Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2060 Ye Tian's Counterattack

After more than ten hours of long-distance flight, Ye Tian's private plane arrived in New York smoothly and landed on the runway of Kennedy International Airport.

It was noon at this time, and it was the busiest time of the day at Kennedy Airport, with the largest flow of people and the busiest time.

When Ye Tian and his group came out of the international passageway with their respective luggage, they were immediately spotted by those media reporters who had been waiting here all year round, ready to catch news at any time.

The next moment, those media reporters rushed up like a tide, each of them was extremely excited, trying to interview Ye Tian.

However, these uncrowned kings were stopped by Cole and the others who came to pick up the plane and had already prepared, and they could only ask Ye Tian loudly from a few meters away.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm Alex, a reporter from The New York Times, I've interviewed you a few times before, can you tell us about your lawsuit against the Korean Consulate General in New York?

I heard that you have also launched lawsuits in Beijing, China and Seoul, South Korea, suing the Korean government and the Korean embassy, ​​demanding a public apology from the other party, and asking for one yuan in compensation for reputation damage!

This series of lawsuits against South Korea has caused uproar in the three countries. What do you think of the outcome of this series of lawsuits? Why do you only ask for one yuan in compensation? "

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC TV station, and there are a large number of protesting Koreans gathered downstairs of your company, which is the Rockefeller Center building.

Compared with the Spaniards, Colombians, etc. who protested and demonstrated before, these Koreans are more angry. Now that you are back in New York, how do you plan to deal with the protests of the Koreans? "

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from CBS. As far as I know, you not only sued the Korean government and embassy in three different countries, but also let your lawyers sue many media reporters and ordinary netizens.

You asked the South Korean government and the embassy for one dollar of compensation for reputation damage, but you asked those media reporters for astronomical compensation for reputation damage. Why? Is this a violation of press freedom? "

Hearing the questions from these media reporters, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, and looked at these guys who claimed to be the uncrowned kings, but actually feared that the world would not be chaotic.

He quickly glanced at the audience, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to meet you here. It's the Chinese New Year. Here I wish you all a happy new year!"

As he spoke, he clasped his fists in both hands and bowed to many media reporters at the scene, as well as those who watched the excitement, and behaved very decently.

Seeing his movements, some guys at the scene imitated the example and cupped their fists towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't bother to care about whether their bowing ceremony was correct, let alone correct it.

After greeting everyone at the scene, he got to the point. This is an opportunity to speak out and declare his attitude, and he certainly won't miss it.

"First of all, let me talk about my lawsuit against the Korean Consulate General in New York, the Korean government, and the embassy. Without any real evidence, these official agencies in South Korea issued a public statement condemning me.

Their behavior has caused some damage to my personal reputation. I am definitely not a person who swallows my anger. It does not conform to my style of life.

After suffering injustice, I decided to fight back.

That's why I launched a series of lawsuits to wash away the innocent injustice I suffered, and let those Korean official organizations that wantonly spread rumors, slander, and slander me issue a public apology to restore my reputation loss.

The reputation damage compensation of that one dollar is just a gesture, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, and I am not short of that one dollar. As for the outcome of the series of lawsuits I initiated, I am sure of winning! "

Hearing this, many media reporters who knew a little about the situation couldn't help but roll their eyes angrily, and complained secretly one by one.

You bastard is really good at talking nonsense, you can literally turn black into white, and turn dead into life!

No real evidence? Aren't those Korean idol stars who have been beaten up by you bastard with bruised noses, broken bones and broken bones, aren't they the best evidence?

If it wasn't for the fear of fierce revenge from you bastard, or even sending someone to kill the relevant people, how could those Korean idol stars swallow their anger and dare not come forward to testify even if they were killed, and then let the South Korean government sit on the wax!

Who doesn't know that you are a bastard who will take revenge and have no taboos. With the courage of those Korean idol stars, they dare not come forward to testify against you, a bastard.

And you bastard is extremely cunning, you beat up those Korean idol stars in a closed dressing room, no third person saw it, and the rest saw only the result, and they couldn't testify.

As for the reputation damage compensation of that one dollar, it is clear that you bastard wants to disgust Koreans and embarrass Koreans. You are really shameful!

Many media reporters are slandering, but no one has said these words, that is definitely asking for trouble.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to speak loudly:

"Speaking of the Koreans protesting and demonstrating downstairs in the Rockefeller Center, if they like to protest, please go ahead, the square in front of the Rockefeller Center does not belong to our company, and I have nothing to do with it.

