Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2056 Rousseau who travels through time and space

"This landscape painting is so beautiful, no wonder Ye Tian said it is a top-notch work of art, it deserves its name!"

"I don't know which Western artist's work is this? An artist who can create such a painting must be a well-known top artist"

Everyone gradually came to their senses, and immediately there was a sound of discussion in the banquet hall.

As for the professionals in the banquet hall, their eyes were shining, staring at the painting on the display shelf, their eyes were extremely hot, and even a bit greedy!

"Ye Tian, ​​if I'm not mistaken, this should be a landscape painting of the French Barbizon School in the 19th century. Is the artist who created this painting Rousseau?"

Mr. Liu, who was sitting under the stage, asked loudly, his tone quite excited.

While asking loudly, his eyes were always fixed on the landscape oil painting on the stage, and his eyes never shifted for a moment.

Obviously, he was deeply moved by this magnificent landscape oil painting, and he also wanted to keep this top-notch work of art in his pocket.

However, the bidding method of this public welfare auction made him scratch his head. No matter how rich he is and how willing he is to spend money, he may not be able to win the painting as he wishes.

As soon as his words fell, the manager of Poly Auction House who was sitting at a table not far away said:

"That's right, it looks like Rousseau's paintings to me. In the Barbizon School, only Rousseau can paint such a magnificent landscape, and it has a touch of romanticism."

Hearing what they said, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing next to the landscape oil painting, nodded slightly, then said with a smile:

"Your eyes are very sharp, yes, this is a landscape oil painting by Theodore Rousseau, a famous French painter in the 19th century, a top art master, and the leader of the Barbizon School.

This oil painting was created at the peak of Rousseau's artistic career. It was basically created in the same period as his most famous masterpiece "Evening at Fontainebleau".

As for the scenery in the painting, it was taken from a plain in the lower reaches of the Seine River, not too far from the Forest of Fontainebleau. After more than a hundred years, the scenery in the painting no longer exists.

I was really reluctant to take out this painting for auction, but fortunately I still have another work by Rousseau and several landscape paintings of the Barbizon School in my hand, so I reluctantly gave up! "

Although many people have already guessed this result, many professionals at the scene were still shocked when Ye Tian said it himself and explained that this painting was the work of Rousseau's artistic career at its peak!

"I'll go! It really is a painting by the artist Rousseau, and it is a work at his peak, so there is no doubt that this landscape oil painting must be priceless!"

"The painting of Rousseau's peak period, Ye Tian's heart is really too big. Such a top art work is willing to put it up for auction, and it's a charity auction. Who would be willing to trade it for other people?"

Unlike these professionals, most of the non-professionals at the scene did not understand Rousseau, and even confused this top artist with that famous Enlightenment thinker.

"Isn't Rousseau a French Enlightenment thinker and philosopher in the 18th century? When did he become a top art master and travel to France in the 19th century?"

"Obviously, this Rousseau is not the same Rousseau. Foreigners' names are like this. There are too many duplicate names, such as the name 'Jean'. It is estimated that one-third of men in France have this name."

The reaction of the audience,

All of them were seen by Ye Tian.

When everyone was discussing, he suddenly raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Following his actions, the scene quickly fell silent, and everyone was watching him, looking forward to his explanation.

The next moment, Ye Tian said with a smile on his face:

"There are a lot of non-professionals here. Some people may not know about the Barbizon School and Rousseau, the master artist who created this landscape oil painting. Here, I think it is necessary to introduce.

First of all, I want to emphasize that this top art master Rousseau is Theodore Rousseau, not Rousseau, the French Enlightenment thinker in the 18th century, nor Rousseau, the famous French post-impressionist painter.

Let's talk about the famous Barbizon School, they refer to a group of French landscape painters who lived and painted in the town of Barbizon near the Fontainebleau Forest during the years.

They formed an informal art school, or group of artists, the Barbizon School, who were the first painters to paint from nature, rather than landscapes in their studios.

