Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2058 Claiming 1 Yuan

After breakfast, everyone got busy.

My father and my second uncle have all gone to work. This is the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday, so I have to go to the unit to meet up and greet each other with colleagues.

Matthew, Evelyn, and Logan continued to go out to visit and visit temple fairs in various parks in the capital. These very lively temple fairs were held until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, which was enough for them to enjoy.

As for the mother, she stayed at home and took Betty to deal with some finishing matters after the wedding.

Near 9:30 in the morning, Ye Tian also left the gate of the mansion and took people out to run errands.

Today, he will not only arrange for the company's employees to go to the relevant departments to obtain the land auction documents, but also deal with the follow-up matters of yesterday's charity auction.

For example, deliver those antique works of art that were successfully auctioned, meet with the leaders of relevant departments, discuss the handover and use of the funds raised in this charity auction, and determine the supervision mechanism.

There is another thing, which is to order his two teams of lawyers to send those noisy Goryeo sticks to court, and disgust those Goryeo sticks.

Of course, it is time for those Korean fans who wantonly attack him on the Internet, as well as the many Fifty Cent Party who are waving their flags, etc., to make them pay the price.

When he walked out of the house, he immediately saw that boy Dawei walking towards his house.

Dawei didn't intend to go to work today, but was going to go through the delivery procedures with Ye Tian, ​​and collect the antique artworks that he bought at the auction yesterday.

The family of them took pictures of two antique works of art yesterday. To be precise, they took part of the interests in the two pieces of antique works of art. Both of them were very good.

One half of the interest in an antique artwork was taken by Dawei's fat son, and one third of the interest in the other antique artwork was taken by Dawei himself.

For Dawei and Li Yun, this is completely a windfall, and they can rest assured only if they get it in their pockets as soon as possible, so they still have the mind to go to work now!

Most of the other people who gained something in yesterday's public welfare auction also had the same idea, wanting to complete the delivery procedures as soon as possible, secure their pockets, and then savor the sweet fruit carefully.

Even those professionals who have made a lot of money want to complete the delivery as soon as possible if there is no problem in terms of funds, and then take those valuable antiques home to appreciate them.

In fact, after the public welfare auction yesterday, about one-third of the winning bidders chose to deliver on the spot.

The corresponding auction money was transferred to a special account provided by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and none of the money fell into or passed through Ye Tian's hands.

This donation will be earmarked in the future for the protection of domestic monuments, sites and historical and cultural heritage that urgently need to be protected.

As the initiator of this public welfare auction, Ye Tian, ​​who provided 30 pieces of antique works of art, naturally enjoys the power of supervision to supervise the use of this huge amount of donations.

While talking, Dawei has come close.

After greeting each other, Ye Tian asked in a low voice:

"Dawei, have you two discussed how to deal with the two antique works of art photographed yesterday? If you choose to go through the delivery procedures, do you have enough money in hand, do you need my support?"

Dawei shook his head lightly, then whispered excitedly:

"No need,

Xiaotian, we don't plan to deliver, but we are going to transfer the rights and interests of those two antique works of art, so that we don't have to raise funds.

Yesterday at the Beijing Hotel auction site, several antique dealers and top collectors approached us, intending to acquire the rights and interests of the two antique artworks we owned, but we did not sell them at that time.

After returning home, our couple discussed for a long time, and discussed with the guys who jointly owned the two antique artworks on the phone, and finally reached an agreement to sell the two antique artworks.

In this way, the few of us don't need to raise funds for the delivery, but we can get a lot of money. Is there anything more beautiful than this? Anyway, I can't think of it, Li Yun and others are the same.

Of course, this is all thanks to your kid! To be honest, I feel a little embarrassed to accept this huge amount of money, the big guy is like a mirror in his heart, you are giving money to everyone! "

Ye Tian smiled softly, then joked and whispered:

"Don't be embarrassing, we're pissing and muddying together, farting and collapsing together, why bother to separate them so clearly, buddies are also very happy to be able to help you and Li Yun.

Tell me, who are you going to sell those two antique works of art to? What is the price offered by the other party? Let me help you refer to it to see if the other party’s bid is appropriate.”

