Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2061 A bloody farce

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Bon Voyage.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian's convoy to drive into Manhattan Island, heading straight for his home on 110th Street at the northern end of Central Park.

As soon as the convoy entered 110th Street, Ye Tian saw from a long distance away that on the sidewalk opposite his apartment building, there were many people protesting and demonstrating, holding various banners and slogans, and the scene looked very lively.

In addition to these protesters, there were also many media reporters gathered at the scene, holding long guns and short cannons, and they had already set up their battles, waiting for Ye Tian to come back.

There are also a large number of New York police officers who are responsible for maintaining order at the scene.

They have already pulled up the cordon to keep out the protesters who seemed to be agitated, including those media reporters.

Inside the cordon and in front of the apartment building is the alert area of ​​many security personnel under Ye Tian.

They were all on alert, watching the protesters vigilantly, watching the situation on the street and in the opposite Central Park, ready to respond at any time.

Obviously, the news of Ye Tian's return to New York had spread quickly, that's why so many people were attracted to 110th Street.

Seeing this scene, a contemptuous smile flashed across Ye Tian's face immediately, eyes full of disdain.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Central Park on the left through the car window, and turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the snow-capped forest in Central Park.

In Central Park, he only saw some ordinary people visiting or hanging out, but he didn't find any gunmen in ambush, and naturally there was no potential danger.

Next, he took another look at the familiar buildings on the right side of the convoy, but also found no lurking gunmen.

Of course there was a reason why he was so cautious.

Those Mafia scumbags in the previous "Our Cause", as well as other enemies from all walks of life, as well as the newly added enemies, those Goryeo sticks, are all objects that need to be guarded against.

While he was observing the situation outside through perspective, Cole's voice also came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the situation at the scene is under our control, you can rest assured that we have thoroughly checked the Central Park side and found no potential danger.

These apartment buildings near your house,

We also used the beetle drone to investigate secretly, and there was no lurking gunman, nor did we find any other strange guys.

Those protesters gathered at your door, mainly Koreans from Lower Manhattan, should be organized by the Korean Consulate General in New York, and some others”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Okay, Cole, you guys did a great job of keeping the guys on their toes, ready to respond, in case those protesting guys play tricks.

During protests and demonstrations, Koreans like to play tricks of self-mutilation to gain attention and sympathy. If they self-harm, everyone simply ignores them, just watch the show.

All you have to do is to record all this with a camera, and then post it on the Internet as soon as possible, lest some people with ulterior motives pour dirty water on us! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do!"

Cole responded in a deep voice, his words were full of confidence.

While speaking, Ye Tian's convoy had already arrived in front of his apartment building, and seven or eight tall bulletproof SUVs stopped end to end on the side of the road, just blocking the view from Central Park.

As soon as the convoy stopped, Mattis and Cole led a large number of armed security personnel to get out of the car and quickly set up a line of defense around the convoy.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and David got out of the car one after another, and walked towards the door of the apartment building together.

As they appeared, the large number of protesters on the opposite side of the street felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood, desperately shaking the banners and slogans in their hands, protesting loudly at the top of their lungs.

"Steven, you are a butcher and a robber!"

"You are a jerk, a villain, Steven, you must publicly apologize and take responsibility for your violence"

In addition to these protesters, many media reporters who were stopped outside the cordon were also very excited, asking questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from the Washington Post. Tell me about your lawsuit against the Korean Consulate General in New York. Everyone is very interested."

"Hello, Steven, some time ago, the New York Police Department arrested several members of the Italian mafia 'Our Cause' and deported a group of people. Are these things related to you?"

With bursts of angry and even hysterical protests, as well as loud questions from many media reporters, the area in front of the apartment building suddenly became extremely lively like a pot was boiling.

For all this, Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of it, and he didn't bother to answer it, and walked straight to the gate of the apartment building.

At the same time, he had already secretly turned on perspective, thoroughly seeing through the apartment building where he lived from top to bottom, not letting go of a single corner.

After confirming that there was no potential danger and the apartment building was very safe, he stepped forward to enter his fingerprint and password, and opened the door of the apartment building.

The next moment, he took David and Mathis into the apartment building and disappeared from the sight of the guys outside.

They had just entered the apartment building, and before they had walked a few steps, Cole, who stayed outside the apartment building and was in charge of security, suddenly said through an invisible wireless headset:

"Steven, you guessed right, those Koreans are going to play a trick of self-harm. One of the guys in his forties seemed to be planning to cut his fingers. He was crazy, and all the media reporters surrounded him."

"Koreans are just like this. Sometimes they are paranoid like a lunatic. Feel free to cut as you like. Fingers grow on him. He knows whether it hurts or not. It's best for him to castrate himself on the spot.

This is a way for them to express their determination. After seeing the blood, those Koreans will wrap up the severed finger, and then go to the hospital to reattach the severed finger.

All you have to do is to use a video camera to take pictures of all this, and then immediately post it on the Internet to disassociate yourself from it. If not, those Koreans will never end.

After all, this is in front of my house. For humanitarian considerations, after that Korean idiot cuts off his finger, you can just call an ambulance. This is the best of humanity! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, he didn't care about the life and death of the Korean man outside at all.

"Understood, Steven, leave the external affairs to us"

Kerr responded, ending the call.

As soon as his words fell, David who was standing next to Ye Tian continued to say:

"These Koreans are really crazy. They would use self-harm to protest. I don't know what they think."

"Why don't we call the Koreans Goryeo sticks? There's a reason for that. Those guys have a single muscle in their brains, as if sticking a stick, and they don't know how to turn at all."

Ye Tian said jokingly, his words were full of disdain.


There was a burst of laughter immediately at the scene, and everyone laughed.

At this time, outside the apartment building, there was complete chaos.

The middle-aged Korean man who tried to cut off his finger took out a pair of garden scissors used for pruning branches, and clamped his left little finger with the sharp blade of the scissors.

As long as he exerted force, he could cut off his left little finger, and the blood spattered on the spot.

Around this guy, other protesting Koreans pulled up a human wall to block the New York policemen who were trying to stop them, and protested hysterically loudly, all of them looked crazy.

But they are also considered more sensible, just kept verbal protests and verbal confrontations with those New York police officers, but they never took action, and did not give the police a reason to draw their guns and fire.

On the periphery of the New York police, there are many media reporters who are afraid of chaos in the world. One by one, they raise their cameras and video cameras above their heads, and film the situation in the center of the crowd.

None of them came forward to stop the self-harming behavior of the Korean idiot in the crowd, but they were excited and captured this rare news scene.

In the further periphery, Cole and the others watched the farce with cold eyes, and manipulated a small drone to shoot the scene condescendingly and keep it as video evidence.

"Get out of the way, I will warn you again, get out of the way immediately"

The New York police who were stopped outside warned the Koreans loudly, all of them were so angry that their noses were emitting smoke.

They're trying to run into the crowd and stop the bloodshed, and if that idiot in the crowd actually cuts off his finger, and in front of so many media reporters, it's going to be a problem.

However, although the Koreans standing in front of them were constantly retreating, they refused to let go, and kept arguing, trying to delay time.

Seeing that the line of defense formed by these Koreans was about to be breached, many New York policemen were about to rush into the crowd.

At this moment, a shrill scream suddenly resounded from the crowd, resounding through the entire street.


Accompanied by this scream, the Korean man in his forties in the crowd squeezed the gardening scissors hard.

The next moment, the front half of the little finger of his left hand was cut off, and a stream of blood spurted out immediately.

Finally saw the blood, the farce in front of the apartment building was directly pushed to the climax!

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