The creative attitude of the Barbizon School and their true portrayal of rural scenery and characters influenced the later Impressionist painting style, and was also called the source of Impressionist spirit by the Western art circle.

The art master Theodore Rousseau is the leader of the Barbizon School and one of the most outstanding representatives of the Barbizon School, and has an extremely important position in the history of Western art.

Rousseau insisted on painting with an objective attitude. His landscape paintings are famous for their strong colors, bold brushstrokes, and unique themes. Appreciating his paintings will always give people a sense of grandeur and magnificence.

He combined realism with romanticism, was keen to endow nature with a magnificent sense of sight, and strived to reflect the diversity of scenery, thus known as "Delacroix among landscape painters".

This is an art master with a poetic temperament. He uses colors to describe the vitality contained in nature. The so-called nature here is not just mountains and rivers, nor just clouds in the sky.

The nature under Rousseau's brush, including all living and non-living things in nature, is a kind of uninhibited nature. He expresses and praises the potential vitality of the universe with a spiritual realm,..."

Next, Ye Tian combined with the landscape painting on the display shelf, briefly introduced the Barbizon School and Rousseau, the master artist, to everyone present, and explained the painting.

Listening to his vivid and professional explanation, everyone at the scene felt immersed in it, and was brought into the artistic conception created by this painting by him, wandering in the magnificent scenery.

It took about three to five minutes for Ye Tian to finish explaining.

Afterwards, he turned around and walked towards the auction stage, preparing to start the last auction.

Everyone at the scene also woke up, looking at him and the painting on the display shelf one by one, everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Standing still after arriving at the auction, Ye Tian quickly scanned the audience, and then opened the curtain of the last auction.

The next moment, his clear voice came from the stage.

"I won't introduce much about this landscape painting by the master artist Rousseau. Like all the antique works of art that have been auctioned before, I can endorse the authenticity of this painting.

That is to say, if you take this painting and go back for appraisal, and you have doubts about the authenticity of this painting, then send this painting back to me, and I will take it back at the original auction price.

That's all for the gossip. The auction starts now. Like the previous twenty-nine pieces of antique artwork, the starting price of this top artwork is one yuan, one yuan. Who should bid? "

Before the words fell, someone in the audience impatiently raised their arms and shouted excitedly:

"Here, Ye Tian, ​​I'll pay the price"

The one who responded was an auction house manager, somewhat impatient.

But this is just the beginning, the prelude to the competition has just begun.

Ye Tianchong, the manager of the auction house, nodded lightly, then said loudly with a smile:

"Okay, Mr. Yuan from Jiuge should offer one yuan. Thank you for your support. Now we are entering the second round. The offer in the second round is 10 million yuan. Which buyer should offer? Please raise your arms!"

The moment the quotation came out, the banquet hall was blown up.

"Isn't it? Is there something wrong with my ears? One second ago, the shooting started at 1 yuan, and it jumped to 10 million yuan in the blink of an eye. This is too exaggerated!"

"The second round is only 10 million yuan, and the third, fourth, and fifth rounds of free bidding, what kind of astonishing sky-high prices will appear, I can't imagine it!"

Without exception, many non-professionals at the scene were shocked by Ye Tian's quotation, and they were all stunned and exclaimed.

However, this is where it is, and what shocks everyone is still to come.

In the blink of an eye, the routine first four rounds of bidding were over, and it was time for the fifth round of free bidding.

At this time, the quotation for this landscape oil painting by the artist Rousseau has reached 150 million RMB, a jaw-dropping sky-high price.

When Ye Tian announced the price loudly, and someone raised his hand to pay the price without hesitation, the non-professionals at the scene immediately froze in place as if they had been immobilized!

Before they could wake up, the free bidding had already begun.

The next moment, they heard a series of astonishing quotations of '198.5 million, 200.5 million, 245 million RMB,...', one after another, the sound of each quotation They are all extremely firm!

The sound of these quotations, like matches thrown into a gunpowder magazine, instantly detonated this luxurious banquet hall.

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