"At the auction site yesterday, a total of three antique dealers and two top collectors contacted us actively, wanting to acquire the two antique works of art we photographed, and the bids were not bad, above the valuation you gave .

After returning home, our family discussed it again on the phone, and then communicated with those buyers on the phone, bargaining, and finally unanimously decided to sell the two treasures to Rongbaozhai.

Rongbaozhai bid 2.2 million yuan for the Yongzheng imitation Longquan kiln jade pot and spring vase, and 3.68 million yuan for the landscape painting by master Lu Yanshao, which was the highest bid among several buyers.

In this way, according to the rights and interests we own, our family will be able to share more than 2.3 million in cash. To be honest, this is the largest income Li Yun and I have ever lived, and it is as beautiful as a dream."

"Rongbaozhai's bid is fairly fair, very close to the market value. You won't suffer a loss if you sell those two antique works of art to Rongbaozhai."

"Come on! If you say so, we will transfer those two antique works of art to Rongbaozhai later. By then, my buddy will become a millionaire in a sudden, and it is real. Think about it." All beautiful!"

Dawei said excitedly, and waved his fist vigorously.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian took Dawei into the car and boarded the GMC commercial vehicle parked in front of his house.

The convoy started immediately and drove slowly towards Dongsi Avenue at the west entrance of the alley.

Within a few minutes, the convoy drove out of Lishi Hutong and turned left onto Dongsi South Street.

As soon as they got out of the hutong, Ye Tian and Dawei saw through the car window that on the sidewalk opposite the hutong entrance, there were more than 20 Korean sticks standing there, waving their arms and protesting loudly.

They didn't hold any banners or slogans in their hands, and they didn't bring any amplification equipment. They only protested loudly in the cold wind with more than two dozen meaty voices, looking quite pitiful.

Around the Goryeo sticks, there are many policemen in uniforms and carrying explosion-proof equipment, and some neighborhood committee women wearing red armbands, staring at the Goryeo sticks.

When Ye Tian saw those Goryeo sticks, those sticks also saw the convoy driving out of the alley, and they instinctively thought that this was the convoy that Ye Tian was riding in.

In the next moment, those Koryo sticks were like chicken blood, copying bad Chinese, or simply using Korean and English, shouting at the top of their lungs.

But it's a pity that Ye Tian turned a blind eye to their protests. He was used to such scenes, so he was not surprised at all.

But Dawei sitting next to him was different, he had never seen this kind of scene several times.

"Hey! These Koryo sticks are endless, like a swarm of flies. Didn't they withdraw two days ago? Why are they coming again today? Where is this singing?"

Dawei said angrily, and also a little curious.

Ye Tian glanced at the situation across the street, then sneered with disdain and said:

"Where are these Goryeo sticks singing? It's not because my buddy's lawyer sued the Korean Consulate General in New York, suing them for infringing and damaging my personal reputation, and these sticks came to protest after receiving the news!"

"Ah! You sued the Korean Consulate General in New York, did I hear correctly? This is too awesome!"

Dawei exclaimed, his eyes widened, and the eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

"My buddy not only sued the Korean Consulate General in New York, but also sued the Korean government, and the Korean embassy in Beijing, and demanded one yuan in damages for reputation damage. Let's disgust those Korean sticks.

Currently in Seoul and Beijing, my buddy's two lawyer teams are ready. As soon as they receive my call, they will immediately launch a lawsuit and make it public to all news media! "

"I'll go! Sue the South Korean government in Seoul, sue the South Korean embassy in Beijing, and claim a dollar. You are too ruthless and too hurtful. My buddies admire me!"

Dawei directly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up, with a gloating smile on his face.

While speaking, the convoy had galloped away, leaving the intersection of Lishi Hutong far behind, and also those sticks who protested loudly, leaving them with only a puff of exhaust.

Seeing that the convoy that Ye Tian was riding in had gone away without staying for a moment, those sticks who protested loudly, like deflated balls, quickly withered down.

Coupled with the cold weather in the morning, and the highly vigilant policemen and aunts of the neighborhood committees around, how could those Korean sticks stay any longer, and they would soon be scattered like birds and beasts!

Seeing them leave, the policemen and the aunts of the neighborhood committee who were guarding the entrance of the alley were somewhat relieved, and they were not so nervous.

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