Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2059 The Exploration Journey Restarts

According to Ye Tian's instructions, at 10:30 in the morning, two teams of lawyers employed by him launched litigation actions in Beijing and Seoul at the same time, and they made a big noise and a very high profile in front of many news media.

As for the object of prosecution, of course the South Korean government authorities in Seoul, and the South Korean embassy in Beijing.

Like the lawsuit against the Korean Consulate General in New York, these two lawsuits are also reputation lawsuits, which clearly require the accused party to make a public apology and pay compensation for reputation damage. The compensation amount is one yuan.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation. Like a hurricane, it quickly swept through all the news media in China and South Korea, and everyone was stunned.

This is not over yet, and shocking news came out on the Internet soon, continuing to bombard people's nerves and refresh people's cognition.

In China, the United States, and South Korea, Ye Tian's lawyers launched a series of lawsuits, suing those journalists who slandered and attacked him in the media and the Internet, as well as other idlers.

However, in this series of reputation lawsuits, Ye Tian requested astronomical damages for reputation damage, and he made a public statement that he must be investigated to the end, and he will not hesitate to fight the lawsuit forever!

Hearing these news, everyone couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified.

People also understand Ye Tian's vengeance and no taboo behavior style more clearly, and they all avoid it for fear of being too late, how dare they provoke him!

As for Gao Li Bangzi who was prosecuted, as well as many news media reporters and other idlers, after angrily yelling and cursing, they could only prepare to respond to the lawsuit.

Some timid guys among them saw that the situation was not good, and immediately issued an apology statement on the Internet, and deleted their past remarks and posts that slandered and spread rumors, and even personally attacked Ye Tian.

They thought they might be able to reconcile by doing so, get Ye Tian's forgiveness, and avoid standing in the dock of the court, ruining their fortune and reputation in one lawsuit after another.

However, how did they know that Ye Tian's team of lawyers had already collected all kinds of evidence.

While the outside world was making a fuss, Ye Tian was doing his own thing in an orderly manner without being disturbed in the slightest.

He first sent two company employees and a lawyer to the Beijing Municipal Urban Construction Department to ask for the relevant documents for the land auction, and started to prepare various materials for submission, waiting for the land auction to start a month later.

At the same time, he was also busy with finishing matters of yesterday's charity auction.

The most important thing, of course, is to handle the delivery procedures of those antique artworks that have been auctioned, to send out those antique artworks from East and West, and to recover more or less auction money.

Secondly, it is necessary to match up non-professional sellers like Dawei to help them sell the antique artworks that were lucky enough to be photographed yesterday, so as to prevent them from being exploited by those cunning professionals.

When the time came in the afternoon, he went to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage to meet with relevant leaders to discuss how to use this huge amount of donations, and initially determined the supervision mechanism.

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed.

As night fell and the lights came on, Ye Tiancai finished his day's work and returned to Lishi Hutong by car.

as when I left in the morning,

At the intersection of Lishi Hutong in the dark, he saw another group of Goryeo sticks protesting loudly against the cold wind, and there were more people than in the morning.

In addition to these Goryeo sticks, many media reporters stood at the intersection of Lishi Hutong, trying to interview him.

No need to think about it, these protesting Koryo sticks, as well as a large number of media reporters, all came because of the series of lawsuits during the day, each with its own purpose.

However, Ye Tian was too lazy to talk to these guys.

The convoy he was riding in did not stop at all, and drove straight into Lishi Alley, threw all those guys at the entrance of the alley, and continued to suffer in the cold wind.

As soon as he got home, he received good news.

After the sister-in-law arrived at the company in the morning, she immediately handed over the resignation letter and explained the situation. The supervisor of the group company she worked in didn't hesitate, and quickly approved her to resign and leave.

Next, after going through some necessary procedures, my sister-in-law will be able to leave the famous super-large state-owned enterprise to work for Ye Tian and follow up the next private museum real estate project.

After resigning, my sister-in-law was somewhat melancholy, as were the other elders in the family, but Ye Tian was so excited that he almost cheered and celebrated.

On the ninth day of the next Lunar New Year, Ye Tian took Betty and sister-in-law out early in the morning, and went straight to Oriental Xintiandi, which is not far from home, at the intersection of Wangfujing and Chang'an Avenue.

In Dongfang Xintiandi, he directly rented an office building with a big wave of his hand, planning to use it as the office location of his various companies in Beijing.

It is very close to the piece of land on Wangfujing Street that is about to be auctioned, and it takes only five or six minutes to walk downstairs. It is an ideal place to use as an office!

After resolutely renting the office building and signing the lease agreement, he took his sister-in-law and Betty straight to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Dongcheng District.

When they came out of Dongcheng Industrial and Commercial Bureau, sister-in-law had a real estate company with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, and Betty had a cultural company with a registered capital of 100 million yuan.

