Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2055 Magnificent pastoral scenery

It didn't take long for the painting "Blooming Gladiolus" by the famous Italian painter Caesar Monti to be successfully auctioned and sold for RMB 36.78 million.

The upper limit of the transaction price that Ye Tian offered for this Western artwork was 36.8 million RMB, which was only 20,000 higher than the hammer price.

The guest who successfully photographed this painting is a famous domestic entrepreneur and a top collector.

When Ye Tian rang the auction gavel and dropped the hammer to finalize the auction, the entrepreneur immediately cheered excitedly, and kept high-fiving his friends, almost dancing.

Mr. Liu, who was determined to win this painting, regrettably missed out on this painting because the quotation was too high, exceeding the upper limit of the transaction price set by Ye Tian, ​​and became an invalid quotation.

But he was still not reconciled. As soon as Ye Tian announced the result, he immediately turned to look at the entrepreneur who was cheering and celebrating, his eyes full of envy.

Without even thinking about it, he will definitely go to the entrepreneur afterwards and try to buy this Caesarmonti painting. As for whether he succeeds or not, it is unknown.

Unsurprisingly, the successful auction of Caesar Monti's painting once again detonated the scene, attracting bursts of exclamations.

And the transaction price of this painting, 36.78 million yuan, is also the transaction price record so far in today's charity auction.

Except for those professionals and entrepreneurs, most of the non-professionals at the scene are working class. The impact of this transaction price on everyone can be imagined.

However, this transaction record was broken in a blink of an eye, and a new record was born immediately.

What broke this transaction price record was the third antique artwork that appeared on the stage, a Tibetan Buddhist gilt bronze four-armed Avalokitesvara from the Yuan Dynasty.

This Tibetan Buddhist gilt bronze four-armed Avalokitesvara created a transaction record of 39.79 million yuan, which made the banquet hall boil again.

The next auction was not the antique artwork that Ye Tian brought out, but the painting that Mr. Liu brought from Shanghai but was politely declined by Ye Tian, ​​a sketch of Chinese painting by Master Lin Fengmian, "Lotus and Mandarin Duck".

For this piece of Chinese painting by Master Lin Fengmian, Ye Tian adopted the conventional auction method, with fair bidding, the highest bidder wins, and everyone at the scene can participate, regardless of professional or not.

The buyer who finally took the picture of "Lotus Mandarin Duck" was an antique dealer from Liulichang. The transaction price was 2.8 million RMB, which is quite a good price!

After this small episode, the auction returned to its original track.

The fifth piece of antique art that will appear next is a pair of golden candlesticks from medieval Europe, which came from the royal family of the Duke of Burgundy.

The sixth antique artwork that appeared later was a calligraphic work by Wang Jian, one of the 'Four Kings of the Qing Dynasty'.

As pieces of valuable Eastern and Western antique works of art were hammered down, the transaction records and total turnover of today's public welfare auction were constantly being refreshed.

At the same time, there were bursts of cheers and exclamations in the banquet hall, and the atmosphere became more and more heated and lively.

Soon, more than forty minutes had passed.

This extraordinary charity auction, which is destined to cause a huge sensation, is drawing to a close.


As the auction hammer in Ye Tian's hand fell,

The tenth piece of antique artwork was successfully sold, and a brand new transaction record was born.

Immediately afterwards, the banquet hall was completely overwhelmed by thunderous applause. The sound was so loud that the ceiling of the banquet hall was almost blown off.

Amid the applause, the top collector who won the bid stood up and bowed to Ye Tian on the stage, many professionals present, and everyone else.

And there was an incomparably bright smile on his face, and he was extremely excited.

When the collector sat down, the applause fell quickly, and the scene became a little quieter.

There is still the last piece of antique artwork that has not been unveiled. What kind of antique artwork will Ye Tian choose as the finale of this charity auction? So much to look forward to!

With the generosity of this guy, the antique artwork he brought out must be extraordinary, maybe it is a top-notch artwork that is priceless!

Everyone in the banquet hall was watching Ye Tian behind the auction stage, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation, looking forward to seeing the last piece of antique artwork.

Especially many professionals, all of them have extremely hot eyes, and they are all gearing up secretly, preparing for the final round of competition.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind the auction stage, could see everything that happened on the spot and everyone's reactions.

