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Gunshots finally sounded, resounding through the entire street.

At this time, Ye Tian had just entered the house and put down his luggage. He was looking at the situation at home when he heard gunshots from outside the apartment building.

Facing the Koreans who became even crazier after seeing the blood, the New York police officers responsible for maintaining order at the scene finally couldn't take it anymore and fired a warning shot.

Immediately afterwards, these New York policemen began to arrest people, and their target was naturally those Korean sticks.

In a blink of an eye, the situation on the street became even more chaotic. Those Korean protesters threw away their banners and slogans and began to flee in all directions.

The New York policemen, whose noses were smoking with anger, chased after him like a dog chasing a rabbit.

As for those media reporters who are afraid of chaos in the world, they are like a carnival, holding up their cameras and shooting non-stop, all of them are extremely excited.

As for Cole and the others, they had all drawn out their weapons and stood guard in front of the apartment building and around the convoy, watching the farce that happened in front of them with cold eyes.

Ye Tian, ​​who heard the gunshot, turned his head to look out the window, then turned back to David and said:

"David, there are quite a few media reporters out there, go out and make a public statement, telling all the media that the Korean man's self-harm behavior has nothing to do with me, and no one should take the opportunity to throw dirty water on me.

Of course, we must publicly condemn this irresponsible and brutal act of self-mutilation. In addition, I must emphasize that I will never stop suing the Korean Consulate General in New York because of this! "

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to me"

David nodded in agreement, then turned and left the apartment to deal with outside matters.

Ye Tian started to tidy up his home. After all, he had been away for a while, and the house still needed to be cleaned up.

He first looked around, upstairs and downstairs, on the roof, as well as bedrooms and safes, etc. He carefully looked at every place to see if there were any signs of sneaking in or missing anything.

Of course, this is just his performance for Matisse and the others.

In fact,

Before he entered this apartment building, he had used his clairvoyant ability to see clearly and understand the specific situation at home.

With its own top-level security system and the 24-hour protection of armed security personnel, it is very difficult for anyone to invade this top-level mansion.

Everything at home is the same, nothing is lost, just like when we left years ago, just a little less popular.

Now that I have come back, this defect is gone.

After a quick look around the house, Ye Tian went back to the living room downstairs, picked up the suitcase, and prepared to take the suitcase upstairs.

At this moment, another ambulance siren sounded from outside the apartment building, and Cole's voice came from the earphone at the same time.

"Steven, the ambulance is here. We called it. Those Korean idiots who were protesting and demonstrating have been dispersed by the New York police, and many people have been arrested. Everyone who was caught was beaten up.

As you might expect, the Korean who self-harmed directly wrapped his fingers, and they were carrying a first-aid kit, obviously coming prepared, all of which were photographed by us with a drone.”

"Hahaha, the Koreans have obviously figured it out. This is New York, not South Korea. The New York police don't take their self-harm behavior seriously. They beat them when they need to, and shoot when they need to.

Post all the captured videos on the Internet to set the record straight. By the way, I also @Korean Consulate General in New York to see how they react. It must be very interesting.”

Ye Tian laughed and said, looking gloating.

Following his instructions, Cole quickly posted the relevant video materials on the Internet, which immediately attracted many people to watch.

When people saw this farce of self-harm, they couldn't help being stunned, and they were also amazed by the special structure of Korean brain circuits.

Amid all the turmoil, more than an hour has passed.

All the protesters were dispersed by the New York police, and only some persistent media reporters were left. The front of the apartment building finally became quiet.

However, the atmosphere here is still a little tense.

The police cars parked on the street and the New York police who are always on alert have invisibly increased the tension here.

At this time, Ye Tian had roughly cleaned up the house, washed up, washed away the dust of the journey, and was ready to devote himself to the next work.

Seeing that the outside of the apartment building was basically calm, Ye Tian pushed a suitcase to the living room, and said to David who was sitting in the living room:

"David, you can go home and reunite with your wife and children. This is a gift I gave them. I hope they like it. Say hello to them for me.