Although the legal representatives of these two companies are Xiaogu and Betty respectively, the investor is Ye Tian, ​​who is also the largest shareholder of the two companies and holds absolute controlling rights.

After the company was registered, Ye Tian handed over the following matters to my sister-in-law and Betty, as well as the company's original staff and lawyer team, and became the shopkeeper himself.

In fact, the person who reviewed these things was my sister-in-law. Since Betty is pregnant and not very familiar with the domestic situation, she can just help her temporarily.

When I was working in that super-large state-owned enterprise, my sister-in-law was a middle-level leader at the manager level, and she was very familiar with these things, so she could easily handle them without any problems.

Ye Tian was very relieved about my sister-in-law's ability to work.

All he can do is to equip the sisters-in-law with security personnel to ensure their personal safety, and organize a capable team of lawyers to assist in handling various legal matters.

On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, Ye Tian took his sister-in-law, David and several other lawyers to visit the Beijing Municipal Government, and talked with the leaders of the city government and relevant departments about the plan to build a private museum.

During this period, he also expressed his desire to purchase and renovate the entire Lishi Hutong, transforming it into a block with the most old Beijing taste.

Hearing his ambitious ideas and plans, as well as the astonishing large-scale investment, the eyes of those leaders in Beijing are brightened, and everyone's eyes are shining with excitement.

However, they didn't give a clear answer, they just asked Ye Tian to report these plans, they still need to study carefully before making a decision.

And these leaders emphasized that even if they appreciate Ye Tian's plans very much and hope to introduce his investment, he still needs to openly bid for the land with others, and he cannot get special preferential treatment!

Only by defeating other powerful real estate developers and various bigwigs at the auction, can Ye Tian get the corresponding land, and then put his ideas and plans into practice, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

Regarding this, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and he didn't expect to win those lands that are more precious than gold immediately. He just came here today to get acquainted, so that he can handle things later.

In the midst of busy work, a few days have passed.

It was already the morning of the twelfth day of the Lunar New Year, which coincided with Saturday, and the sun was shining brightly, and the weather was very nice.

After getting up and having breakfast in the morning, Ye Tian took Betty to the living room of the north room in the inner courtyard, preparing to bid farewell to his grandparents.

Just today, he will leave Beijing and fly directly to New York.

Betty did not leave with him, but continued to stay in Beijing to raise a baby and deal with Beijing's affairs.

For the old Ye family at this time, nothing is more important than the child in Betty's womb. Even if Ye Tian wanted to take Betty away, the elders in the family would not allow it.

The guy who left with Ye Tian was Logan, he was a student after all, and he had to go back to continue his studies, so he couldn't play with it openly.

As for Matthew and Evelyn, they will continue to stay in China.

Tomorrow they will fly to Chengdu to visit the city of leisure, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the land of abundance, and taste the famous Sichuan cuisine at home and abroad.

When Ye Tian and Betty entered the living room, they immediately saw that the elders of the family were basically here.

After greeting the elders, Ye Tian got to the point, smiled and said to his grandparents:

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm leaving later. Take care of your health. Don't worry about me. I will call back often. I will make video calls with you, just like at home."

Just when he said these words, grandma had gently grabbed his right hand and stroked it tenderly, her eyes were full of reluctance and love.

"Don't worry about us, Xiaotian, your grandma and I are in good shape, but you, you should be more careful when doing things outside. Don't forget, you have a wife and children now!"

Grandpa said with a smile, and warned Ye Tian a few words along the way.

"Come on! Don't worry, I will take good care of myself and be more cautious. Maybe in less than a month, I will be able to fly back to Beijing to visit your elder brother."

"That's a good relationship! From my point of view, why don't you leave, kid? It would be nice to stay at home. How much money is enough, and how much can our family use?"

Grandma interjected, wishing she could keep Ye Tian by her side.

Next, Ye Tian bid farewell to his parents, as well as the rest of the elders in the family one by one, and even called his grandparents to bid them farewell.

When the time came to nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and Logan pushed their respective suitcases and walked out of the gate of the mansion surrounded by many family members, and came to the alley outside.

Outside the gate, the convoy had already arrived and was waiting at the gate.

Dawei, his family of three, and other familiar neighbors were also waiting at the door, all of them came to see Ye Tian off.

After chatting with everyone at the gate and saying goodbye, Ye Tian and Logan boarded the motorcade waiting at the gate.

Soon, the convoy started with a bang and slowly drove towards the west entrance of Lishi Hutong.

At the same time, in New York, which is thousands of miles away, there are also people who are setting off and embarking on a new journey.


In New York Harbor shrouded in night, a loud siren sounded suddenly, resounding throughout the entire port.

Accompanied by the sound of the melodious siren, the deep-sea salvage ship "Intrepid" fully loaded with exploration equipment set sail again, braved the wind and waves, and sailed straight to Athens, Greece, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea!

After this trip, it will definitely be another world-sensational exploration trip!

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