He quickly glanced at the audience, and then said loudly with a smile:

"It's getting late, and it's almost time for this charity auction to end. When the finale antique artwork is auctioned, everyone can go home.

Of course, those guests who have gained something will stay here for a while, sign the auction transaction confirmation letter, and ask me about the valuation of the antique art that was photographed.

If you can complete the delivery procedures on the spot, then you can take your loot home to admire, but I don't recommend you to do that, it will have certain risks.

For all these antique works of art auctioned today, I will allow half a month for delivery, as long as the delivery is completed within this half month, there is no need to worry.

If you want to sell the antique art that you have photographed, you don’t even need to raise funds for delivery, take risks, you just need to transfer your rights to the buyer.”

Hearing this, the eyes of many guests who had just bought antique artworks and made up their minds to sell them suddenly lit up.

For them, there is no need to raise funds for delivery, but they can also take the opportunity to make a fortune and quickly realize their good luck. Where can they find such a good thing!

And those top collectors, antique dealers, and other professionals who are ready to buy the corresponding antique artworks are also very excited.

They have already made up their minds, and once this charity auction is over, they will immediately take action to purchase those favorite antique works of art, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

You know, there are many peers and competitors here. If you hesitate a little and act slowly, you will probably be robbed by others, so there is no reason to cry!

Besides, once this charity auction is over, news will spread in no time.

At that time, collectors from all walks of life and major auction houses will definitely flock to try to acquire or collect the antique works of art that appeared in today's auction. In that case, my chances will be even slimmer!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"There is still the last piece of antique artwork that has not been unveiled, and I'm sure that everyone in this banquet hall wants to know what the finale antique artwork of this charity auction is.

When I decided to hold this charity auction, in order to choose this finale, I was very troubled. Should I choose Chinese antique art or Western antique art?

First of all, one thing is very certain. The antique artwork that will appear at the finale must be a top-notch item, which is better than the previous twenty-nine Eastern and Western antique artworks.

In this way, the range of choices is greatly narrowed. Although I have a lot of top Chinese domestic artworks in my hands, considering that I want to set up my own private museum, I can't bear it.

That's why I decided that the last piece of antique artwork that will appear on the stage will be a top Western artwork, to be precise, an outstanding painting by a Western art master."

Before the words fell, the audience became restless.

"Since it is a top Western artwork, don't even think about it. This painting must be priceless, and it is likely to create a new auction transaction record."

"I'll go! This guy Xiaotian is really too rich. If it were me, I wouldn't be willing to kill him!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Ye Tian had already walked out of the auction stage, picked up a painting bag and came to the display stand in front of the stage.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the painting bag, took out a painting from it, gently placed it on the display shelf, and presented it in front of everyone.

At the same time, a close-up shot of the painting was also shown on the large-screen TV at the scene, and the picture was very clear.

This is an oil painting on canvas with a small size, about forty centimeters wide and sixty centimeters high, and it is installed in a simple and elegant walnut frame.

In this oil painting, there is a beautiful pastoral scenery, or should I say a magnificent pastoral scenery.

The light in this painting is very bright and natural, and it has a wide field of vision. Standing in front of the painting and looking at it, it gives people a feeling of enlightenment.

The distant view in the painting is a clear blue sky, as if washed by water, dotted with white clouds.

Where it meets the blue sky, there are endless mountains. At the foot of the mountains, a big river like a jade belt flows quietly, running across the entire picture.

The line of sight is recycled, and then look at the middle and close shots of the painting.

In the center of the painting are a few towering trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, standing on a lush grassland, which is like a green velvet carpet, stretching to the horizon.

Numerous wild flowers are blooming delicately on the grassland, colorful and colorful, making this grassland more moving and beautiful.

The most touching ones are the few cows scattered on the grassland, grazing with their heads down, and the two shepherd boys leaning on the big tree, contentedly.

At the bottom of the painting seat, several meandering streams gurgled on the grass, as if they were about to flow out of the painting and flow into this luxurious banquet hall.

All of these make up this beautiful picture.

Looking at this oil painting, everyone at the scene felt their eyes brightened, and quickly immersed themselves in it, admiring it intoxicated.

The banquet hall became quiet again, only the sound of everyone breathing one after another, and the sound of children laughing.

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