However, during the protest process, they had better not make personal attacks, slander and spread rumors, and then break the law and infringe my personal reputation, otherwise my lawyer will take them to court.

At that time, I guarantee that they will be so regretful that they will have no place to cry! They should not try to attack me, or attack my company employees, that may bring disaster to themselves.

I am a law-abiding citizen, and Dauntless Exploration is a legal entity. My company and I have contributed an astronomical amount of taxes to the United States. I believe that the laws of the United States will protect us!

Here, I would like to kindly remind those Koreans who are protesting and demonstrating that the weather in New York is very cold, so they must keep warm and don't freeze. Korean kimchi cannot help them resist the severe cold! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone on the scene laughed.

While laughing loudly, many media reporters also felt a burst of brain pain.

This bastard, Steven, is too difficult to deal with. He is ruthless and will never report, and he has a group of elite lawyers who are ready to be released at any time to bite his enemies and send them to hell!

What this bastard said is not wrong. He and his exploration company have contributed astronomically huge tax revenues to New York City and even the entire United States. No one can deny it, let alone ignore it.

In the money-oriented society of the United States, the law is naturally on the side of this bastard, not those Koreans who are protesting against the northwest wind.

It's never wise to go to court with such a bastard. The lengthy lawsuit and sky-high legal fees alone can drag an ordinary person to hell.

After the laughter on the scene subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Let's talk about suing those media reporters and ordinary netizens and asking for sky-high compensation for reputation damage. In my opinion, freedom of the press does not include wanton slander, malicious slander, etc. without real evidence.

Since they dare to spread rumors and slander me on the media and the Internet, personally attack me, and damage my reputation, they will have to pay the price. There is no love or hatred for no reason in the world!

The sky-high price of compensation for reputation damage I am asking for is to teach them a profound lesson, so that they will remember in the future that they must be responsible for what they have said and done, and they must not make false statements.

There is an old saying in China, "If you come and don't reciprocate, you will be indecent." I will deal with them as they treat me. They had better pray that they are perfect people, without flaws, and don't let me catch anything.

Because my lawyers will strip them all down, show them in court, show them in the sun, show them all, and by then, I'm pretty sure, they'll regret slandering me! "


There was a sound of gasping for air at the scene, and everyone at the scene, no matter the media reporters or the onlookers who watched the excitement, felt cold and shivering all over.

So he is an unscrupulous, omnipotent lunatic! If anyone provokes him, it will definitely be bad luck for eight lifetimes!

Being targeted by that bastard Steven, it's better to take out a pistol and kill yourself with one shot. It's more straightforward, and you can avoid being humiliated by this bastard!

After answering the questions, Ye Tianchong nodded lightly to many media reporters present, and was about to leave.

At this moment, among the many media reporters, an unharmonious voice suddenly sounded.

"Steven, can you tell me about the charity auction you held in Beijing? Why was the charity auction held in Beijing instead of New York? Can you tell me the reason?"

Obviously, this is a malicious question with ulterior motives!

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw the media reporter hiding among the crowd at a glance.

He took a deep look at the reporter, then smiled and said loudly:

"The reason why the public welfare auction was held in Beijing was very simple, because it was a sideshow after Betty and I held a Chinese-style wedding banquet, so it was naturally held in Beijing.

You should still remember that when Betty and I were married in Boston, we donated two priceless top artworks to the Vatican, namely Raphael and Michelangelo.

Compared with the value of these two top artworks, the overall value of the 30 antique artworks I put up for charity auction in Beijing is less than a quarter of the value of these two top artworks.

In addition, the extremely popular "Kings and Knights" exhibition hall of the Metropolitan Museum, as well as a large number of top-level antique artworks acquired from me by major museums in the United States, everyone should not forget."

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Everyone can see that Steven brought a large number of top-level antique artworks to New York, and even to the United States, and no one can deny it, unless he is blind.

After answering this question, Ye Tian glanced at the media reporter again, and then led David and the others forward, ignoring the media reporters.

Behind him, another media reporter threw out his own question.

"Steven, according to news from New York Harbor, your ship 'Dauntless' sailed out to sea last night, does this mean that you have discovered another treasure and launched a new exploration operation? ?”

For this question, Ye Tian did not respond, and continued to walk forward as if he had never heard of it.

In the blink of an eye, the group of them walked out of the terminal and disappeared from the eyes of many media reporters.

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