I have to deal with some company affairs in the past two days, as long as Anderson can help you, you don’t have to come over, just take a good rest for a few days and enjoy a good family life.”

With that said, Ye Tian opened the suitcase, took out a few gifts and handed them to David.

David reached out to accept the gift, nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Steven, I do miss my wife and children very much, I wish I could fly to them immediately and reunite with them to relieve my missing"

Next, Ye Tian pushed the suitcase at his side to Mathis, and said with a smile:

"Matisse, you can also go home and reunite with your family. All the security personnel who went with me to Beijing this time will have a two-day holiday. Let's take a good rest and enjoy the family happiness.

There are gifts for your family in this box, and everyone's name is written on the outer packaging of each gift. You will carry it down and share it with everyone later. I hope your family will like this gift.

In addition, everyone also has a reward, and when you come back to work after your vacation, you will receive this surprise! Let the security team led by Cole be responsible for the security work in the next few days."

"Okay Steven, thanks for the gift, our family will love it"

Mattis nodded, and then took the suitcase.

After chatting for a few more words, David and Matisse got up, said goodbye and left, and walked out of the luxurious apartment.

When they came downstairs, Matisse quickly distributed the gifts in the suitcase, and then they scattered and went home with the gifts Ye Tian gave their families.

Another group of security personnel led by Cole continued to guard the apartment downstairs.

Soon, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

After a short rest, Ye Tian walked out of the house in good spirits, ready to go to the company to deal with the backlog of affairs during this period.

When he came out of the apartment building, he quickly scanned the situation on the street.

At this time, the area in front of the apartment building has returned to its former tranquility. There are no more waves of protests and demonstrations, the sound of camera shutters one after another, and the angry shouts of New York police.

Of course, there were no deafening gunshots, people running in all directions, and terrified screams.

Those Goryeos who had gathered opposite the apartment building and protested hoarsely had long since been dispersed by the New York police, and there was no sign of them, leaving only a pile of rubbish in a mess.

On the side of the road opposite to the entrance of the apartment building, and a little farther on both sides, there were seven or eight New York police cars parked respectively, with their lights flashing non-stop, very dazzling.

Those New York police officers standing by the car or sitting in the car are still on high alert, watching the situation on the street and the situation in Central Park vigilantly.

On the periphery of the cordon drawn by the police, there were still some media reporters waiting there, with a bit of perseverance.

Seeing the door of the apartment building open, those media reporters immediately raised their cameras and started taking pictures of this side, but they couldn't come over, let alone interview Ye Tian.

The New York policemen standing guard on the street suddenly became more nervous, as if they were facing an enemy.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had a panoramic view of the situation on the street and the situation in the opposite Central Park.

Next, he nodded slightly at the New York police officers on the street and the media reporters who were still standing here to show his friendliness.

Afterwards, he whispered a few words to Cole and the others, then walked to his Paramount Predator, opened the door and boarded the car.

When he got into the car, Cole and the others also moved into action, boarding several other bulletproof SUVs one after another.


Accompanied by a roar of engines, this heavy convoy started suddenly and drove straight to Fifth Avenue not far ahead.

When this team appeared on the streets of Manhattan, it immediately attracted countless attentions and sparked discussions one after another.

"That bastard Steven is back. New York has only been quiet for a few days. Once that bastard comes back, New York is about to enter troubled times again!"

"Isn't it! According to the news on the Internet, one or two hours ago, this bastard had just arrived home, and before he even entered the door, a Korean self-mutilated himself in front of his apartment building to protest!

Let's see, when this guy arrives at his company, there will be more exciting shows. On the side of the Rockefeller Center Plaza, there are more Koreans protesting and demonstrating, and that side is closer to downtown! "

Amidst the discussions, Ye Tian's convoy was already speeding through the streets, getting closer and closer to the Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan.

When the convoy was about one or two hundred meters away from the Rockefeller Center, Ye Tian could see from a distance that the front of the Rockefeller Center Plaza was full of policemen, each of them fully armed and ready to fight!

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