer the price loudly. Everyone's voice was very immature and very beautiful, and every little guy was full of excitement and eagerness.

Among them was the little girl Nan Nan. She tried to raise her arms high on her toes, and shouted the price loudly, lest Ye Tian could not see or hear it.

Ye Tian nodded lightly to the little babies below the stage, and then said loudly with a smile on his face:

"It seems that everyone likes this little sapphire tiger very much, so there are so many little treasures to offer, but there is only one sapphire tiger, who should I give it to? It seems that uncle has to raise the price again.

It was ten yuan just now, but the current price of this sapphire tiger is one hundred yuan, one hundred yuan, which little treasure is going to pay the price? Please raise your arms and shout out! "

A few more little guys raised their hands to answer the price, and shouted excitedly, that little guy Nan Nan was still among them.

However, compared to the previous bidding, there were a few fewer little guys who raised their hands to bid this time.

These little babies who participated in the auction can talk, laugh, run and dance, and they are more or less sensible!

They also know a little bit about the role of money. They know that money can buy many things, such as delicious snacks, beautiful clothes, and toys.

Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that some little guys are reluctant, so they are a little hesitant.

Some of the five or six-year-old boys,

Performance is particularly struggling.

They have some understanding of the role of money, but they don't understand it very well. They like this little sapphire tiger, but they are reluctant to spend money.

Different from these little ones, the older ones have some understanding of the purchasing power of one hundred yuan, and they know that they can't buy too many things, so they are willing to do so!

On the contrary, those three- and four-year-olds still have a vague concept of money. They don't know what a hundred yuan can buy. When they raise their hands to answer the price, they are more determined, just relying on their preferences!

At the same time when these little treasures raised their hands to bid, the hearts of their parents all raised their throats, staring at their own treasures closely, wishing they could rush up and bid for their own treasures.

During each round of bidding, there will be two different voices, sighs and cheers.

Seeing that their baby raises their hand to answer the price and is still in the competition, their parents will cheer for it, hug and celebrate with their lovers around them, and praise their baby's smartness to friends.

Other parents immediately sigh with regret when they see their baby give up the competition and stop raising his hand to answer the price.

However, none of the parents at the scene reminded their babies loudly and provided guidance for their babies.

Everyone understands in their hearts that this is a game between children. If adults like themselves participate in it, it will completely change the flavor!

While speaking, Ye Tian quoted a new price.

"There are quite a lot of little treasures who are asking for the price. It seems that everyone is a little rich. The auction continues. The current price of this little sapphire tiger is 500 yuan or 500 yuan. Which little treasure should bid? Get up!"

This time, the number of little guys raising their hands suddenly decreased, and there were only two left, one was Nan Nan, and the other was a little boy who belonged to the tiger.

As for the other little guys, they have already withdrawn from the competition, or they are biting their fingers, and they are engaged in ideological struggle.

That's five hundred dollars, how many delicious food, how many beautiful clothes, and fun toys can be bought!

Although this little sapphire tiger is very cute, it seems that it is not as good as those delicious snacks, beautiful floral dresses, and the latest toys.

Nan Nan and the little boy who raised their hands to answer the price are both children of Ye Tianfa's younger brother and his classmates.

As they raised their arms and responded loudly, cheers from the audience came from their parents.

Moreover, the parents of these two little guys happened to be sitting at two adjacent dining tables, and they had already handed in their hands before the auction on the stage was hammered down.

"It's great! Daughter-in-law, I didn't expect our daughter to be so persistent. It seems that I will win the first place and take down this sapphire tiger from the Ming Dynasty."

"Xiao Lizi, don't be too happy, you two. Didn't you see my son raised his hand? My son is a few years older than Nan Nan, and he is more sensible. The final winner is probably my son!"

Ye Tian looked at the two little guys under the stands who raised their hands to bid, and was about to raise the price again, entering the final round of bidding.

At this moment, a little guy who had been biting his finger for an ideological struggle, suddenly raised his arm, looked up at Ye Tian, ​​and said in pain:

"Godfather, I also want this little sapphire tiger"

No need to ask, this little guy is the fat son of Dawei and Li Yun, and also Ye Tian's godson.

