Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2057 Litigation

As expected by all the guests attending the wedding banquet, the news about this public welfare auction immediately caused a huge sensation.

Because of its public welfare nature, all domestic media devoted a lot of space to reporting on this unknown public welfare auction. The content of the report was naturally very positive and full of praise.

The thirty-one Eastern and Western antique works of art that appeared in this public welfare auction were all introduced in detail by major news media and attracted countless attentions.

Especially the last landscape oil painting with a transaction price of 365 million RMB, an outstanding work of the French artist Rousseau, was introduced by almost all news media.

In the antique art auction market in mainland China, Chinese antique art has always been the mainstay. This is the first time that such a heavyweight top Western art has appeared, and it will naturally attract a lot of attention.

As soon as this astronomical auction price was announced, everyone was shocked and stunned. They could hardly believe the news they saw.

However, this is an indisputable fact. Many people have come forward to confirm the news and are deeply moved by it.

The funds raised by this public welfare auction have also created an unprecedented record, and a considerable part of these donations have already been put in place.

Compared with this public welfare auction, the charity funds raised by previous public welfare auctions of the same type are too far behind, and the situation of funds in place is also far behind.

What's more, all the antique works of art auctioned in this public welfare auction are valuable and rare, and they are all made by Ye Tian, ​​which is even more shocking.

After this public welfare auction, everyone has a new understanding of Ye Tian's powerful strength, huge wealth, and the number of antique artworks in his hands.

Because of the positive effects brought about by this charity auction, the negative effects caused by the public condemnation by the South Korean government for beating Koryo Bangzi before were swept away in a blink of an eye.

Ye Tian's image in major domestic news media and on the Internet has suddenly become much taller, as if he is a model of the era and an outstanding young man who is enthusiastic about public welfare.

Not only domestically, this charity auction also caused quite a stir internationally. Many news media rushed to report and introduce in detail those valuable Eastern and Western antique artworks.

Most of these international news media's reports are fairly positive and relatively objective, but there are also sour news reports.

Of course, there is no shortage of malicious and unpredictable news reports.

For this kind of thing, Ye Tian has long been used to it, and he doesn't care at all, and doesn't take it to heart.

The team of lawyers hired by him will naturally face those guys who spread rumors and slander. This is their job.

If going through the law can't solve the problem, and those lawyers are helpless, it's time for Ye Tian to take action.

At that time, there will be revenge for revenge, revenge for resentment, and all problems will be solved easily!

When the sun rose again and sprinkled golden sunlight on the gate of the mansion in Courtyard No. 129, Lishi Hutong, it was already the morning of the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

The Spring Festival holiday is over, and people have packed up their emotions and are ready to start the new year's work.

In the early morning, when people walk out of their homes and alleys with smiles on their faces,

Immediately, you will find that the streets of Beijing have become more lively, and the noise and busyness of years ago have returned.

People are on their way to work on foot, by car, or by car. Without exception, everyone has a big smile on their face and everyone is beaming.

When people walk on the street or come to their respective units, when they see familiar friends, colleagues, and neighbors in the neighborhood, they will say happy Chinese New Year to each other and greet each other a few words.

Even strangers who have never met before on the street, everyone will politely nod to each other, and then pass by each other, busy with their own affairs.

Although the Spring Festival holiday has ended, Beijing, an ancient city, is still immersed in the strong flavor of the New Year.

The new year is as soon as the first month is out. This old saying describes the current state of Beijingers, and even all Chinese people.

Like everyone else, after the wedding banquet ended, Ye Tian also got into work, needless to say, the employees of the company under him also got busy.

Soon after the wedding banquet, Jason returned to the hotel with two company employees, packed his luggage, left Beijing overnight, and flew directly to New York.

They went back to prepare for the voyage of the deep-sea salvage ship "Fearless Bravery". When everything is ready, and after receiving Ye Tian's instructions, "Fearless Bravery" will set sail and start another journey of exploration.

At the same time as Jason and the others flew back to New York, Ye Tian's team of lawyers had already launched a lawsuit in New York, announcing a high-profile lawsuit against the Korean Consulate General in New York.

As for the reason for the prosecution, it was naturally that the Korean Consulate General in New York was suspected of slander and rumors, which caused irreparable damage to Ye Tian's personal reputation.

In this reputation lawsuit, Ye Tian only asked for one dollar in compensation for reputation damage, but asked the Korean Consulate General in New York to make a public apology on major news media.