Before he could finish his words, there were already cheers from the audience, coming from Dawei and Li Yun.

"See? That's my son, good job!"

"Zhao Xiaotong, Xiao Lizi, you are all happy too early. It is not certain which baby will be the final winner. The competition will continue."

Looking at the ecstatic couple, Zhao Xiaotong, her husband, and Xiao Lizi's family rolled their eyes angrily, and yelled at Dawei and Li Yun.

At this time, in front of the banquet hall, the final round of competition has already begun.

"Little ones, this is the last round of bidding. The current price of this sapphire tiger is one thousand yuan, one thousand yuan. Which little one should bid, please raise your hand so that uncle can see it."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, quoting the final price.

However, this time, no one responded.

The three little guys who raised their hands to answer the price just now bit their fingers and lowered their heads to start an ideological struggle. Everyone's face was full of painful expressions.

For them, one thousand yuan is a big sum, especially Nan Nan and Dawei's fat son, who may not be able to count up to one thousand now.

Seeing their performance, their parents were all anxious in the audience, as if they were on fire, and they had to pretend to be calm on the surface, pretending to be indifferent!

At this time, these parents wished they could fly directly to the edge of the stage, raise their precious arms, and take down that valuable sapphire tiger.

But it would be too ugly to do that. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, who can tear off their face?

The top collectors, experts in antique art appraisal, and other insiders who were also in this banquet hall were all envious when they heard the final quotation given by Ye Tian.

They knew that Ye Tian used this method to make his friends and classmates a fortune without hurting their self-esteem. The method was very ingenious and considerate.

However, is it too bad to do so? The value of that sapphire tiger is much more than that.

But how did these top collectors and antique art appraisal experts know that the final quotation Ye Tian gave was exactly the price he charged for this sapphire tiger in Paris, and he didn't lose a single penny, it was just a loss!

After more than ten seconds of ideological struggle, someone finally raised his hand to offer.

"Uncle Ye Tian, ​​I still want this little sapphire tiger very much, can you buy it for me? Please."

Nan Nan said timidly, and slowly raised her arms, with a hint of pleading in her tone, almost crying.

The other two little fellows raised their heads and looked at Ye Tian and Nan Nan respectively, still biting their fingers, but did not raise their hands to answer the price.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian hastily said:

"Little baby Nannan, please don't cry. If other children don't agree, this little sapphire tiger will belong to you. If there are still children who raise their hands to offer, this sapphire tiger will belong to you.

All in all, since you have raised your hand to bid, this cute little sapphire tiger already belongs to you, so you should be happy, after the auction is over, you will be able to own this cute little sapphire tiger."

How dare Ye Tian make this little baby cry, once she starts to cry, maybe it will trigger a chain reaction, causing other little ones to cry loudly, and it will be messed up.

Hearing his words, Nan Nan's little girl immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and an incomparably bright smile burst out on her pink face.

"Great! This sapphire tiger is mine now, thank you, Uncle Ye Tian"

The little guy jumped three feet high and cheered and celebrated.

The other little guys looked at her enviously, and even jumped and cheered with Nan Nan, forgetting to raise their hands to answer the price.

And Xiao Lizi and his wife, who were in the audience, also celebrated excitedly, smiling brightly.

According to the procedure, Ye Tian quickly asked twice again to see if any little treasure raised his hand to agree to share the sapphire tiger with Nan Nan.

It's a pity that these little guys didn't respond, they just jumped around, celebrated with Nan Nan, and gave up the sapphire tiger to Nan Nan.

Next, Ye Tian picked up the auction mallet at hand, and knocked directly on the solid wooden steps on the edge of the stage.


With a muffled sound, the auction was finally finalized.

At the same time, Ye Tianqing's clear voice also came from the stage and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Okay, one thousand yuan, deal! The winning bidder is Baby Nannan. This little sapphire tiger belongs to you, and you can get it later!

In addition, I would also like to thank the other little ones for their enthusiastic participation. Don’t be discouraged, there are still many beautiful antique artworks waiting for you! "

Before his words fell, there was already an excited cheer at the scene. Although it was very immature, it was full of joy!

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