Not surprisingly, this high-profile lawsuit immediately caused a sensation and attracted countless attentions. Everyone was taken aback by Ye Tian's unscrupulous behavior.

Especially the staff of the Korean Consulate General in New York, and even all the Koreans, when they heard the news, they were stunned and stunned.

Immediately afterwards, these Gaoli sticks were so angry that they jumped three feet and yelled at the top of their voices, just like Ye Tian planed their ancestral graves.

While cursing angrily, these Goryeo sticks may also feel a little bit regretful, why would they provoke that bastard who is sure to get revenge and has no taboos? Isn't that just asking for trouble?

Well now, the Korean Consulate General in New York was directly sued by that bastard, and it became a joke.

What's even more hateful is that the idol stars who were beaten up by that bastard, as well as the companies behind them, have always refused to stand up and publicly explain what happened, denounce and condemn that bastard.

As a result, the Korean Consulate General in New York, and even the Korean authorities, were placed in a very embarrassing situation and extremely depressed.

However, how did these Koryo sticks know that the lawsuit that caused a sensation in New York was just the beginning, and there were more exciting dramas to come.

Due to the time difference and the Chinese New Year, the lawsuits in China and South Korea have not yet started, but the two lawyer teams are ready to wait for Ye Tian's notification, and then initiate the lawsuit at the same time.

The targets of the lawsuit are South Korean authorities and the South Korean embassy in Beijing.

Regardless of the outcome of this lawsuit, once this news is announced, it will definitely cause a huge sensation and attract more attention.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see.

In this series of lawsuits, he doesn't care about winning or losing, as long as he can disgust Gaoli Bangzi, and he also warns other guys with ulterior motives by the way.

After this series of lawsuits, if someone tries to attack him in the future, no matter whether it is based on real evidence, or fabricated out of thin air, slander and rumors, he must think twice before acting, and will be scruples!

In addition to prosecuting Goryeo Bangzi in three countries at the same time, those domestic guys who spread rumors on the Internet and attacked Ye Tian frantically are also doomed.

Several lawyers employed by Ye Tian have collected a lot of materials, and they are all gearing up, ready to take action at any time, to send those guys to court, and then use one lawsuit after another to drag them into the abyss of suffering.

After this battle, no matter who wants to attack Ye Tian on the Internet in the future, they will be terrified and extremely cautious. If they make a slight mistake, even if they show a little flaw, they may be sent to the dock!

After waking up in the morning and washing up, Ye Tian and Betty came to the restaurant in the west wing of the inner courtyard.

At this time, several elders in the family were here, including Matthew and Evelyn. Everyone was laughing and chatting while enjoying breakfast.

After a period of adaptation, Matthew and Evelyn have fallen in love with Chinese breakfast. Both of them have a big appetite and are eating with great relish!

Entering the dining room, Ye Tian and Betty first said hello to the elders in the family one by one, and then sat down at the dining table, ready to have breakfast.

At this moment, the sister-in-law sitting across the table suddenly said:

"Xiaotian, I finished the resignation report last night, and I will hand it in when I arrive at the unit today. I guess it won't take long for it to be approved. From now on, you will be my boss. Do I still have to curry favor with you? ?”


There was laughter in the dining room, and all the family members laughed.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then joked:

"How can it be! Sister-in-law, no matter when, you are my sister-in-law, and this will never change. You flatter me? Don't be kidding, I have to have the courage too!

What's more, among our family members, we can't talk about who hires whom and who exploits whom. This is our family's business, and everyone must work together to achieve great things! "


There was loud laughter again at the scene, and the family members laughed even more happily.

"The words are so beautiful, I just listen to them seriously!"

The little girl said with a smile, and reached out to give Ye Tian a nod.

After a few jokes, Ye Tian got to the point.

"It would be best for you to resign now. Later, I will send someone to the relevant department to ask for documents related to this land auction. If necessary, I may have to register several companies.

In a few days, I will leave Beijing and fly to New York. At that time, you have to help Betty and manage things in Beijing, so that I can rest assured."

"No problem, just leave these things to me. Even if it's not for you, for the sake of my nephew and grandson, I have to do my best. If not, can your grandparents spare me?"

Sister-in-law nodded with a smile and said, her words were full of confidence, but also a bit of excitement and anticipation.

After the voice fell, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"Come on! Sister-in-law, with your words, I'm completely relieved!"

:. :

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